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Jointly build a beautiful spiritual home on the Internet - side notes of the 2023 China Internet Civilization Conference

Network civilization is an important part of social civilization under the new situation and an important area in building a strong network country.

From July 18th to 19th, the 2023 China Internet Civilization Conference was held in Xiamen, Fujian Province. With the theme of "Network gathers the power of civilization to forge ahead on a great journey", the conference exchanges experiences in co-building a cyber civilization, talks about cultivating cyberspace civilization, promotes the power of cyber civilization, and provides rich cultural nourishment and strong spiritual support for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Online content construction, let positive energy generate large traffic

Building an online civilization is inseparable from the supply of high-quality online content.

We must use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to focus our minds and forge our souls, and we must do our best to promote the Party’s innovative theories online. "It is necessary to deepen the dissemination of theory online, apply the pen of practice and the ink of life, and draw a colorful picture of theoretical dissemination in cyberspace, fully demonstrating the vigorous vitality of the tree of theory, and making the theory spread more widely, more widely, and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. ." Ren Xianliang, Secretary-General of the World Internet Conference and President of the China Federation of Network Social Organizations, said at the Internet Content Construction Forum.

The People's Daily insists on reporting General Secretary Xi Jinping and publicizing and interpreting Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as its primary political task and most important political responsibility, and has launched a series of phenomenal new media products. "We must strengthen the supply of high-quality online content in news propaganda and public opinion guidance, strengthen ideological guidance and value guidance, and jointly create the beauty of civilization and the beauty of the times." said Xu Lijing, deputy editor-in-chief of People's Daily.

"Introducing the sweet spring of theory and nourishing Internet civilization." Yang Gu, President of Guangming.com, said when sharing his practical experience of exploring theoretical dissemination and breaking through "self-talk". The all-media propaganda of core values ​​has been persisting for many years and has received increasingly significant results. Communication effect.

In recent years, a series of outstanding works with content, warmth, and power have inspired emotional resonance in cyberspace, and jointly promoted the construction of Internet civilization to be deeper and more solid.

Delivering the first takeaway meal in more than 40 years to the lighthouse workers on the isolated island; using video special effects to help a disabled young man realize his dream of "running"... At the main forum of the conference, Bilibili Chairman and CEO Chen Rui played A video of , moved people. Chen Rui said: "As an online platform, we need to guide and amplify upward and good content to form a positive cycle so that more young people can become the backbone of maintaining a good online atmosphere."

Photos of exquisite Su embroidery works are opened one after another with the slideshow, blooming on the big screen, and spread to the world through the Internet... At the Internet Civilization International Exchange and Mutual Learning Forum, the representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage project (Su Embroidery), China Master of arts and crafts Yao Jianping demonstrated the modern communication form of the ancient Suzhou embroidery art. She said: "We will continue to base ourselves on the roots of excellent culture, innovate communication methods, leverage the digital Internet, and strive to involve excellent culture in building Chinese discourse and Chinese narrative systems, and participate in exchanges and mutual learning and coexistence of world civilizations."

Peng Guohua, editor-in-chief of the People's Forum magazine, said that in recent years, the People's Forum has continuously accelerated the development of media integration, strengthened the construction of online communication methods, and focused on telling the story of Chinese-style modernization as its main theme, integrating themed interviews, graphic features, micro videos, etc. In the form, a series of integrated media works have been launched, which have been well received by netizens and readers.

Governance in accordance with laws and regulations to ensure that cyberspace is positive and positive

Building a good network civilization is inseparable from effective network governance.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, managing and governing the Internet in accordance with laws and regulations has been placed in a more prominent position. At the conference, many guests mentioned the importance of good laws and regulations to the construction of network civilization.

"Our country insists on using legal thinking and legal methods to improve the level of network governance capabilities, and the legal foundation for network civilization construction has been continuously consolidated." Hu Ming, secretary of the Party Committee of China University of Political Science and Law, said that in recent years, the Cybersecurity Law, Data Security Law, and Personal Information Protection Law have been More than 100 laws, regulations and management regulations have been promulgated, completing the basic construction of the Internet legal system and ensuring the healthy operation of the Internet on the track of the rule of law.

In addition to establishing rules and regulations, the implementation of laws and regulations by relevant departments also plays a prominent role in improving the efficiency of Internet governance and building a civilized Internet environment. Zhang Xueqiao, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, took personal information protection public interest litigation as an example to introduce the judicial protection of citizens' online rights and interests through "digital prosecution." He said that the procuratorial organs should actively explore the construction of a big data supervision model for public interest litigation supervision of personal information protection, proactively perform their duties in accordance with the law, and create a "three-dimensional" system in which the legitimate rights and interests of personal information are protected, personal information processing activities are regulated, and the reasonable use of personal information is promoted. "New ecology of digital governance.

How to coordinate development and security and achieve the unification of promoting development and managing according to law has always been an important issue in network governance. Not long ago, seven departments including the Cyberspace Administration of China jointly issued the "Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services." In this regard, Sun Weimin, chief engineer of the Cyberspace Administration of China and the Cyberspace Administration of China, said that relevant departments insist on paying equal attention to development and security, and promote The principle of combining innovation and legal governance encourages the innovative development of generative artificial intelligence, explores the implementation of inclusive, prudent and hierarchical supervision, and clarifies the general requirements of supervision, so as to ensure development with safety, promote safety with development, and allow new technologies and new technologies to be implemented. Applications better benefit society and the people.

Civilly run the Internet and use the Internet to create a good Internet civilization ecology

"Create a shared future for good, and be civilized when using the Internet. Know the good and evil, the beautiful and the ugly, and inherit integrity and friendship forever..." At the main forum of the conference, the "New Era Youth Internet Civilization Convention" was solemnly released, calling on young people in the new era to join hands in Build a network civilization ecology. As one of the five on-site announcers of the convention, Lang Zheng, the "Salute Doll" who suffered from the Wenchuan earthquake 15 years ago, said that he has witnessed the earth-shaking changes in his hometown and deeply realized the great love in the world. I hope the online world is as full of love and warmth as the real world.

Network platforms play an indispensable role in building a good network civilization ecology.

"Take rumor management as an example. In recent years, under the guidance of the competent authorities, through the cooperation with authoritative resources such as professional institutions and university scholars, we have launched initiatives such as marking rumor refutation labels, expanding the reach of rumor refutation information, and strengthening user literacy education. Platform users have participated in refuting rumors. The initiative of information dissemination has been significantly enhanced." Guo Kaitian, Senior Vice President of Tencent Group, said that Tencent has established a normalized ecological governance working mechanism to further focus on deep-seated issues in the network ecosystem, carry out targeted work, and encourage valuable and caring people. Technological innovation, and hopes to connect multiple subjects through interactive openness and promote collaborative and co-governance of the network ecosystem.

Yang Yuanxi, co-founder of Kuaishou Technology, said that since 2023, Kuaishou has iterated and developed 7 sets of related governance models, intercepted more than 10.98 million cheating requests, and cleared 209,000 false reviews in the e-commerce link.

The ecology of cyberspace is becoming clearer and clearer day by day, and everyone is gathering together to draw a "concentric circle online and offline" for civilization construction.

The "Leadership Message Board" built by People's Daily Online has become an important platform for taking the mass line online. "Facing future development, we look forward to making full use of the Internet to promote the digitalization and intelligence of civilization creation." said Ye Zhenzhen, chairman of People's Daily Online.

Wu Minjie, a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, told the story of her creation of a poetry video at the conference, explaining that China's excellent traditional culture still has its unique charm in cyberspace. "Today we are walking in the tide of the Internet. As self-media workers, we will work hard to light up the light of civilization in our hands and let Chinese culture warm the world and nourish people's hearts like a trickle." (Jin Xin, Zhang Shixuan, Wang Yinxin)

Source: People's Daily

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