ppt picture transparency:Urgent! How to quickly make a high-end, atmospheric PPT cover? It can be done in 3 minutes using text-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Urgent! How to quickly make a high-end, atmospheric PPT cover? It can be done in 3 minutes using text

Today I want to confess something. In fact, I am a PPT cover party!

If you see a PPT cover that is just so-so, Sorry, I might see it Half of them will doze off;

If the cover of a PPT is tall and has a sense of design, next I will listen carefully with a happy mood.

In my opinion, The cover is the first impression that PPT leaves on readers, will affect readers’ initial judgment of the content. ,

So it is really important to make a good PPT cover!

But when we do PPT in the workplace, our time is limited. I spend a lot of time tinkering with the content page, and once I’m done, I don’t have much time to make the cover page, and it’s usually done hastily.

Knocking on the blackboard, we can't do this! A good PPT cover allows us to get twice the result with half the effort!

Today I will share with you what to do when you have limited materials and limited time. Create an awesome PPT cover!

Continue reading!

Text cover

When time is tight and tasks are heavy, there is no time to find materials for the cover, only text content? You can try these four methods!

⭐Background fill

Quick first aid, effective in one minute!

Method: Fill the background with dark color, add the main and subtitles, align the layout, and solve the problem question.

If you think the one just now is too simple and crude, you can also add some tricks and fill in the text When setting, set it to a gradient color, which will look a little different.

⭐Replace special fonts

In addition to the color of the text, the font style can be adjusted. Under normal circumstances, we all prefer fonts such as Microsoft Yahei, but if you boldly use some special fonts, the effect will be better.

For example, on this page of PPT, put Special fontAs a background, it is very eye-catching and impressive!

▲ Font: Demonstration Boy X Siyuan Songti

There is also this PPT page from the Xiaomi Pinecone chip launch conference, although it is not purely Text PPT page, but everyone mainly feels the effect of special fonts.

The font of "My heart is surging" is very atmospheric, I will see it when I see it I feel like my heart is full of energy and excitement!

▲Xiaomi Pinecone Chip Press Conference PPT

PPT with special fonts really adds a lot of points!

So, we have prepared a wave of font collection benefits for everyone!

In this official account【Autumn leaves PPT】Chat box reply keywords【Font], you can receive a large number of free commercial font material packages

⭐Add icons for decoration

In addition to working on the text, you can also add some icons to the PPT to adjust it.

Office 365 has its own icon library, making it very convenient and fast to find materials!

Small icons are generally used to embellish PPT content pages. When illustrating the cover page, you must zoom in and zoom in!

The enlarged icon is used as the main content, and combined with the title text, the cover page becomes more refined. !

⭐Use geometric shapes

In addition to icons, the second part of the PPT material also has shapes that can be combined. play!

For example, in this case, a crown-like figure is pieced together with rectangles and triangles. Special fonts are also superimposed to make the cover page look very designed.

If you want to create more shapes, you can take full advantage of merging shapes and vertex editing After inserting a shape into PPT, you can operate it by finding [Shape Format] - [Edit Shape]/[Merge Shapes].

Picture cover

If you happen to have some picture resources on hand, you can make a richer, There is a "sense of picture" on the cover.

Next, I will share with you three ways of processing pictures. What will happen in the future? I am no longer afraid of such pictures.

⭐Leave blank and add text

There are some pictures, there is only one main content in the picture, and there are a lot of leftovers. white area.

This kind of picture with a blank area, the national unified treatment posture: blank space Add text directly.

One ​​thing to note is:Text content should be aligned and typeset!

This kind of picture has obvious characteristics and is very easy to identify. There is no threshold for production and no basis. You can also get started quickly!

Compared with pictures with white space, some pictures are very full. The colors are rich. At this time, we need noise reduction processing. Here we can call on two familiar old friends to help us, masks and color block shapes.

⭐Use masks

A mask refers to a shape with a certain degree of transparency, which is usually used with pictures.

The mask is very flexible, with no restrictions on color, shape, size, and transparency. , which can be adjusted according to the actual usage scenario.

Next let’s look at a few cases with masks:

There are street scenes, buildings, and many elements in the picture. If you insert the theme text directly , it is difficult to stand out, and adding a mask immediately increases the recognition of the text;

In this case, the character occupies the main body of the picture, and a mask must be used to free up the text In the placement space, the mask can be of various shapes in addition to circles and squares. Here, a trapezoidal mask is added below the picture:

A gradient mask is used here. The edge of the mask is highly transparent and seamless with the picture. The connection, adding text content in the middle of the picture, seems to be the text read by the protagonist, which is very suitable for the usage scene of the picture.

The above cases are all pictures with very full images. After adding masks, It does not affect the integrity of the picture and ensures space for adding text.

⭐Color block shape

In addition to masks, color block shapes are also a great tool for image noise reduction.

For example, in this picture, the picture is very full, and there is text content in the middle. If you use Mask cannot cover the original text of the picture.

At this time, insert a circular shape into the picture and fill it with a white color block. It can be solved perfectly.

In addition to adding color blocks to the picture, you can also crop the picture appropriately and add text above and below the picture. Add shape color blocks to some parts, such as:

There is also this~~

In addition to regular shapes, you can also use shape merging operations or vertex editing functions , add some irregularly shaped color blocks.

For example:

Or something like this~~

There is also an amazing technique. In addition to filling colors, shapes can also be filled with images. !

First insert the shapes, arrange the positions and combine them, then fill in the pictures, and the PPT cover is instantly Have you become more advanced?

The color block shape is a very simple PPT material, but there are many ways to play it, you can Follow the operations introduced above and practice more!

Case Walkthrough: Cover Transformation

I talked about a lot of skills, but only by talking without practicing the tricks can you become proficient after practicing them. master!

Let’s take a look at this case:

You can practice using the techniques we just learned to quickly make your PPT cover larger Makeover!

❶ Text cover transformation

Try a super-fast transformation method: dark fill, aligned title text. Perfect! Fast and good!

❷ Picture cover transformation

First look at the picture, it comes with a blank area, combined with the characteristics of the picture, You can add text directly in the blank space. No difficulty!

The modified cover is more than a little prettier than the original picture! Has everyone learned it?

Finally, let’s review the cover processing techniques:

Text cover: You can use a dark background, change special fonts, add icons or Adjust the cover using geometric shapes;

Picture type cover: The picture comes with a blank space and text can be added directly. The picture is too full. , processed with masks and color block shapes.

Everyone, hurry up and practice. You will use it for tomorrow’s PPT cover!

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/ji-ru-he-kuai-su-zuo-chu-gao-duan-da-qi-de-PPT-feng-mian-yong-wen-zi-3-fen-zhong-gao-ding.html

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