ppt picture background:Still struggling to find pictures? These 6 fool-proof PPT background generators will help you say goodbye to "shabby" designs-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Still struggling to find pictures? These 6 fool-proof PPT background generators will help you say goodbye to "shabby" designs

PPT page without pictures is too monotonous, but suitable pictures It's hard to find, and I always have to put in a lot of effort to find a background picture. The efficiency is so poor that I always work overtime!

Today, I will share with you 6 artifacts that can generate PPT picture materials with one click, and say goodbye to ordinary PPT page design.

01 Mirror Glare Generator

Let me show you a picture first. Works made using mirror glare:

How about it? Are you amazed?

Of course, this is the work of a master, but we can still use tools to generate some stunning background images to enhance the visual effects of the PPT page:

The operation is also very simple. You only need to open the page and draw on the page with the mouse to get a unique glare background image:

You can also adjust parameters to generate the effect you want.

Click save after designing.

Isn’t it super suitable for making technology-style PPT? It’s absolutely suitable!

02 Diffuse Light Generator

This is a designer who made Design gadget that can automatically generate super beautiful divergent light:

Do you feel like you are traveling in the universe?

On this website, you can also adjust parameters to change the color, direction, quantity, etc. of divergent light to get the desired effect. Click Save to save the image:

Xiaomi’s posters have used similar diffuse light effects:

03 Digital Background Generator

We often see this in science fiction movies A screen with green characters scrolling:

If you want to design a technological PPT, this background is very suitable, but it is very troublesome to make it yourself. This website is specially designed to generate this effect:

You can also use it to create dynamic backgrounds, and the effect will definitely be stunning.

Like the previous two websites, parameters can also be adjusted:

04 glare generator

A generator that can generate all kinds of colorful lights Website, very suitable for PPT background decoration.

The operation is super simple. Just click on the following page to generate a variety of colorful lights, which can also be used to kill time:

Simply add text and the effect is already cool. You no longer have to worry about PPT backgrounds.

05 Flat illustration style website

This is the personal website of an illustration designer , the website contains illustrations of various scenes:

The works are very attractive, and many of them are suitable for use as PPT backgrounds:

Put a layer of mask on top to get a visually rich PPT background:

06 Douyin style generator

I believe everyone is very familiar with Douyin style Yes, this is also a very popular design style nowadays and looks very cool.

But in fact, it is not difficult to make Douyin style. You only need to use a website to generate it with one click.

We need to prepare a picture first, upload it to this website, and click [Mosh] at the bottom of the website to get different effects:

On the right side of the website, there are various parameters that allow further adjustment and optimization of images:

The above is what I shared today, I hope it can be helpful to everyone~

I have also packaged the URLs of these 6 websites for everyone. The way to obtain them is as follows:

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/hai-zai-fei-jin-zhao-tu-zhe-6-ge-sha-gua-shi-PPT-bei-jing-sheng-cheng-qi-bang-ni-gao-bie-han-suan-she-ji.html

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