Founder imitation Song font:What font should be used for the printing part of official documents?-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

What font should be used for the printing part of official documents?

Most friends who are familiar with official documents know that the title part of official documents generally uses two The number is square and the small mark is Song font, and the main text is in size 3 imitation Song font.

But what font should be used for the imprint part? At this point, I am afraid that most children will fall into a misunderstanding and simply think that the imprint should use the same font as the main text.

In fact, this is not the case. According to the standard format requirements of official documents of party and government agencies, the imprint part of the official documents should be standardizedAdoptNo. 4 imitation Song font,Friends, please pay special attention when drafting official documents in the future.

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