Payroll:Teacher salary slips have become popular. Many teachers posted their salary slips, causing netizens to discuss: Can’t calm down!-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Teacher salary slips have become popular. Many teachers posted their salary slips, causing netizens to discuss: Can’t calm down!

Teachers should enjoy higher remuneration, and high remuneration can also attract more outstanding talents to engage in the teaching profession.

Education is the foundation of this century-old plan, and shouldn’t the difficulty of educational development be teacher-centered?

Teachers, the most important thing is that they have many holidays. No profession can enjoy the same winter and summer vacation as students, but teachers can, This is a unique advantage of teachers. It is precisely because of this advantage that many girls prefer the teaching profession.

At the same time, with the continuous development of education, the opportunities for people to contact and communicate with teachers are also increasing, and we also know more and more about teachers’ income status.

Coupled with the negative influence of a few teachers among the teaching staff,The entire teacher community is often shrouded in negative influences, leading to external prejudice against teachers.

Therefore, in today's society, no matter what the matter is, anything related to teachers may cause a lot of controversy, and teachers' salary happens to be one of them.

Teacher payroll is on fire

Just recently, Teacher salary slips suddenly became popular. The reason is that many teachers posted their salary slips, which caused netizens to Lively discussion.

In most people's minds, teachers' incomes are very high, and many people think that teachers' jobs are still very easy to make money.

But in real life, teachers' income may not be as high as people think.

Due to the regional economy There is indeed a big gap in income between teachers due to differences in levels, as well as differences in teacher titles and levels.

But it needs to be clear that teachers’ jobs are not just about high pay.

Teachers also shoulder the responsibility and mission of cultivating the next generation and have made huge contributions to the growth and development of students.

Recently, a teacher's salary slip circulated on the Internet became popular. After carefully reading the numbers on the salary slip, many people started a heated discussion.

Shanghai high school teacher’s income

The income of Shanghai high school teachers is exposed.

Shanghai is a city with developed economy and convenient transportation. Therefore, the income of teachers is relatively high, exceeding that of many other regions.

According to payroll It shows that the basic salary of a Shanghai high school teacher is 5,993 yuan.

In addition, there are income items such as job allowances, various subsidies, provident funds, performance wages, and occupational annuities.

Taken together, the monthly income reached 16,856 yuan. However, needs to deduct five insurances and one housing fund, and the actual amount obtained The income is 11,714.86 yuan.

In Shanghai, a high-consumption city, this income may not be particularly high, but in many other cities it is a very considerable income, especially in some central and western cities.

Therefore, in their eyes, this income already seems a bit "out of reach".

Income of kindergarten teachers in fourth-tier cities in Hebei

In comparison, the income of kindergarten teachers seems much shabby, especially in some central and western cities and underdeveloped cities.

Generally speaking , the monthly income of kindergarten teachers will not exceed 3,000 yuan, and generally remains around 1,000-2,000 yuan.

Even in developed cities, the income of kindergarten teachers is not particularly high. However, kindergarten teachers have to face hard and arduous work, which requires a lot of energy and thought.

In a fourth-tier city in Hebei, the salary slip of a kindergarten teacher shows that the post allowance is 100 yuan and the transportation allowance is 150 yuan, which adds up to a total of 2,632 yuan. After deducting insurance, the actual income was 2,112 yuan.

It is indeed difficult to live on this income, even in the fourth-tier cities in Hebei Province.

If this income , if you still need to rent a house by yourself, you can imagine that you will definitely become a moonlighter, and it is even possible that your assets will become negative.

This may be difficult for many people to imagine.

Income of high school teachers in third-tier cities in Henan

For a third-tier city in Henan, the income of high school teachers The income will generally be more.

Basic position salary Not much, only 590 yuan, but combined with other allowances and subsidies, the total income is 5078 yuan

In addition, including provident fund and bonuses, the total annual income is about 70,000 yuan.

Faced with such teachers' income, some netizens expressed disbelief.

From the outside world, it is absolutely impossible for teachers to earn so little. However, some netizens said that This income is not low , even higher than many teachers in the same industry.

Some netizens said that in their more than 20 years of teaching experience, their salary has not yet reached the level of 5,000 yuan.

Netizens also have different views: the actual salary in the payroll does not represent the entire income of teachers.

Many people Curious about the high income of teachers, but also wondering why there is such a large income gap between teachers.

There are many reasons for the large income gap among teachers

In fact, it is very common for teachers to have large income gaps. The main reason is that the economic levels of regions are different. The economic gap between developed regions and backward regions is too large.

For example, the income of teachers in Shanghai and teachers in Guizhou is definitely not at the same level.

In addition, differences in teachers’ teaching years, professional titles and levels will affect income.

For example, a high school teacher with 30 years of teaching experience and a high professional title and a primary school teacher with only 2 years of teaching experience and no professional title will definitely have a big gap in their income.

These teachers are not at the same income level, so direct comparisons cannot be made.

Therefore, explain The reason for the teacher income gap is not simple and needs to consider the comprehensive impact of multiple factors.

Another factor is that the incomes of urban teachers, township teachers and rural teachers are also different, so it cannot be generally said that teachers have high incomes. Such a statement is inaccurate.

Most people believe that teachers’ salaries are higher, on the one hand, because the state has raised the overall income standard for teachers to be equivalent to that of civil servants;

On the other hand, the income of individual teachers has increased due to private paid tutoring, which has also led to a bad image of some teachers.

But not This is true for all teachers, and one cannot be biased against the entire profession just because of one individual. The bad thing is the person, not the profession!

Should teachers be paid high wages?

We often say that education is the foundation of a century-old plan, and the difficulty of educational development should not be teacher-centered?

The future prosperity of the country lies in the flowers of the motherland, and for the teachers who cultivate them, shouldn’t their salaries be increased so that they can concentrate on education?

In fact, since 2020, the Office of the Education Steering Committee of the State Council has opened a platform called"The average salary and income level of compulsory education teachers is not lower than the average salary and income level of local civil servants. Reporting platform."

The platform aims to solve the problem of teachers’ salaries being owed or lower than those of local civil servants.

Anyone can make a real-name report on the platform, and the reported content will be sorted out and a specialist will be assigned to supervise it. Once verified, typical problems will be publicly exposed.

In order to protect teachers' rights and interests, various localities have also established long-term mechanisms to protect teachers' salary funds, and link teachers' salaries with the adjustment of local civil servants' benefits.

In addition, they also launched three supervision mechanisms: "daily supervision", "cross supervision" and "half-monthly notification supervision" to ensure the true implementation of the goals by transmitting pressure at all levels.

These measures are unacceptable Denial has given teachers great encouragement, given frontline teachers hope and guaranteed their income. The Ministry of Education's approach has essentially given teachers a shot in the arm.

In the future, these two types of teachers will give priority to salary increases

According to various policy trends, rising teacher wages is a major trend in the future, and the teaching profession is becoming more and more attractive, becoming a profession that becomes more promising with age. It can be said that the iron rice bowl is transforming into a golden rice bowl.

In addition, there will be opportunities for priority salary increases in the future, especially for the following two types of teachers:

1. Class teacher :

In the past, the allowance standard for head teachers did not match the workload. Monthly allowances of tens of yuan failed to stimulate teachers' enthusiasm, leading to a "head teacher shortage" in many schools.

However, in the past two years, many provinces and cities have clearly issued documents requiring a substantial increase in the allowance standards for head teachers. For example, Shandong Province stipulates that the allowance standard for primary and secondary school head teachers shall not be less than 400 yuan per month, and requires local governments to further increase the standard based on actual conditions.

In addition, teachers who have been head teachers for a long time will also receive a certain bias in the professional title review, and the performance of outstanding head teachers or excellent classes will be used as one of the evaluation factors.

2. Countryside Teacher:

Rural teachers are an admirable group of people who work in remote rural areas and face difficult conditions and limited resources.

Out of the importance it attaches to rural teachers, the state has made it clear that it will increase its honorary recognition and material rewards for them.

In addition to daily salary payments, rural teachers also enjoy township work subsidies and rural living subsidies, which together can range from several hundred to two thousand yuan per month.

In addition, the state has also allocated 25 billion yuan to implement the living subsidy policy for rural teachers, and supported schools in remote areas to build 600,000 rural teacher turnover dormitories. Currently, more than 800,000 teachers have moved in, solving the worries of rural teachers.

【Write in Finally]

Teachers are a special group who shoulder the future of the country and the hope of the nation.

Therefore, teachers They should enjoy higher remuneration, and high remuneration can also attract more outstanding talents to engage in the teaching profession.

Only when most teachers feel happiness in their careers and salaries will teachers be content with education, and our education will have a brighter future.

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