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"Engineering Department Quarterly Work Review and Outlook PPT Template"

Quarterly Work Summary of the Engineering Department Dear leaders and colleagues: Hello everyone! I am X from the Engineering Department. Today I am very honored to present to you the quarterly work summary of our Engineering Department in 20xx. In the pa

In 20xx, under the leadership of the company and the Eighth Company, as well as the specific guidance of Party A’s headquarters and supervisors, our project followed the principle of “safety first, prevention first, comprehensive management” and fully implemented the “Safety Production Law”, Earnestly implement the safety documents issued by the company, headquarters and supervision office. We focus on implementing safety measures and standardized construction site construction, establishing a complete safety management system, and formulating an implementation plan for standardized construction sites. This year's safety work is summarized as follows: 1. Achievement of safety goals: - Major safety accidents: 0 times - Major environmental pollution accidents: 0 times - Serious occupational disease hazard accidents: 0 times - Safety pass rate of project inspections that have been started: 100% - Excellent and good rate: 85% - Safety hazard rectification rate: more than 95% - Level three safety education rate for new employees: 100% - Certification rate for technical business managers: more than 90% - Certification rate for special operations personnel: 100%- Certification rate for small and medium-sized machinery operators: more than 90% We achieved this year’s safety goals. 2. Formulation and implementation of the safety management system: The project department has improved the safety management system, production safety responsibility system, safety inspection and hidden danger rectification system, and added a new wage management system for migrant workers, a dynamic registration system for workers entering the site, and worker files system. 3. Construction of standardized construction sites: We have always focused on the construction of standardized construction sites and formulated a plan to create provincial-level civilized construction sites based on the actual situation. At present, the project has passed the municipal civilized construction site registration in Yan'an City. (1) Civilized construction site construction: 1. The Xiang Department station has convenient transportation, water, electricity and communication conditions, and has realized information-based office management. 2. The project management department’s office area, living area and parking area for vehicles and machinery have scientific and reasonable functional settings, the site is hardened, drainage facilities are complete, and the environment is clean and tidy. 3. The office and living buildings are sturdy, practical, beautiful, insulated and ventilated, and meet the needs of bidding documents and construction management. 4. The office area is equipped with necessary offices and conference rooms, and the company's standardization requirements for civilized construction sites are strictly implemented. 5. The office area and living area should be equipped with necessary fire safety equipment, establish a safety and health management system, and have dedicated personnel responsible for maintenance and cleaning. 6. Relevant signs are pasted outside the construction site walls, material storage areas and completed concrete components. 4. Signing of safety target responsibility letters: The project department signed safety target responsibility letters with each construction team, construction team and team respectively. As part of the labor contract, it clarified the safety responsibilities of each construction team and operation team to ensure the implementation of safety responsibilities. to people. The smooth development of safety work and the realization of goals this year are inseparable from the company's correct leadership and the strong support of the project manager. 5. Safety work plan for 20xx: 1. Safety management goals: 1. Major safety accidents: 0 times 2. Major environmental pollution accidents: 0 times 3. Serious occupational disease hazard accidents: 0 times 4. Achieve six zeros (no deaths) , no serious injuries, no collapses, no poisonings, no fires, no mechanical vehicle accidents) goals. 5. The frequency of minor injuries is controlled within 3‰. 6. The frequency of minor injuries per month is controlled within 0.3‰. 7. The safety qualification rate of monthly inspections of engineering projects: 100% 8. The excellent and good rate reaches 85% 9. The rectification rate of safety hazards: more than 90% 10. The rate of three-level safety education for new employees: 100% 11. The technical business management personnel maintain Certificate employment rate: more than 90% 12. Certificate employment rate of special operators: 100% 13. Certificate employment rate of small and medium-sized machinery operators: more than 90% 2. Safety work focus: The focus of safety work in 20xx is standardized construction site construction and For secondary structure construction, the masonry team will be the focus of standardized construction sites. Starting from safe and civilized construction on site, the image standards of each working surface will be unified, and standardized safety control procedures for each construction process will be gradually established to form a standardized safety management system. Ensure that the two-level civilized construction site acceptance work is successfully passed. 20xx is a year of full-scale construction, emphasis on safety and progress. Our project will continue to put safety work as the top priority to ensure the realization of annual safety work goals. [Picture address and PPT template recommendation information have been omitted]

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