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father's school days

When his father was a child, the primary education he received adopted the four-two school system. This means that his primary school education lasted for four years, which is equivalent to the learning content of the first to fourth grades of primary sch

When my father was a child, the primary education system was the four-two system; the four-year primary school is equivalent to the first to fourth grades of today's primary schools, with co-education; . At that time, private schools were common, good and bad. Considering primary schools and private schools together, the dropout rate is still high and there are many illiterates. In 1916, Zhejiang Province tried to implement four-year compulsory education, but the warlords were in chaos and there was no funding, so it was unsuccessful. In 1917, less than 10 percent of school-age children in Jiaxing County were enrolled in national schools; in 1935, the dropout rate was still nearly 70 percent. There are also female elders among relatives and friends who cannot understand the currency value of banknotes and only use silver dollars.

At that time, the old system of secondary education and the new system coexisted; the old system took four years to complete, and the combination of primary and secondary schools fit the so-called "ten-year cold window" by the ancients; Western learning spread eastward, and the amount of basic knowledge that people needed to acquire increased, and the old system of middle schools gradually became foreigners. The new middle schools run by the church were eliminated. The new system of middle schools is a three-three system, three years of junior high school plus three years of high school, a total of six years, separate schools for boys and girls. The most famous local boys’ school in Jiaxing is Xiuzhou Middle School, which is a church school with high school, junior high school and high school. It is the only complete high school in five or six neighboring counties; the most famous local girls’ school is Jiaxing Girls Among them, the founder and principal is his father's cousin Fang Ying (1878~1939). There is a junior high school, an attached elementary school and a kindergarten, but there is no high school. The closest girls' high school to Jiaxing is Songjiang Girls' High School in Jiangsu Province. The first principal was Jiang Xuezhu (served from 1927 to 1935). After he came to Taiwan, he served as the principal of Beiyi Girls. If local girls want to go to high school, they have to leave their hometown to live in school.

My mother attended Jiaxing Girls' High School from kindergarten to junior high school. Fang Ying, the principal, often came to the house to ask my grandfather for advice, which made my mother very nervous. Fang Zhiyuan, a teacher and dean of Jiaxing Girls' High School, is another cousin of his father, and is a cousin of Fang Ying. After graduating from junior high school, my mother wanted to go to higher education, so she had to leave home to study at Songjiang Girls' High School. The classmate Wang Dongming is the daughter of Wang Guowei, a master of Chinese studies. Because she was self-taught at home, she entered school late and was six years older than her classmates. Today, Ms. Wang Dongming is over 100 years old, and her mother is 95 years old. Both of them are in Taiwan, and they can still share their arms and talk happily. They will spend the legendary "end of the world" together, which can be called the turn of the century.

(1) A child who was full of vigor and could not be used

My father studied in Qixiu Primary School when I was a child; my grandmother was very strict in tutoring, and even at home during the holidays, I still followed the schedule. There were regulations on which hour to practice writing, and every few days to write essays. Because it is open all year round, there is never a feeling of vacation, so my father is afraid of rejection when he sees books. What my father and brothers look forward to most is for my grandmother to go out to worship the Buddha, and it takes half a day to go out. In the age without toys, children were very good at inventing games. My uncle added wheels to the wooden kneeling mats used in Buddhist halls and used them as toy cars. Everyone pushed tables, chairs and furniture against the walls, and pulled the carts to run between the spacious halls. Among the three brothers, the father is the most active and the most troublesome. My grandmother sent my father to live in school when he was in high school, hoping that the school would strictly discipline him. The primary school my father attended was called Jiaxing County No. 1 Higher Primary School (abbreviated as No. 1 High School), which was far away from home. The principal, Wu Chuanxian, stayed in Japan. He was my grandmother's uncle, and my father called him "father-in-law". For my father to be able to leave home and live in school, he is like a dragon entering the sea. According to the family's standards, his behavior is like that of the world. In the article "Reminiscences of Youth in Jiaxing" written by my father, I mentioned two "heroic" deeds during the Yigao period. From high school to high school, my father lived on campus while studying, and he followed the schedule when he returned home during the holidays. He said he didn't really want to study until just before graduating from college.

"Learning" and "playing" are generally regarded as two incompatible things. Now some young children are also pushed very hard. They are sent to talent classes or cram schools by their parents at a very young age, so that they lose interest in learning anything. In fact, God endows infants with the innate ability to learn while playing, and they can easily master language, social skills and other abilities that will be useful throughout their lives. "Play" is the most enthusiastic and efficient learning mode for young children. Before the age of ten is the golden age of learning while playing, and its effect is by no means equal to the standard deliberate teaching. Even for adults who come to learn things, "learning while playing" is very important; experience with heart is called "playing"; high-level experts are called "players". "Don't let children lose at the starting point" is a very harmful advertising slogan, because it is specious, so it is more harmful.

(2) The first dream in life

My father loved watching local inter-school football games since he was a child, and sometimes schools from other counties and cities would also participate. Established in 1900, Xiuzhou Middle School is a church school with a strong sports atmosphere in Jiaxing. At that time, sports facilities were generally lacking, and there were gymnasiums and gymnasiums in Xiuzhong, which made my father yearn for it very early. Although my father was mischievous, his schoolwork was passable. After graduating from high school, he entered the junior high school of Xiuzhou Middle School as he wished, and lived in the school for six years. The grades in Xiuzhong are ABCDEF sixth class, 70 points pass, which is equivalent to D, and if you get F, you will drop out of school. My father's grades are more C than B, and he is a high school graduate of the class of 1932.

The bungalows in Xiuzhou Middle School are three stories high, one floor higher than ordinary bungalows. Many tables and chairs are shipped from the United States, including the seats that automatically bounce back when people stand up. Feel novel. Xiuzhong is not a public school, and the tuition fee is slightly higher, but it is not an aristocratic school either. On the contrary, its founding purpose is to promote common people education. The principal of my father when he entered school was Dr. Davies, an American missionary. After being educated by the famous educator Dr. Dewey, he changed his career and changed his devotion from missionary career to education.

At that time, Jiaxing had a population of about 100,000 to 200,000, which was not a big place, and many families did not have clocks. Xiuzhong’s class bells were loud and punctual, and became a time teller in the lives of nearby residents. The clock in Xiuzhong is struck by hand, and it can be accurate to a point. It is extremely accurate, which reflects the quality of the personnel and the requirements of the school's training management. Most people would not pay attention to such small things, but my father paid attention to it and was secretly proud of it. He later visited various countries in Europe. Every time he came to a country, he would check whether the clocks in the local parks were on time, so as to judge whether the administrators were responsible, and thus deduce whether the country was on track. This is the old days before electronic clocks and quartz clocks. Regardless of whether this inference is reliable or not, this intention not only reflects his father's deep nostalgia for Xiuzhong's six years of life, but also reflects a kind of personality of his father. Although my father was frizzy and restless since he was a child, and he has grown up, everyone thinks he is a rough character, but my grandfather noticed his father's side of "paying attention to details and seeing the subtleties" very early on. He often said: "A Huai is a rough man. There are details in the middle.” When I was very young, I heard my father tell stories when he came back from abroad. After dinner, everyone turned off the lights and watched him show slides on the white wall. There were several clocks or flower clocks in parks in various countries. Those park rangers were appraised by a foreign tourist without knowing it, and even affected the image of the country, which left a deep impression on me. I am currently hosting the "Tsinghua Butterfly Garden" website. I have patiently tested and proofread every detail. I ignored the assistant's disgust and tried my best to "find mistakes". After repeated corrections, I released the official version. Viewers underestimated it, and incidentally damaged Tsinghua's image.

When my father was in high school, Jiaxing had no running water. Most families do not have a room dedicated to bathing, and people do not have the habit of washing their bodies frequently. Although they wash their hands and face every day, they may not wash their feet every day. Xiuzhou Middle School set up a water storage tower on the roof. Each time, two students are sent to face each other to press the pump, one after another, to pump well water into the water storage tower. It takes about half an hour to fill the water storage tower. This service can Credit for doing gymnastics. Therefore, the school has its own tap water system, and requires students to shower at least once a week, and even rolls their names. I hope everyone will develop better hygiene habits, but there are still students who cheat and avoid showering. Because my father loves sports, he almost does not participate in any competition. He is covered in sweat and dust every day, so he loves to take a bath every day throughout the year. He also takes a shower before returning home on Saturdays. He has become the person with the best hygiene habits in the family.

My father in the Xiuzhong era vented all his suppressed strength on the sports field. In high school, he was 180 centimeters tall, 5 centimeters taller than my uncle. Promotes height growth. At that time, I didn't know what the pressure of entering a higher school was. Whether it was an inter-class competition or an inter-school competition, whether it was basketball, volleyball, football, or billiards, he was absolutely indispensable. In track and field competitions, my father was first in high jump, long jump, and high hurdles in running. One evening, he saw a person on the sidelines repeatedly doing something he couldn't understand. He learned that the person was practicing the triple jump for the upcoming competition, so he asked him for advice and signed up together; Master second.

It was taken in front of the main building of the Department of Physiology in 1953. From the right in the front row are Peng Mingcong, Fang Huaishi and Professor Huang Tingfei, and in the back row are Wu Yun, Cai Shicong, Zhang Zhen, Wang Aqiu and Li Xianzhang.

Mr. Yao Yipeng, Xiuzhong's English teacher, plays basketball very well and serves as the physical education teacher in his father's class. The skills and know-how taught by Mr. Yao, my father practiced diligently. Among many sports, his father only has basketball, which can still reach a level that can be seen after stepping out of the school. Teacher Yao thinks that his father is the best basketball player among the students he met in the show. Even though his father has graduated and went to study in Hangzhou, every major game, he will buy a bus ticket from his own pocket and send it to his father, inviting him back to Jiaxing to watch the game. . Teacher Yao himself is also an alumnus of Xiuzhou Middle School (class of 1926). He returned to the school to serve after graduating from Jinling University in 1930. He is very talkative and courageous. In 1933, Zhejiang Province held the provincial junior high school examination for the first time, and the English scores of the students he trained for three years were the highest in the province. I heard that after Yao came to Taiwan, he once taught English in Beiyi Girls. Yao has a cousin who is precocious and two years younger than him. He was self-taught at home when he was young. His formal education began in the senior primary school attached to Xiuzhong School. He was mostly taken care of by his cousin who was studying in the same class. The progress of each subject, but in line with normal education, even admitted to Nankai University at the age of 15. Because of the fate of the past two years, Xiuzhong earned a particularly outstanding alumnus. This cousin of Mr. Yao is the world-renowned mathematician Academician Chen Shiingshen (1911~2004).

In Xiuzhou Middle School, my father met a senior class senior, his distant cousin, and his great-grandfather, Fang Chaojun (1913~1967), who was very handsome and played football well. My grandfather had been working in Jiaxing County to support his family, and Uncle Jun’s family still lived in Mashehui, so the two brothers did not know each other at first, but became good friends on the football field. After Principal Dou Weiss returned to the United States, Xiuzhong was replaced by a Chinese principal twice. Gu Debao, the younger brother of the third principal, Gu Huiren, is nicknamed Good Ball. He is good at playing football and is also studying in the show. He makes friends with Uncle Jun and teaches him how to play football. Famous teachers give rise to great apprentices. Uncle Jun's dribbling practice venue is in Xiuzhong's restaurant. He can walk around freely without touching the tables and chairs at all, which is amazing. Although football seems to be an insignificant episode in Uncle Jun's life, the athlete's pursuit of excellence and team spirit are still reflected in his professional performance.

Uncle Jun likes to eat it very much. He can eat the meat of a whole fish, including the gills of the chin, but the bones are very complete. When dining in Xiuzhong, he would always add shredded pork and stir-fried vegetables for an extra dime. Xiuzhong is a church school, closed on Sundays and no one is allowed to go out. At that time, other schools had full-day classes on Saturdays, but Xiuzhong only had half-day classes on Saturdays, and they were free to leave school after class. Once my father took Uncle Jun to Zhang’s house to eat zongzi. Uncle Jun reluctantly ate it. On the way back, he complained: “I thought you took me to a restaurant, but I ended up eating zongzi.” My father ate very fast all his life, and his mother It is described as "tigers eat butterflies"; my father has been cut several times for sinusitis, and he has no sense of smell and taste. Experiments have found that if people lose their sense of smell, apple puree and onion puree taste similar. My father insisted on salty food because he couldn't taste other flavors. Uncle Jun later suffered a heart attack while walking uphill, and died young at the age of 54. His father thought it had something to do with his eating too well since childhood, and he felt sorry every time he thought about it.

My uncle, Mr. Fang Haoshi, originally studied at St. John's University, a church school in Shanghai. The May Thirtieth Massacre occurred in 1925. Students went on strike to support the workers who were oppressed or killed by the Japanese, but they were blocked by the school. The principal of St. John's University is British. One day, for some unknown reason, he lowered the Chinese flag and threw it on the ground. This aroused public outrage among the teachers and students of the school. Nineteen Chinese teachers and more than 500 students left the school to establish Guanghua University. My uncle also transferred to Guanghua University and graduated from it. Uncle Jun and my father went to the same school in high school, and after college, he and my uncle went to the same school, so the three brothers of the Fang family have frequent contacts throughout their lives, and their relationship is particularly close. When Uncle Jun was in the second year of college, he suddenly disappeared for several days before reappearing. My uncle went to his dormitory to ask him why he was skipping class. His classmates made fun of him for having a girlfriend. He covered his head with a quilt and shouted " God knows, God knows." After a while, when the military academy announced its rankings, it became known that he had entered the third aviation class of the Central Aviation School and was going to be a parachutist.

Although my father is very proud of himself on the sports field, sports are just a kind of compensation and catharsis. My father heard from a young age how Japan forced the Chinese government to agree to sign 21 unequal treaties (1915) that humiliated the country within 48 hours, and ridiculed the repeated "boycott of Japanese goods" actions by the Chinese people as "five-minute enthusiasm". During his growing up, the conflicts between China and Japan were constant and even intensified. The first thing in life that made his heart flutter, and the way out that he was fascinated by leisurely, was to follow in the footsteps of Uncle Bu Jun and join the Air Force. But his wish was strongly opposed by his parents, because the family had long hoped that he could study medicine and join his uncle's hospital as a doctor.

(3) On the road of basic medicine with the posture of an athlete

When my father graduated from high school in 1932, there were two church hospitals and three private clinics in Jiaxing. The Jiaxing Evangelical Hospital with the longest history was founded by American missionary Dr. Wen Yuanbo during the Guangxu Period of the Qing Dynasty, and the Jiaxing Sacred Heart Hospital was established in 1920 by French priests and nuns. Private clinics include Jiaxing Hospital established in 1917, Dexin Hospital established in 1920 and Trinity Hospital established in 1930. Among them, Dexin Hospital was opened next door to my father's house, and the director was my father's uncle Jiang Zhixin (1880~1960).

My father's aunt Fang Yinchan studied nursing and midwifery; my uncle Jiang Zhixin was an obstetrician and gynecologist studying in Japan and joined the League in Japan; their son Jiang Ganqin was also an obstetrician and gynecologist in Germany. Dexin Hospital is an obstetrics and gynecology hospital run by a family of three. At the beginning, there were few people around, and they dared not go out in order to wait for the patients to come. Women in Jiaxing don't like being checked by foreigners. They heard that there is a gynecology hospital opened by natives, and they choose to come to the new hospital one after another. Later, my father's uncle's family was busy day and night, working very hard, and hoped that my father would study medicine and join the team. The babies of many animals are born after nightfall and before dawn; because the group is moving during the day, the female animal gives birth easily alone and is attacked by natural enemies, so the genes that make the female animal give birth during the day are easy to be eliminated; at least when electric lights are popularized, Before the prevalence of nightlife, humans still retained this animal habit. My father saw the hard work of obstetrics and gynecology in his eyes, and he was unwilling to study medicine in every possible way. However, the family revolution failed, and he finally went to Zhejiang Provincial Medical College in Hangzhou to study, and accidentally entered the first peak of his life.

In addition to Zhejiang Medical College, Hangzhou also has Zhijiang University and Zhejiang University. My father was reluctant to study medicine, but he still played basketball crazily. He always represented the school in competitions. His height of 180 cm was very conspicuous. He was soon selected as the representative of Zhejiang Province and practiced with players from other schools. Due to a historical blunder, my father participated in a national sports meeting that he should have missed.

Mainland China under the Republic of China has hosted six National Games. The National Games held in Beijing in 1914 was dominated by foreigners. The documents of the meeting were in English, and the measurements were in English. Due to the turmoil in the current situation, the National Games was held again in Wuchang in 1924 after a ten-year interruption. The first National Games supported by the government was held in Hangzhou in April 1930. It was organized by the "National Sports Association". On October 10, 1931, National Day, the next national sports meeting was held in the capital. In order to achieve this goal, the construction company mobilized 3,000 workers to work day and night. The construction started in May and was completed by the end of August. The large-scale stadium, which was known as "the first in the Far East" at the time, was completed, including track and field fields, swimming pools, baseball fields, There are basketball (volleyball) courts, martial arts courts, tennis courts, racetracks, and football fields, all of which have stands, which together can accommodate more than 60,000 people. Unexpectedly, the National Games of that year was postponed for some reason. One reason is that from July to September 1931, heavy rains fell in the Yangtze River Basin and the Huanghuai River Basin. The rainfall was more than twice that of the same period in normal years. Considered the worst flood of the twentieth century and the deadliest natural disaster. Another reason for the postponement of the National Games was that the Shenyang Incident broke out on September 18, 1931. The three northeastern provinces were occupied by the Japanese Kwantung Army and Manchukuo was established.

The National Games originally scheduled to be held in 1931 was postponed to October 10-22, 1933, and was hosted by the "National Games Preparatory Committee" of the government unit. My father changed from a high school senior to a sophomore. I heard from my father that a player from Xinjiang set off a year early in order to participate in the 1931 National Games as scheduled. After finding out that the Games had been postponed, he simply lived in Nanjing and waited for two years, because it took him a year to return to Xinjiang and he had to start again. Come to Nanjing. The transportation at that time was far less convenient than it is now.

In this National Games, the contestants representing the Northeast all entered the customs secretly with their own funds, risked their lives, and ventured from the Japanese-occupied area to Nanjing; among them, they refused to represent Manchuria in 1932, and finally succeeded after many twists and turns. Liu Changchun (1909~1983), a famous sprinter from Dalian, represented the Republic of China in the Olympic Games for the first time. At the opening ceremony of the National Games, Liu Changchun delivered an oath on behalf of all the athletes. He said: "The championship we are competing for is to restore the map colors of the provinces in Northeast China." At the moment, the crowd in the stands chanted anti-Japanese slogans in unison, shaking the world . Perhaps because of the stimulation of the national crisis, the athletes all had high fighting spirit. The overall performance of the Games was particularly impressive, with nearly 30 events breaking national records. Liu Changchun personally set new national records in the 100 meters and 200 meters at the National Games, which were not broken until 25 years later. At the closing ceremony, Liu Changchun issued a "Farewell Letter" on behalf of the players from Northeast China: "Everyone will return home, and we will drift anywhere. I sincerely hope that the next Games will be held in Shenyang and restore the colors of the Northeast's rivers and mountains." Thousands of heads drilled in the stands, eight The tens of thousands of people were angry and their blood was boiling. It was an unforgettable scene for my father in his life. Although my father often mentioned the Nanjing National Games and the excitement of the 80,000 people at that time after he came to Taiwan, he never mentioned the reason why the participants were moved and the reason why the occasion was unforgettable. Although he once wanted to join the army to kill the enemy, he has a generous nature and never vents his anger. He looks forward and does not count old scores. He may have taken into account that National Taiwan University was formerly known as Imperial University, and he also admired the Japanese colleagues and friends he met when he first came to Taiwan. He must avoid embarrassing topics.

Liu Changchun represented the Republic of China to participate in the two Olympic Games. Because he did not receive enough financial support and care, he spent more than 20 days on the sea. The country has no sports". His exclamation, even today's athletes in certain sports still feel sympathetic.

After the Nanjing National Games, Dai Li, the chief of the special affairs department and a native of Zhejiang, hosted a banquet for all the male athletes of the Zhejiang Provincial Team. His father was also invited, and he got to know Dai Li's true face in Lushan. It is said that Dai Li usually changes his appearance in disguise, and does not easily show his true colors to others. It is not known whether any athletes were recruited as intelligence agents that day.

When my father visited Nanjing again in 1937, he went to Nanjing Military Medical School as a teaching assistant. At that time, a professor of ophthalmology from Xiehe Hospital paid special attention to his father's every move, and finally said to him: "You must be an athlete. What unit have you represented in competitions?" My father told him to represent Zhejiang Province in the National Games, and asked the other party, The other party replied, "Represent the country and participate in the Far East Games." The professor was a track and field athlete named Pan Zuoxing (1903~1983). He was an authority on ophthalmological pathological research and had published many important works. He was the first to actively advocate the donation of corneas after death, and set an example by donating eyeballs for teaching and research after death. His corneas benefited a young man from Shandong.

The last basketball game my father participated in was a teacher-student match in his second year at National Taiwan University. It was in 1948, called by Professor Ye Shu (1908~2004) of the Department of Pathology, the five faculty members of the same team also included Professor Chen Gongbei (1917~1978) of the Institute of Public Health, an American professor of religious studies A priest, and a physical education teacher (not a basketball major). The members of the student team included Hong Zupei, a retired honorary professor of neurology who was in the third year of medical science at the time. Of course, the coach team was no match for the young lads. When the last 15 minutes were left in the defeat, the father had to start using mid-range shots to save the situation and became the target of the opponent's foul.

The opponent fouled at the end of the whistle. At that time, the coach team was still two points behind. My father made both free throws, and the audience was thunderous. My father said that to make free throws accurately, finger movements are very important, which was taught by teacher Yao Yipeng. After that, my father never played again because he "had to work hard". Teachers usually work harder than students.

Although his father no longer plays, he credits his early training for his fitness and avoiding disaster in his later years. A car accident that happened to my father when he was 70 years old was described in his article "Miscellaneous Memories". However, the influence of an athlete's career goes beyond the appearance of physical fitness, and goes deeper into the cultivation of the outlook on life.

I once read an English version of a book introducing Japanese Zen, and mentioned a story, but unfortunately the source is no longer available. A certain archery master teaches his students to realize Zen through archery, and has taught countless disciples. One day a soldier came to the door, please practice archery. The master looked at the visitor and said, "You already know it, so you don't need to learn it." The soldier said, "I have never learned it, so why don't you need to learn it?" The master said, "The purpose of practicing archery is to realize Zen and become a master. You yourself You are already a master, and I can’t teach you anything more.” Xiaobing said, “Where am I a master?” The master said, “You must have something very good at, reaching the level of a master.” Xiaobing thought about it , Can't think of what will happen to him, the master wants him to think harder. Xiao Bing finally said: "There is only one thing I may be good at. That is, I need to go to the battlefield. I am very afraid. I must train myself not to be afraid of death. After continuous practice, I can finally go to the battlefield without being afraid." Master Said: "That's right. When we learn archery or sword or any other skill, the ultimate goal is to learn to face death calmly; you have learned this, so you don't have to learn from me." This It is mentioned in the story that flower ceremony, tea ceremony, kendo and so on all lead to the same goal by different routes, and students must understand the same truth.

Athlete for a day, athlete for life. If a person is really injected with the soul of an athlete, even if he no longer touches football, basketball, or steps on the track and field, no matter what he does, he can be self-disciplined and self-improving: keep his feet on the ground and not seek to reach the sky by one step; abide by the norms, and compete fairly based on strength Don't take tricks; pursue self-transcendence and afford to lose; sincere dedication, not using professionalism as a means to achieve other goals. Nowadays, in the sports circle, it is often reported that taking banned drugs to achieve good results, or being bought by the gambling industry, and the game is falsified is really regrettable. Not everyone who plays sports is an athlete. On the contrary, as long as you uphold the sportsmanship, even if you don't engage in sports activities, you can still be regarded as an athlete.

(4) The most critical year in life

Mencius said: "There is no other way of learning, just ask for peace of mind." My father never focused on studying, and relied on memorizing the Buddha's feet to pass the test. His grades were not bad, but he had no practical learning. After returning from Nanjing, his mind was still full of the excitement of the big scene The scene, not paying attention to the lectures; the reminders from the family and elders are not listening. One day my father was sitting in the dormitory by himself, and he thought seriously about his future. He realized that the career of an athlete is very short, and physical education is not his interest. When my father saw a list of Nobel Prize winners, more than 30 of the 50 or so were Germans, so he made up his mind to study in Germany one day. From then on, my father studied German on his own, and when he had accumulated problems, he asked his cousin Jiang Ganqin who was studying in Germany for advice when he returned home during the holidays. Jiang Zhixin had a nephew who used to serve in Dexin Hospital. At that time, he was a professor of bacteriology in Zhejiang Medical University. His name was Tu Baoqi (1899~1978). He was the cousin of his father's aunt. He was 15 years older than his father. But at this moment, he acted as a mentor to his father at the right time. He knew that his father's dream of flying was broken, and he wanted to study aviation medicine as the next best thing, but Zhejiang Medicine did not have such a course, so he advised his father to make the next best thing, and he might as well study aviation physiology. At that time, there were no aviation physiology courses in any school, so they could only focus on the target and explore on their own. My father hoped to go to Germany as soon as I graduated from Zhejiang Medical University. Tu advised my father that it is impossible to learn aviation physiology well without a solid foundation in physiology. It is easy to study in Germany for a degree, but it is meaningless. Tu himself was studying in Japan, so he introduced his father to visit a professor Hong Shilu (1894~1955) who was studying in Germany. In 1928, Hong Shilu founded a private Hangzhou Hospital and China's first parasitic disease research institution - Hangzhou Institute of Tropical Diseases in Hangzhou, serving as the deputy director. Hong chatted with his father and told him that you are a good person and smart enough, but you have no strength. He also discouraged his father from going to Germany as soon as he graduated. It's no secret to Tu and Hong that their father's psychological background is poor, but both of them love their father very much.

At that time, general medical colleges took five years of courses, one year of internship, and a total of six years of study and graduation. Four years of Zhejiang medical specialization courses, one year of internship, and a total of five years of graduation; in the fifth year, students are allowed to choose the internship unit by themselves. Tu Baoqi told his father that the Ministry of Education announced not long ago that the two medical schools in Peking—Peking University School of Medicine and Peking Union Medical College—can recruit teaching fellowship students (a few months later, Central University School of Medicine also opened to recruit fellowship students). The so-called "teacher trainees" refer to the trainees who are not awarded a degree after completing the courses, but have obtained qualifications recognized by the Ministry of Education and can go to various schools to teach physiology courses. Tu arranged for his father and got the approval of the school to go to Peking for further study as a fifth-year internship on the premise of abandoning clinical medicine and focusing on basic medicine. Therefore, my father made up his mind in Peiping from 1936 to 1937, and relearned physiology down-to-earth.

At that time, most of the physiological instruments and equipment of medical schools in the country were produced in Peking Medical College, Union Medical College, and Central University Medical College, which was more economical than importing from abroad. My father took advantage of the end of the semester of Zhejiang Medical University to go straight to Peking University School of Medicine, and spent the whole summer vacation mingling with the technicians in the laboratory. It has benefited a lot from mastering it, so that when the professor tested the ability of the new students after the semester started, he was impressed by him. After the war broke out, my father moved between schools, and occasionally still met the technicians he met in Peiping back then, and had a good teamwork relationship.

My father's teacher in Peking was Professor Hou Zonglian (1900~1992). At that time, Hou was the director of the Physiology Department of Peking University School of Medicine, and concurrently served as an honorary teacher of Physiology at Peking Union Medical College Medical College. Therefore, his father had to practice all the physiology experiment textbooks taught by both sides within one year. The experimental animals included cats, dogs, and rabbits. wait. My father also used his talent for dexterity in his fingers and practiced his hand skills. My father also wanted to listen to Mr. Hou's class, and suddenly found that Peking University actually ranked students' seats in the next semester according to their rankings in the previous semester, unlike today's protection of students' privacy. Students who don't work hard will have to taste the bitter fruit of the previous semester's playfulness throughout the semester, and there is nowhere to hide. Because my father is a visiting student, he can't occupy the seat of regular students, so he sits in the last row. At that time, my father became good friends with the teaching assistant who graduated first in pediatrics and the assistant teaching assistant who graduated first in physiology, and they participated in discussions about research together. Since the experimental schedule is very tight, it is rare to have free time, so I go skating. Someone taught at the skating rink, and the man asked his father: Do you choose to learn in a week or in a month? It turned out that what he meant was that if you are afraid of falling, you can choose to push a chair to skate, and it will take a long time. Learn it a little bit; if you want to wrestle, learn it a little earlier. Father chose not to hold the chair.

Hou Zonglian always took good care of his father, and he still wrote letters to and from his father in his later years. Hou was still guiding students to do research at the age of 91 one year before his death. He is worthy of being an important physiologist and medical educator in China.

Dr. Han Zongqi (1914~2013), my father's classmate at Zhejiang Medical College, was the first in the class that year. After coming to Taiwan, my father still often visits him. In his later years, Uncle Han once said to his father, "In our class, the reason why you were able to succeed was entirely dependent on the year in Peking." His father immediately agreed. His father was grateful for Hou Zonglian's strict teaching throughout his life, and he often mentioned it; he was also very grateful to the two professors Tu and Hong who dissuaded him from staying in Germany. Confucius said that "I am ten to five years old, and I am determined to learn." His father was over 20 years old and still ignorant. Slow young people are especially patient and confident.

During my father’s educational enlightenment period, the more progressive hospitals and schools in the society were run by foreigners in China; when my father graduated from medical school, the Chinese generally took over the management of these hospitals and schools in the society, and there were even a lot of hospitals and schools run by Chinese. Self-run hospitals and schools. China is still progressing and growing slowly amidst the flames of war.

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