Founder Xianren Simplified Chinese:A street beggar practiced chalk calligraphy for 10 years, and Founder Font Library came to buy from him, which changed his life.-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

A street beggar practiced chalk calligraphy for 10 years, and Founder Font Library came to buy from him, which changed his life.

"It doesn't take a day to freeze three feet, and it doesn't take a day to penetrate a stone by dripping water." In today's society, if you can practice a hobby to the extreme, it will naturally attract fans to support you. , thereby changing life's encounters.

There is such a "street beggar" who will use great perseverance"Chalk"Wrote about flowers, thereby changing his original poverty-stricken living situation.

1. Disaster

This person’s name is Cui Xianren, a native of Huiqi Manchu Town, Wangkui County, Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province. His life was originally dull and fulfilling, but when he was 31 years old, something unexpected happened, and his life suddenly fell into darkness.

One ​​day in October 1993, Cui Xianren planned to drive a tricycle to the town to buy things. , before leaving, he found that the tricycle was out of gas, so he proposed a large barrel of diesel to pour into the tank. As a result, the diesel oil had frozen into a ball due to the cold weather.

Cui Xianren, who was in a hurry to go out for errands, did not think much and put the diesel barrel on the fire to heat it Thaw. Unexpectedly, as soon as the oil barrel came into contact with the flames, it exploded violently, and Cui Xianren was blown away by the air wave. 3 meters away.

His face and hands were severely burned by the flames, and he was hospitalized For three months, although Cui Xianren was lucky enough to save his life, he was already "Unrecognizable".

The change in appearance is not bad, after all, the big men in the countryside do not rely on face. Make money. The key is that Cui Xianren’s hands were burned and deformed, with only the index and ring fingers left on his left and right hands. Light activity.

In this situation, let alone working to make money, it is very difficult to even dress and eat. , and for a while, this rural family fell into trouble.

2. 10 years of hard training

Cui Xianren's wife suffers from lumbar disc herniation and cannot do heavy work. Previously, the pressure of supporting the family has always been on Cui Xianren's shoulders. Now that her husband has fallen, her wife has no complaints and continues to take care of Cui Xianren.

Cui Xianren said that although he only attended elementary school for three years, his childhood The composition and calligraphy are very brilliant and are often circulated to the whole class. In order to reduce the pressure on his wife, Cui Xianren came up with the idea of ​​practicing calligraphy and performing begging.

Because his hands are incomplete and cannot hold a pen, he can only practice calligraphy with chalk. Cui Xianren smeared a piece of plywood with black ink to make a small self-made blackboard. When it was full, he wiped it clean with a rag and continued writing.

Cui Xianren has a strong personality, so in order to go out as a performer earlier, He practices for more than ten hours a day. Because he said:"I want to make money based on my own ability, and I must not fool others."

This kind of life,Cui Xianren persisted for 10 years. In 2004, when he felt that his calligraphy had achieved some success, he officially embarked on a life of wandering around and performing arts to make money.

3. Life turning point

A bucket of chalk, a long piece of black floor leather, a luggage trolley and a paper tube containing money, these are all Cui Xianren's possessions on his wandering road.

Whenever he goes to a crowded street, Cui Xianren spreads out the floor leather and paints it with colorful The chalk was written on it vigorously. Cui Xianren's combination of chalk calligraphy and painting often uses various patterns to enrich the meaning of Chinese characters, which looks pleasing to the eye and has a unique flavor.

The audience who was impressed by Cui Xianren’s talent will donate just one yuan, Cui Xianren will Look up and say "thank you" with gratitude.

Using his calligraphy, although Cui Xianren cannot support his family, he does have an income , shouldering the responsibilities of the family with his disabled body.

Until 2011, Cui Xianren’s calligraphy was photographed by an audience and posted online. There was a heated discussion among them. On October 11 of that year, after the staff of Founder Font Library saw Cui Xianren’s calligraphy, they officially expressed their admiration:This amazing man's calligraphy is beautiful, elegant and graceful. We sincerely hope to cooperate with him!

With the help of netizens, the staff of Founder Font learned the whereabouts of Cui Xianren , specially went to his door to buy his fonts.

Impressed by the sincerity of the other party, Cui Xianren officially signed a contract with Founder Font on October 15th. After signing the contract, his calligraphy was included in the Founder font library for development and was named "Founder Display Ren Simplified Chinese" and enjoy all the profits for the next 50 years. Founder also paid 50,000 yuan in advance to improve Cui Xianren's living conditions.

In 2013, the developed "Fangzheng Xianren Simplified Chinese" was officially unveiled. Founder Work The personnel also handed over the proceeds of 15,000 yuan from the advance sale to Cui Xianren on the spot.

After the publicity of this incident, Cui Xianren became a famous local calligrapher , and will continue to receive creative income in the next 50 years, and it is estimated that the commercial value will be at least tens of millions.

4. Conclusion

From being burned to becoming famous in one fell swoop, Cui Xianren worked silently for 20 years. Many people saw his brilliant performance, but ignored the 20 years of silent endurance.

Cui Xianren’s deeds are the epitome of countless Chinese people who do not succumb to fate,

Even if fate chokes you, you must sing the hymn of life with a hoarse voice.

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