English handwriting font:A senior high school student writes an English test paper, and his "printed" handwriting amazes netizens: This is a fairy paper!-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

A senior high school student writes an English test paper, and his "printed" handwriting amazes netizens: This is a fairy paper!

As we all know, in liberal arts examinations, whether a student's paper is clean and tidy, and whether the font is clear and neat, is very important to the final score. Impact.

Especially in Chinese and English compositions Here, if a child writes fluently and writes very beautifully, the teacher will definitely give him a high score.

When it comes to writing, many people The first reaction of children is to write Chinese characters. In fact, in English subjects, many children have developed good writing habits and write English letters in out-and-out "print".

Not long ago, a senior high school student in Luoyang The students' English test papers attracted attention online.

At first glance, the student In the "Written Expression" category, the handwriting of the answers is like printing. Not only are the sentences smooth and smooth, but the words are correct, the paper is clean and beautiful, and it looks pleasant and comfortable.

This person must have such neat handwriting The classmate also practiced writing in private, and such practice obviously played an important role in the exam. Not only did it help him obtain high scores, but the classmate's test paper also became a model for others to learn and imitate.

Online, some people even put him The test paper is called "Fairy Noodles"!

Netizens’ hot discussion:

" If I were an English teacher, look With a paper like this, I can’t bear to deduct points even if I find a small mistake!”

" It looks really good at first glance I thought it was a printed font. To be able to write such beautiful fonts must have put in a lot of effort, and I must be very good!”

" I just know that some kids can I didn’t expect that writing Chinese characters in printed fonts can be so amazing! Such fonts are so advantageous in the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination.”


Be able to use English fonts in your daily life Written in print, this high school senior is by no means an exception.

The girl below is from Anhui, In the college entrance examination, her English score was 150 points.

The reason why we can achieve such high In addition to her solid grasp of English knowledge, her score is also closely related to her beautiful rolls.

On the Internet, this girl’s English The test paper attracted the attention of many netizens.

Same as the senior high school candidate above , the font of this female classmate is comparable to printing. Looking at the whole article, there is not a single word or grammatical error, nor any trace of modification. The writing is pleasing to the eye.

Seeing such a font, I also It’s no wonder why the marking teacher gave full marks.

In English writing, the following Classmate Yang is also outstanding.

Due to the neat and beautiful handwriting, his The homework was used as a model essay on the Internet, and the font made many people envious.

For English teachers, if When you encounter a well-written and well-written assignment, you will not only feel refreshed, but you will also receive a high score on the paper.

The student below got a perfect score of 25 I got a high score of 21 points in my English composition. Because the writing was neat and beautiful, the teacher marked it in the blank space and said: Good writing and good expression.

For students, although English Writing is easier than writing Chinese characters, but if you want to write good English handwriting, you also need more practice.

Compared with the above excellent For example, many students' English writing gives teachers a great headache.

A teacher posted this online I read the English homework of the students in my class. At first glance, not to mention the font, there are many mistakes in the whole article. This not only reflects the students’ poor grasp of English knowledge, but also greatly reduces the test paper. Score.

In addition, there are Due to the lack of writing practice, many students write crooked words when writing essays, and even sometimes go out of their way.

Many grammatical errors, plus volume The surface is not neat and tidy. In the exam, it is extremely difficult to get high marks on this kind of paper.

Studying English, How to write a beautiful "print" assignment?

Parents want their children to write well Beautiful English requires standardized exercises when writing letters from the time they first come into contact with them. Over time, children will develop their own writing style and add their own style on the basis of standardized formats. The English they write will not be good at all. very ugly.

And you want to write "Print" ", you can buy some copybooks for English writing exercises. No matter what stage you are at, as long as your children practice seriously, they will soon see the results they want.

Of course, want to be in the exam To get high scores, neat writing is one thing. It is even more important that the sentences are smooth and there are no grammatical and vocabulary errors.

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