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Gray wallpaper ins advanced texture vertical screen series

#headlines Creation Challenge#

Today I share a gray wallpaper. In fact, the basic elements of gray are black, white and gray, which look more advanced.

Black plus white equals gray. She loves the arithmetic of colors, which is why she can't play the piano well.

The more black and white things in the world are, the more things will go wrong.

—— Lin Yihan "Fang Siqi's First Love Paradise"

ins gray simple wallpaper

The choice about love is not either white or black.

What everyone struggles with is often the gray area of ​​the gray space.

—— Yaya "Youth is a One-way Ticket"

"There is no dark hero, only self-knowledge in the gray area."

When I wake up in the morning, everything around me is gray.

The air is gray, the sun is gray,

Cities are gray, people are gray, and ideas are gray.

—— Sergei Lukyanenko "The Night Watch"

Gray vertical screen mobile phone wallpaper

Someone calls white gray, you need to debate with him;

If someone calls white black, you don’t need to pay attention to him.

The former may be color blind, while the latter is undoubtedly a hooligan.

—— Haruki Murakami's "Incredibly Mixed Moods"


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