:finally! Word, excel, ppt file mutual conversion skills are here!-knowledge base免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

finally! Word, excel, ppt file mutual conversion skills are here!

When it comes time to convert a Word document into a PPT presentation, there are several methods you can use. The following is a simple method: Method 1: Copy and paste 1. Open the Word document and select the content to be converted (such as paragraphs,

Don't know When you use Office software,
Have you ever encountered such a problem.

I made a Word document summary, but it needs to be converted into a PPT report;I made a Word table statistics, but I need to convert it into Excel for analysis;I made an Excel chart analysis, but it needs to be placed on Word or PPT;

However, Ctrl+V will deform, Slight modification will cause confusion!

Ah, why can't the same Office be compatible and converted!

Let's learn together today
Word, Excel, PPT conversion skills!

1. Convert Word text into a table

Open the Word document to be converted, select the text to be converted, click"Insert"-"Form"- "Convert text to table"-Set the size, select a comma for text separation (if Separated by spaces, select spaces) -OK. In this way, these regular texts will be automatically arranged into tables!

2. Word table conversion into an Excel table

After the Word form is completed, I want to copy it to Excel but What should I do if I find that the deformation is serious?

You just need to save the Word document firstas .htm/. html webpage format, and thenuse Excel software to open the webpage format file, in the Word table The format is complete!

3. Convert the Excel table into a Word table

Copy the Excel table to Word, often there will be problems such as the table is too large to be displayed completely, and the data is disordered.

In this case, first of all, you need Copy the table in Excel, after coming to Word, in"Paste Special" Paste as link,Select Microsoft Office worksheet object, click"OK".

At this time you will find that the table is still beyond the document, butWhen If you make modifications in Excel, Word will also be synchronized.

Four, Word to PPT

If you want to convert a lot of Word text content into PPT, you need to edit the Word text first Set the level (set the title to level 1).

After setting the outline level, clickToolbar In the blank space on the right, right-click and select"Custom Ribbon".

"Select Command"< span > drop-down menu, select"All Commands", select"Send to Microsoft PowerPoint" , click Add.

The time to witness the miracle has come!

The outline-level text has been successfully converted into PPT~
And so on,
If there are other content that needs to be converted,
It can also be set to two level or tertiary headings.

Five, Excel table to PPT
< section >
Here,Xiao Qin wants to test the students' ability to draw inferences from one instance. How to paste the beautified Excel tableinto PPT,And when the data changes,PPT also Will it change accordingly?
The operation here is the same as the third point!

UsingPaste Special,

SelectPaste as Link.

Today’s Office conversion skills,
Do you remember ?
Come and do it,
Consolidate the knowledge you have learned today!

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Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/finally%20Word%20excel%20ppt%20file%20mutual%20conversion%20skills%20are%20here.html

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