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Embrace dreams, be down-to-earth, and let youth blossom in fiery practice - the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has aroused strong repercussions among young teachers and students in colleges and universities

China Youth Network, Beijing, October 17 (Reporters Wang Longlong and Jiang Ning) On October 16, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping delivered a report to the congress on behalf of the 19th Central Committee.

“In the report, the General Secretary led us to look back at the ten years of struggle in the new era, which is exciting.” “The General Secretary’s message to young people in the report reflects the great importance that the Party Central Committee attaches to youth work.” “The report provides a solid foundation for youth scientific research work. "The author further pointed out the direction." Young teachers and students from all over the country watched the live broadcast of the conference for the first time and carefully studied the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. They expressed that they would keep their feet on the ground, move forward steadily, and walk well with an unswerving mental state and an indomitable attitude of struggle. The Long March of the new era allows youth to blossom in the fervent practice of comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

Young members of the Nanchang Institute of Technology watched the live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Photo courtesy of Nanchang Institute of Technology

Learn about great achievements from the report

"Great achievements are inspiring, and the grand blueprint is inspiring. In his report, the General Secretary led us to review the ten years of struggle in the new era. The young people of our generation are fortunate to witness history in person, participate in writing history, and use practical actions to ensure service in The song of youth is played in the development of the country." Gao Yang, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Central University of Finance and Economics, told reporters that the school has been actively exploring the training model of young Marxists in finance and economics universities, implementing the "Excellence Training Plan", and innovating the digital youth league system to serve young people. "Next, we will conscientiously study the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and more effectively lead young people to shoulder their missions in the great practice of the new era, work together with the Party, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."

"I feel deeply inspired after studying the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China." Xu Xuewen, deputy director of the Political Theory Teaching and Research Section of the Department of Military and Political Basics, Shijiazhuang Campus, Army University of Engineering, said that since he has been teaching for 12 years, he has trained more than 300 key students in theoretical study and propaganda. The young trainees unswervingly listen to and follow the Party, and are full of enthusiasm in the journey to realize the dream of a strong country and a strong military. "The General Secretary pointed out in the report that the whole party should regard youth work as a strategic task. I am willing to become a spark and continue to arm young people with the party's scientific theories, inspire young people with the party's original mission, and be a friend of young people. A close friend, an enthusiastic person in youth work, and a guide for young students.”

After watching the live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with students, Yipeng, a young teacher at the Party Building Department of the Central Party School (National School of Administration), told reporters that he was very excited by the "three musts" put forward by the General Secretary in the report. "This is not only the continuous inheritance of history, but also a new call for all Chinese Communists in light of the current changes in world conditions, national conditions and party conditions. What I am engaged in is the education and training of party cadres. I must not only not forget the original intention and mission, but also We will do a solid job of investigation and research around the main subjects, and work harder to do this sacred work that is related to the party's cause and its successors."

“The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China gave me a new understanding of the development achievements of the motherland and new ideas for telling Chinese stories.” Lu Meng, a master’s student in journalism and communication at Jilin University, told reporters, “As a As a graduate student, I must be determined to serve the country, work diligently and steadily in scientific research, take root in the fertile soil of scientific research, delve deeply into the professional field, and write my thesis on the land of the motherland. As a student majoring in journalism and communication, I must strive to improve my professional quality in journalism , practice the 'Four Powers' and tell Chinese stories well. As a young man of the new era, I want to improve my overall quality and strive to achieve the best results of the young people of the new era on the track of youth."

"By studying the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have once again appreciated the development history and great achievements of the party and the country." Zhang Yunfeng, a student majoring in Chinese language and literature at Anhui Normal University (non-normal), told reporters that various new fields have opened up youth development The stage space, such as Challenge Cup, Youth Creation and a series of other activities, provide help for young people to realize their dreams. "In the future, we should continue to uphold our original aspirations, integrate into the party's great cause, devote ourselves to the construction of the socialist cause, contribute more strength, and realize more dreams."

After studying the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Sun Zhishuai, a student majoring in engineering management at Henan University of Technology, has a deeper understanding of the great achievements. "As young people in the new era, we must have a profound understanding and feel the great spiritual power from great achievements." Sun Zhishuai told reporters that as a civil engineering student, on the basis of learning professional knowledge, he was also exposed to new media-related work, as well as Various innovation competitions and activities such as the "Internet +" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and Challenge Cup allow professional expertise to be displayed. "Strong young people will make the country strong. We are born at the right time and have a stage. We should dare to act and take responsibilities, forge strong skills and open up a brighter future."

Teachers and students of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine watched the live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Photo courtesy of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Understand the spirit of struggle from the report

On the opening day of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Wang Dan, a professor at the School of Chemical Engineering of Beijing University of Chemical Technology and a young scholar of the Ministry of Education’s “Changjiang Scholars Award Program”, stayed in front of the computer to watch the live broadcast. "Over the years, I have deeply realized the high hopes that the party and the country have placed on the cause of education, science and technology, especially the huge support given to the development of young talents. As a college teacher and a party member, I know that I have the responsibility to build moral standards. With the mission of serving the country through people and science and technology, I will hold myself to higher standards, cultivate more talents for the motherland, apply scientific research results in the great cause of realizing socialist modernization, and maintain an unswerving mental state and an indomitable attitude of struggle. , walk the Long March that belongs to our generation."

"This event is a major meeting held at a critical moment in the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country." Xu Guodong, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Northwest University for Nationalities, said that the school will next organize young people of all ethnic groups to study and implement the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The report implements the fundamental task of cultivating people with moral integrity, closely adheres to the main line of the work of building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, focuses on the center and serves the overall situation, unites and leads young members of all ethnic groups to unswervingly listen to the Party's words and follow the Party, and are determined to be idealistic and courageous. Good young people in the new era who are responsible, able to endure hardships, and willing to work hard will let their youth bloom in the hot practice of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

"Youth are the most energetic, creative and vital group. The General Secretary once again placed deep expectations on young people in his report." Tang Liqiong, a young teacher at Nanning Institute of Technology, told reporters that in such a vibrant era, engaging in scientific research work Young teachers should study hard, constantly improve their professional quality, keep up with the times, and lead the industry. We should pay attention to teaching reform and scientific research to adapt to the changes of the times. We should pay attention to teaching innovation, make full use of new knowledge, new teaching methods, and new teaching models, and be determined to innovate and strive continuously.

"The General Secretary's message to young people in his report made me feel very emotional and extremely excited." Zhang Chengmeng, a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Population Research at Peking University, said that he is currently engaged in research on "demographic transition and carbon emissions" and has made some innovative progress. , it will be clearer on how to promote the participation of all people in low-carbon behaviors. “The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized accelerating the green transformation of development methods and developing green and low-carbon industries. I increasingly feel that my research is at the right time. In my future study and life, I will continue to work hard and maintain the status of scientific research. He has the mind to benefit the country, the economy and the people, and contribute to our country moving towards a new stage of development."

“After studying the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I was deeply touched and excited.” Zhang Gaoyuan, a doctoral candidate at the School of Energy, Power and Mechanical Engineering at North China Electric Power University, said that as a young party member in the new era and a person who is committed to energy and power PhD students in scientific research deeply feel that they are born at the right time. Under the guidance of the new development concept, the goal of carbon peak carbon neutrality and the construction of a new energy system, they will unswervingly listen to and follow the party and carry out practical work in a down-to-earth manner. Scientific research work, proactively serving the "double carbon" goal, integrating personal youth struggle into the modernization cause of the party and the country, fulfilling the mission of youth, and living up to high expectations.

After studying the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Wu Xueying, a student majoring in chemical engineering and technology at China University of Petroleum (East China), deeply felt the great responsibility and the importance of struggle. "As young students, we must hone our skills, unite knowledge with action, and strive hard. We must seize every experimental opportunity, explore every possibility of improving material performance, and firmly hold the motherland's 'energy rice bowl' in our hands. At the same time, we must arm ourselves with the Party’s scientific theories, unswervingly listen to and follow the Party, and continue to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”

Teachers and students of Guilin University of Technology watched the live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Photo courtesy of Guilin University of Technology

Understand the responsibility of youth from the report

"In his report, the General Secretary sent a message to the young people to embrace their dreams and be down-to-earth. This puts forward new expectations and requirements for the younger generation." Geng Jie, a lecturer at the School of Marxism at Shandong University (Weihai), said that as teachers of ideological and political courses for young people in colleges and universities, we and young students are all dream chasers and dream realizers for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. On the one hand, as young people, we must take the belief of "listening to the Party and following the Party" as a conscious pursuit and be a firm believer, active disseminator and model practitioner of the core socialist values; on the other hand, we must do a good job in "theoretical "Fighters", improve their teaching and scientific research levels, and contribute to cultivating socialist builders and successors with both ability and political integrity and all-round development.

“The General Secretary pointed out in his report that we should arm the youth with the Party’s scientific theories and inspire the youth with the Party’s original mission, which has put forward new requirements for the work of the Communist Youth League.” Gao Guihe, secretary of the Youth League Committee of Anhui University, said that as a college league cadre, we must both be serious and In contrast to the "Four Good Teachers" standards of "having ideals and beliefs, moral sentiments, solid knowledge, and benevolent heart", we must also strive to practice the "Four Good Teachers" of "loyalty to the party, mass line, responsibility and hard work, integrity and self-discipline" a key” requirement. The Youth League Committee of Anhui University relies on the "Qing Si Xiang" communication platform to encourage teachers to help young students shape their values, guide young students to express their thoughts, and build a platform for teachers and students to dialogue and exchange ideas, effectively enhancing the effectiveness of educating young students.

“The general secretary’s message to young people again in his report reflects the great importance attached by the Party Central Committee to youth work.” Yuan Jie, deputy director of the Propaganda Department and United Front Department of the Party Committee of Dalian University for Nationalities, said that he should understand and implement the general secretary’s ardent hopes. and important instructions, we can only continue to struggle. "The Party's youth work is related to the continuation and future of the Party and the country's cause. As national educators, we must always bear in mind the instructions, be upright and innovative, care about the youth, and be more committed to the youth. We should educate and guide the young people to unswervingly follow the Party and create a better future. Keep the awareness of the community of the Chinese nation firmly in mind, keep our feet on the ground, make steady progress, forge ahead on a new journey, and write new answers."

After studying the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Song Zhihao, a doctoral candidate majoring in Marxist theory at Tsinghua University, was deeply touched. He told reporters: "As a doctoral student and young party member studying the Sinicization of Marxism, I should learn and practice Marxism well, focus on the theoretical and practical issues that urgently need to be answered in contemporary China, and interpret the Sinicization of the times. We must understand the profound truth of why Marxism works, realize the academic study of chapters, examine the origins, and explore the truth through theoretical research, practical tempering, and confrontation of opinions, and become a pious "reader" and a wise "interpreter" of Marxism. ', enthusiastic 'preacher'."

"The times have given young people new responsibilities and missions. We are born at the right time, and we have heavy responsibilities on our shoulders." Guo Jiaqi, a radio and television student at Central South University, said that as students majoring in journalism and communication, we should always keep in mind the instructions and help spread excellent traditional culture , and at the same time seize the opportunity to create more visual products and tell Chinese stories well; we must have ideals, dare to take responsibility, be able to endure hardships, and be willing to work hard. We must keep up with the pace of the times, keep the responsibilities of youth in our hearts, carry them on our shoulders, and then Write with both hands to truly realize the resonance of the individual and the country.

"What are youth? What are youth? Any position requires the hard work of young people." After studying the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Guo Jiaxi, a student majoring in grassland science at Sichuan Agricultural University, said that as an agricultural student, he always understands The importance of agriculture to the sustained development of the country. "In our daily study life, we will go to Chongzhou, Ya'an, Dujiangyan and other places for field operations and study. What we sow is the seeds of pasture and what we reap is the long-term development of animal husbandry. We also went to Zoige County with school teachers Carry out plant root system sampling and analysis, and work hard for the construction of China's ecological civilization. As a student majoring in grassland science, we should always remember the spirit of generations of grassland workers who spend their youth on plateau grasslands, integrate knowledge and spirit, and carry forward Handed down."

Source: China Youth Network

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