personal information form:Gannan Prefecture's "Report Form for Personal Matters Related to Leading Cadres" guide-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Gannan Prefecture's "Report Form for Personal Matters Related to Leading Cadres" guide

The work of filling in personal matters related to leading cadres in the new year has begun ! It is the responsibility and obligation of every party member and leading cadre to truthfully report personal matters in accordance with regulations and requirements. According to the "Notice on Doing a High-Quality Work on Leading Cadres' Reports on Personal Matters in 2021" by the Organization Department of the Central Committee and the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, we sorted out the relevant requirements and easy-to-miss points in the 2021 report, and edited it into "<Leadership "Report Form for Cadres' Personal Relevant Matters>Filling Guide" is provided for reference by leading cadres across the state when filling out reports.

Place the "five Make it clear" and implement it

Make clear the meaning of reporting personal matters;

Second, make the policies and regulations clear;

Three instructions for filling out the application clearly;

Four points that are easy to make and miss are clearly explained;

Make clear the consequences and disciplinary requirements of five untruthful reports.

Guide each applicant to do the "three things" Understand”

The first is to understand and compare documents, contracts and other information. When filling in the report, carefully check the accurate information such as household registration book, passport, real estate certificate, equity certificate, insurance policy, etc. Do not fill in the report based on impressions.

Second, we must understand the relevant situation of the family members. Before filling out the report, you must fully communicate with, understand, and understand your spouse, children, and their spouses' respective relevant situations.

The third is to understand the consequences of not reporting truthfully. Failure to report truthfully not only damages the seriousness and authority of the system, but also requires accountability if the case is serious, and may even affect one's job or rank promotion.

1. Report date

The reporting date is for checking personal matters The time basis must be filled in accurately, with a specific date, and a corresponding relationship with the relevant data.

Special attention

For example, fill in the closing price of the previous trading day based on the reporting date The current stock market value, fund net value, and accumulated premiums, investment funds and other data as of the reporting date.

2. Children living together

 Refers to the minor children of leading cadres and the adult children raised by them who cannot live independently. The identification of children living together mainly depends on whether they are financially independent and has nothing to do with whether they live together.

The following children are children living together:



1. Children under the age of 18, that is, minor children;

2. After the couple divorces, the children will live with each other and be paid by themselves Children with certain living expenses;

3. Although you are an adult but still a student, your family will Children who pay all or part of their living and study expenses;

4. Although he is an adult, he has no fixed job, is unemployed or unemployed Children whose income from odd jobs and other activities is not enough to cover living expenses and need support from their parents.

3. Basic information of the reporter

It is easy to fill in the ID number of leading cadres incorrectly and needs to be checked carefully.

If you hold multiple positions at the same time, please fill in the branch one by one. It is especially easy to miss the information on the senior positions held by leading cadres such as directors and supervisors in the enterprise.

For reporting objects that are included in and refer to the civil service law management unit, fill in the information according to the actual leadership position and rank.

Special attention

Public organizations, public institutions and institutions not included in the management with reference to the Civil Service Law For state-owned enterprises, fill in the job title in the "Current Position" column and leave the "Rank" column blank.

4. Employment situation

The employment status of the children’s spouses, that is, son-in-law and daughter-in-law, also needs to be reported.

If you are not employed, you should fill in your education status, preschool age, or unemployment, etc. in the "Current Position" column.

If the family members are retirees, they should fill in the work unit and original position before retirement. If they are re-employed after retirement, the re-employment status should also be filled in.

It is easy to fill in the information about spouses, children and their spouses who hold senior positions in multiple companies. If they work (part-time) in multiple units, be sure to fill in the information one by one. Some leading cadres reported their investment status in business operations, but often omitted their employment status.

"Senior positions" generally include:

1. Legal representative;

2. Chairman and Vice Chairman;

3. Director;

4. Supervisors;

5. President and deputy manager (president, factory director);

6. Chief Accountant (Financial Director);< /span>

7. Secretary to the Board of Directors of a listed company;

8. Permanent representative offices of foreign (regional) enterprises, overseas non-governmental organizations Chief representatives, representatives, etc. of domestic representative offices of government organizations.

5. Private documents and overseas (border) status

The documents for traveling abroad (border) for private purposes have been handed over to the organization (personnel) department for centralized custody, but they are still held by individuals and need to be reported.

Lost certificates that have not been canceled or certificates that expired in the previous year still need to be reported, and the reason for the failure must be noted.

Half-day tours to border port cities, half-day inspections, etc. arranged uniformly during travel and inspections are private trips abroad (border) and need to be reported.

When leaving the country (territory), all countries (regions) visited during the period from departure (territory) to return to the country (territory) should be reported, including countries (regions) with transit visas. ).

When filling in the report of exit documents and exit status, special attention should be paid to the following:

1. Documents handed over to the organization’s personnel department must be filled in;

2. Private passports and documents required for Hajj leadership and other work Information about traveling abroad must be filled in;

3. Pay attention to invalid or invalid documents, and travel to the border for a short period of time Exiting the country, transit visa, transfer and stopover, etc.

6. Real estate situation

Real estate not only refers to ordinary residences, but also includes apartments, shops, factories, garage spaces, and storage rooms , lofts, homesteads, etc., those with separate property rights or registered with the housing management department should be reported separately as a property.

Real estate that has been sold but has not yet been transferred needs to be reported; the spouse's pre-marital property needs to be reported.

The property is in the name of the person, spouse or children living together, but is not the investor or actual owner, it is required Fill in the report.

The building area should be reported as the building area. For properties shared with others, the construction area of ​​the entire property should be reported.

Centrally fill in the properties that have been reported in the previous year. If you have newly applied for a real estate certificate or online visa filing, Specific addresses and square footage should be carefully checked to see if they have changed.

7. Financial investment situation

Various forms of securities launched by securities companies Collective asset management plans, such as "xx Cash Butler Currency Collective Asset Management Plan", "xx Securities Tianlibao Collective Asset Management Plan", "xx Securities Cash Port Collective Asset Management Plan", "xx Securities Tiantianli Cash Collective Plan", etc., need Fill in the report. Fund products for which the fund balance of the stock account is automatically transferred, such as "xx Zijin Tiantianfa Collective Asset Management Plan", etc., need to be filled in.

Financial wealth management products purchased through various methods such as securities companies, banks, the Internet, and mobile APPs are stocks. , funds, and investment insurance, including those in the name of deposits but actually purchasing investment insurance, all need to be reported.

Insurance products containing words such as "endowment", "annuity", "investment-linked" and "universal" They all belong to personal insurance investment insurance and need to be filled in.

The explanation of the nature of the insurance product by the insurance sales agency and salesperson cannot be used as the basis for filling in the form.

If the insurance has both main insurance and additional insurance, if the additional insurance is investment insurance, it must be reported separately.

The total accumulated premiums and investment funds should be reported. Premiums and investment funds withdrawn during the validity period of the insurance are still included in the total accumulated premiums and investment funds. Fully communicate with your family, relatives and friends to see if there is an account opened with a borrowed identity, and whether the products through various purchase channels have been confirmed, such as Tencent Financial Management, Alipay Yu'e Bao, WeChat Lingqiantong, etc.

The details that need to be paid attention to when filling out the insurance report are:

"Zero dollar insurance" must be filled in; sub-item insurance and additional insurance Fill them in separately; the name of the insurance product and the abbreviation of the insurance company cannot be filled in; the unpaid premiums due in 2021, insurance income and dividends are all calculated.

You can download the "China Settlement" APP through the China Settlement Network or using your mobile phone Auxiliary query.

(China Clearing Network:

Open the financial management page in Alipay to check the investments you have purchased Sexual stocks and funds.

If you hold investment insurance, you can use your mobile phone to download "Golden Matters" "Tong" APP assisted query.

8. Business situation

Spouse, children (including children who do not live together) and children's spouses, that is, sons-in-law and daughter-in-law, are required to report the business and business situations. ​

Has not contributed capital to the enterprise, nor participated in business activities. It is only registered by relevant units or others using the ID cards of spouses, children and their spouses, and needs to be filled in.

If the company has not started operations, has stopped operating activities, or the company has been revoked or revoked by the market supervision department but has not been deregistered, it needs to be reported.

The amount of capital subscribed by the individual or the amount of personal capital contribution should be reported instead of the actual capital contribution.

If you purchase private equity funds or trust products and invest in companies in the names of your spouse, children and their spouses, you need to report the investment company information.

"National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System" website or WeChat applet , Website: - Auxiliary Inquiry Guide System for Business and Enterprise Status

Some query-related enterprise information query APPs, such as Tianyancha and Qicha Check and wait, you can also assist in query

It is particularly important to note that if the company you are querying is marked with the words "revoked, not cancelled", according to the reporting requirements, it has not been carried out. Business activities, companies that have stopped operating activities, and companies that have had their business licenses revoked but have not gone through the cancellation procedures with the market supervision department are required to fill in the report.

Material recommendation: Cadre Supervision Section

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