Founder Xiaobiao Song simplified font download:When applying for "dry goods" creative materials online, you must first clarify the format issue!-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

When applying for "dry goods" creative materials online, you must first clarify the format issue!

Civilized City Creation Assessment

An important part is online material declaration

Online material declaration is divided into four types

Specification documents, explanatory reports, real-life pictures and statistical tables

Be clear about the format requirements for submitted materials

Is the prerequisite to ensure the accuracy of the material

Specification Document

Format requirements:

Method 1: Submit the complete electronic version of the document as a WORD document, and scan the red header page and signature page of the document to make it into jpg/pdf format for submission;

Method 2: Submit the complete electronic version of the PDF document.

Naming method:

1) Naming method of WORD and PDF documents: standard number + issuing unit + issuing number + file name, such as: III-13-1) - ① **Civilization Committee (**[201*]*) "About the Spring Festival, Notice on carrying out in-depth "Our Festival" themed activities during the Lantern Festival";

2) The naming method of the red head page (signature page): standard number + issuing unit + issuing document number + file name + red head page/signature page.

Explanation Report

Format requirements:

Upload the electronic version in WORD format;

For example: XXXX.doc, XXXX.docx

(Explanations on systems, measures, and figures need to indicate the source)

Word count requirement:

According to the reporting requirements, the general requirement is about 600-800 words;

Naming method:

Evaluation standard number + title + explanatory report of xx city xx district...;

For example: III-17-2-②Explanatory report on the implementation of party member volunteer services by the Organization Department in xx District, xx City.

Font requirements:

1. The title should be in Song Simplified Chinese with a small square mark of No. 2, without bolding.

2. The first-level title should be in black type with a small size of 2

3. The secondary title is in italics GB2312 with size 3 in bold

4. Text: Imitation of Song Dynasty GB2312, size 3 font

5. Directly bold the third-level titles

6. Margins: Top margin: 37mm, Bottom margin: 35mm, Left margin: 28mm, Right margin: 26mm

7. The line spacing is a fixed value of 28 points.

Real scene pictures

Format requirements

1) Pictures need to be made into JPG or JPEG format and uploaded;

2) The image size cannot be larger than 2M;

3) The pictures must be original, cannot be downloaded from the Internet, and must not have watermarks;

4) The pictures must be complete in content, meet the requirements, and have a clear theme (pictures of various activities and conference pictures must have themes and dates in the background)


1) Naming method of on-site photos:

Evaluation standard number + time + location + organizer + activity name (or a brief description of the activity content, no more than 20 words);

2) Naming method for sample pictures and TV screenshots:

Evaluation standard number + time + media + layout position (channel) + report topic (title, content);

3) Pictures of media public service advertisements:

Evaluation standard number + time + media + layout position (channel + time + duration);

4) Outdoor public service advertisement pictures:

Evaluation standard number + publication location (carrier) + publication location (train number, route).

Statistical table

The statistical form template in the "Online Declaration System" is in excel format; download the template to fill it in, stamp it with the official seal of the competent department, scan it and make it into a picture format file for upload.

▲×City per capita sports venue area statistical table (example)

Naming method:

Evaluation standard number + title + statistical table;

Such as: III-45-3)-③Statistical table of sports venue area per capita in X city.

Fill in the requirements:

1. Closely follow the evaluation system, and the data must meet the requirements of the evaluation system;

2. The data in the statistical tables must correspond to the data in the documents and reports;

3. The data should be compared with data from previous years to ensure that work progress has improved during the creation cycle.

| Information source: "Chuangcheng Encyclopedia" WeChat official account

| Edited by: Haojiang Publicity

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