:Kingsoft Document Education Edition Quick Start: One-stop multi-terminal collaboration guide-WPS skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Kingsoft Document Education Edition Quick Start: One-stop multi-terminal collaboration guide

  • Graphic and text skills

Kingsoft Document Education Edition is now adapted to all platforms. Using cloud document technology, teachers and students can achieve synchronous collaboration on documents on tablets, mobile phones, computers and other devices. Achieve efficient work anytime and anywhere.


First, we can log in to Kingsoft Documents on the web page, use team documents through the browser, and edit them online.


In addition, you can also log in to your account through the Kingsoft Document APP or mini program, and select the document in the menu bar below to use it.


In the pop-up team list, select the corresponding team to quickly access and manage files under the team document.


When editing or modifying documents on the mobile terminal, all web pages and desktop terminals will be updated simultaneously in real time, ensuring that every team member can obtain the latest document information.


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