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“Chinese style” in Hangzhou Asian Games Village

Source: China News Network

China News Service, Hangzhou, September 14 (Qian Chenfei) When the Hangzhou Asian Games encountered "Chinese style", the intertwining of traditional culture and modern sports was vividly displayed in the Hangzhou Asian Games Village. As the largest non-competition venue of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the story of the "village" is particularly exciting, and the "Chinese style" is slowly blowing.

Hangzhou Asian Games Village. Photo by China News Service reporter Qian Chenfei

The Hangzhou Asian Games Village is divided into three parts: the Athletes Village, the Technical Officials Village, and the Media Village. It also has an international area, a public area and other supporting facilities. Although the functions and attributes are different, the "cultural cabin" is the standard feature of each village, and it is also a window for three-dimensional display of traditional Chinese culture.

Entering the cultural hut of the Athletes Village, a 60-meter-long "Chinese Dragon" kite hovers over the hut, symbolizing the long history, breadth and profoundness of Chinese civilization. In the house, traditional Chinese skills such as plate buckles, entangled flowers and velvet flowers, woodblock printing, and Lin'an Changhua bamboo weaving were displayed one by one. The exquisite works attracted everyone to take photos and check in.

Among them, Xiaoshan Guojiang cloth rolls, an intangible cultural heritage of Zhejiang Province, are neatly decorated on the entire white wall. They are based on the twenty-four solar terms, the crystallization of Chinese farming civilization, and select representative plants of each solar term as natural dyes. , after dyeing, each work presents a unique "starch pattern" that is ever-changing.

Wu Ying, Zhejiang provincial intangible cultural heritage inheritor, warmly invites visitors to experience the production of Xiaoshan Guojiang cloth. She said, "As a cultural display project in the Hangzhou Asian Games Village, representative plants of different solar terms have been carefully selected. We hope to show the scenery of Hangzhou in different seasons to the world, spread culture, and deliver happiness."

With the help of intelligent technology, traditional skill displays have become more fresh and diverse. I saw a smart seal cutting machine surrounded by people. After a few minutes of waiting, a personalized artistic seal was completed. It is understood that this application uses seal cutting, the most culturally rich and difficult ancient art, as a carrier. It uses artificial intelligence, interactive design, hardware research and development and other technologies to lower its threshold and help users with no basic knowledge to design and make their own seals.

The "Chinese Dragon" kite in the cultural hut of the Athletes Village. Photo by China News Service reporter Qian Chenfei

Not only that, champion athletes can also experience silk customization containing oriental beauty in the cultural cabin. After personalized design, the finished product can be delivered to the Asian Games Village in Hangzhou as soon as 4 hours; other athletes can also receive small silk scarves after participating in the customization experience As a commemoration of this Asian Games.

"In addition to the intense competition, we hope that athletes can experience the charm of culture in the cultural hut and relax their body and mind." Tu Wenjun, comprehensive security specialist of the athletes' village, told reporters that the cultural hut in the village has the theme of "fun" and reflects the Characteristics of happy, energetic athletes. The interactive experience area includes 7 themes, 22 interactive projects and 2 Chinese Bridge interactive experience activities. During the competition, 5 experience activities will be organized here every day to allow athletes to have closer contact and a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.

Compared with the relaxed and happy atmosphere of the Athletes Village, the cultural hut in the Technical Officers Village is based on "national style". It sets up exhibitions and interactive projects such as a collection of intangible cultural heritage products, tea culture, guqin art, and fan-making skills in the cultural house. , reflecting the strong charm of traditional Chinese culture.

A tea master meets friends over tea in the cultural hut of the Technical Officers Village. Photo by China News Service reporter Qian Chenfei

"There are more than 400 officials over 60 years old in the Technical Officer Village, so the cultural cabin here focuses on immersive experience of national culture. For example, in the tea culture experience area, technical officers can not only learn about the long history of Chinese tea culture, You can also experience making and tasting tea on the spot. Zhejiang-style guqin artists will perform live, and you will have endless fun while drinking tea and listening to the piano." said Qi Xiangyang, cultural activities director of the Hangzhou Asian Games Village Operation and Management Center (Technical Officials Village).

The cultural cabin in the media village also creates "Chinese style". Walking into the house, the aroma of Chinese herbal medicine hit your face. Dong Hong, a Chinese medicine culture display staff member of the Comprehensive Clinic of the Hangzhou Asian Games Village Operation and Management Center, said, "There are many dehumidification bags made of Chinese herbal medicine placed in the cultural cabin. While friends from the media are learning about the Chinese medicine culture, You can experience tie-dying fabrics with Chinese medicinal materials, making Chinese medicinal sachets, etc.”

Staff demonstrate the application of tie-dyeing with Chinese medicinal materials. Photo by China News Service reporter Qian Chenfei

Traditional Chinese medicine health care is a vivid embodiment of traditional Chinese culture. In order to make it more interesting and interactive, the Chinese medicine culture exhibition area also uses 3D naked-eye technology to display Baduanjin to help media reporters who are working at their desks move their muscles.

In addition to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Expo, the media village cultural hut also has a cultural and creative display area, Xiling Cultural School and an interactive display area for intangible cultural heritage. For example, the "Hundred Seal Wall", a variety of epigraphic and stone seal cutting works created by contemporary registered members of Xiling Seal Society, includes 40 seal cutting works for Hangzhou Asian Games competition projects, 19 seal cutting works for theme slogans of previous Asian Games, and all the seal cutting works for all participants in this event. Non-Chinese character seals and graphic seals created with elements related to the countries (regions) of the Asian Games.

The Hangzhou Asian Games is about to open, and the "Chinese style" in the Asian Games Village will also become a unique window for guests from all over the world to experience the "Chinese flavor." (over)

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