:Essential tutorial on PPT production for high-end consulting companies-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Essential tutorial on PPT production for high-end consulting companies

like a deck of cards). Anyway, I'm glad to hear your interest in Top Consulting Firms PPT. As a language model, I can provide you with some basic guidelines on how to create high-quality PPT. First of all, a good PPT needs to have a clear structure and lo

In fact, consultants rarely refer to PPT as "PPT". The orthodox name should be "Slides" or "Deck". The former refers to a single sheet or several PPT pages, and the latter Means a set of PPT reports (like adeckofcards). Therefore, consultants often complain, "I still have a lot of pages to draw" or "My boss asked me to make a deck tonight."

1. The purpose of consulting company deck

The deck of a consulting company generally has the following missions:

1.Proposal - used for bidding/bidding/bid negotiation

2. Report——Used for reporting to customers in the project

3.Deliverable——as a deliverable of the project

4.Thesis - similar to whitepaper, used to express opinions and pitch customers

In the final analysis, the mission of PPT is to show the opinions of consultants, and this mission determines that the consulting company's deck is very different from other PPT (such as product launches, work reports, etc.).

In most daily contexts, the key words for an excellent PPT should be "concise text", "appropriate illustrations" and the increasingly popular "flat".

For example:

Or this:

In contrast, we often see PPTs issued by some consulting companies that are densely covered with words, such as this:

Or this:

From a traditional aesthetic point of view, such slides may be slightly lacking in aesthetics, but we cannot simply and crudely regard this PPT as a failure.

Since the consulting company's deck assumes most of the information transmission responsibilities, when the beauty and simplicity conflict with the enrichment of the content, the consultant still prefers to fully present the content. There are even some customers who particularly like slides with a lot of content, thinking that the more words on the slides, the more value they spend for their money. Even during the reporting process, they preferred to read rather than listen to the consultant's speech.


2. Structure of consulting company deck

The deck of a consulting company generally consists of three parts:

Part1Summary:For a list of some key conclusions, please refer to the BCG executive summary shown above; in addition, in the formal report, you should also Clearly describe the objective of the report (such as whether the customer's senior management is required to make decisions). This part generally will not appear in the formal agenda;

Part 2 text: No more to say;

Part 3 Appendix:It is mainly to support the content of the main text. Some complicated data analysis and deduction methods are not suitable to be reported in the main text, but are placed in the appendix. If the customer raises questions, you can switch to the appendix at any time and elaborate on them. In addition, some work completed by the project (such as how many interviews were conducted, how many questionnaires were distributed, etc.) will also be placed in the appendix.

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/gao-duan-zi-xun-qi-ye-PPT-zhi-zuo-jing-yao-jiao-cheng.html

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