Chinese Chinese Song font:Which font is more beautiful for a resume? How to match the font size between the title and each small dot?-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Which font is more beautiful for a resume? How to match the font size between the title and each small dot?

1. What font is more beautiful for a resume?

It is recommended that a resume should have no more than 2 fonts, preferably Use only one font for the entire article. Too many fonts will make the resume look cluttered.

(1) For Chinese fonts, it is recommended宋体(Siyuan Song Dynasty, Chinese Song Dynasty), Heilongjiang(Chinese Black, Microsoft YaHei, Founder Black), Kaitai(Chinese KaiTi), etc., these font designs are all good, and most of the fonts come with Windows or Apple systems.

(2) English fonts recommended are Times New Roman and Palatino Linotype. Line fonts, and two sans-serif fonts, Arial and Helvetica (serif fonts are more natural in terms of decoration at the beginning and end of the font and changes in stroke thickness; sans-serif fonts are more serious and regular).

2. How to match the font size between the title and each small dot?

Regarding font size, we divide it into several parts, starting from The instructions are listed from the largest font size to the smallest font size.

Previous oneHigh Score Resume TemplateLet’s give a demonstration:

Source: Apprentice Resume Official Website

(1) Name:

is placed at the top of the resume, and the font size should be the largest in the resume. Generally AdoptNo. 22 (No. 2).

(2) Module title:

Module title, such as education background, internship work experience, project experience, personal profile wait. Generally required1 to 2 font sizes larger than the main text, the minimum font size cannot be smaller than size 12, any smaller it will look very difficult.

For English resumes, it is recommended that all letters of the module title be capitalized, such as EDUCATION , PROJECTS, etc.

(3) Experience title within the module:< /strong>

School name, project name, organization name, company name, etc. are relatively important. It is recommended that Bold. Just keep the font size consistent with the main text.

When creating an English resume, it is recommended to use italics for positions and departments, so that it can be combined with The main text and main title are distinguished, and the overall appearance is simple and beautiful. An example is as follows.

(4) Text content:

Based on our research and attempts,The font size of the resume text is preferably 12 to 14 points, if it is too large, it will look clumsy and the content will appear thin. If it is too small, it will be difficult for readers to read.

In the text, it is recommended to use bullet points to classify experience, focus on work and Achievements achieved are listed item by item.

It is not recommended to use underline, because using underline multiple times in different positions will make the entire page It seems very confusing. If there are keywords that need to be highlighted in the text, it is recommended to display them in bold, but it is not recommended to use them too much. Just highlight the core content.

In addition to font size, there are some details that need to be paid attention to in the resume. :

1. One-page rule

A good resume is usually one page. There will definitely be job seekers who will say: "I have too many experiences, and as the subsequent experience continues to increase, I can't fit it on not just one page, but three or four pages."

However, in so many experiences,How many are related to the position? How many of them can express your core competitiveness? Are there many experiences with similar attributes?

Thinking from an HR perspective, a three or four page resume means It takes three or four times longer to read, and it becomes more difficult to sift through key information.

So, at this time we need to do subtraction, delete irrelevant experiences, and only keep the recent experience that is most relevant to your job search goals and display it on one page.

LikeApprentice resumeprovided "Auto one page" function, with just one click, you can automatically adjust the font size, line spacing, word spacing, and page margins, eliminating the need for tedious typesetting adjustment time. Efficient and convenient.

Automatic one-page function - source official resume website

2. Experience flashback

The resume can be divided into multiple modules, and the experience in each module should be in chronological orderArrange in reverse order.

As the saying goes, "people go to higher places", with the passage of time and experience As the number of jobs increases, the roles people hold in their jobs, the scale of projects they work on, and the weight of awards they receive will continue to change.The closer the experience is to the current point in time, the more it can reflect the current situation .

So in each module, we must first filter out those related to this position experience, and then arrange them in reverse order.

Some resume tools have an automatic flashback function, even if the order of previous experience is chaotic , you can realize automatic flashback with one click.

Not only that, but also between modules and within modules on the web page Overall adjustments to the sequence.

Resume flashback function-source official resume website

If you are not sure about the quality of your resume after writing it, you can use Apprentice AI Intelligent Evaluation, quantify the quality of your resume, pinpoint deficiencies and provide modification suggestions to further improve your resume.

AI Intelligent Assessment-Source Apprentice Resume Official Website

After doing this, I believe it will be at least 50 points better than your previous resume.

Finally, I wish everyone can successfully find their dream job!

Apprentice Tips:

This is an apprenticeship resume, welcome Send me a private message in the background for more professional questions about job hunting and resumes.

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