Beautiful calligraphy:Weird calligraphy depicts a snake in one stroke with clearly visible scales, but it is actually a waste of rice paper-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Weird calligraphy depicts a snake in one stroke with clearly visible scales, but it is actually a waste of rice paper

It is not easy to learn calligraphy well. It requires slow progress based on correct calligraphy practice. Broken down, it actually requires many steps. For example, copywriting imitation is a preliminary introductory study, and the second is a practice of calligraphy grace, which is another process.

Only after going through these processes, you can feel the charm of calligraphy from these processes and feel the achievements it brings to you. Only in this way can the calligraphy you write be recognized by everyone and can be called real calligraphy.

If we have not reached this step, the works that appear on the market, even some heretical calligraphy works, cannot be called the art of calligraphy. At best, they can only be described as beautiful calligraphy produced during the process of practicing calligraphy.

Let's take a look at a relatively special form of artistic calligraphy. It is not calligraphy, but some people always call it their own original calligraphy. This is like thin gold calligraphy. There are always quack masters who bring out this type of calligraphy for people to appreciate.

In the final analysis, practicing calligraphy in this way is misleading students. This kind of calligraphy can be said to be a quack calligraphy, or it can be called a weird calligraphy.

The work is a snake drawn in one stroke, and even during the painting process, the snake's scales are clearly visible. But the result everyone gave is actually a waste of rice paper. Why do you say that? Let's take a look together.

If you take a look at the work, it actually has some beauty. After all, it gives the impression that the master in red is creating art. Moreover, the painting is a snake, so everyone can see it, which is easy to understand.

But as we said before, if you say this is a painting, then you might say it is your own play work and cannot be placed together with calligraphy or painting.

But this is obviously not the case. There was a so-called colleague standing next to the master. When the master was doing his own creation, he saw half of the snake drawn. The admirer next to him quickly raised his thumb. Obviously this It is praising the master's superb art.

But they don't know that this kind of nonsense work is just Jianghu calligraphy, a weird and innovative skill that cannot be discussed together with calligraphy at all.

Why do you say this? The most important point is that calligraphy pays attention to tolerance and law. This is an art that has been formed after thousands of years of experience and cultural precipitation.

But when I see the works of this master, they are just a waste of rice paper and a kind of Jianghu technique, which is not popular. First of all, is the work a snake or a painting? Is it painting or calligraphy? In fact, the three middle ones are completely indistinguishable.

If we say it is a painting, then this kind of painting can be said to be completely inferior. It does not even have the realism of the snake. It is just an interest, and the element of painting is completely lost.

If we say it is calligraphy, let alone calligraphy. After all, it is no longer in the same category as traditional calligraphy art. Calligraphy is a manifestation of culture and art, and it has long been based on the laws of writing.

I don’t know what theme this master’s work focuses on, and what is its purpose? So fundamentally speaking, this is more like a so-called painting than a word.

Everyone wants to learn good calligraphy, but seeing such boring works really feels like a waste of rice paper. Does everyone feel the same way?

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