Founder font:Founder Group went bankrupt, will the font library still be charged? Will the Founder Font Competition be complied with? People in the industry will tell you-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Founder Group went bankrupt, will the font library still be charged? Will the Founder Font Competition be complied with? People in the industry will tell you


Founder Group and HNA Group

Because the news of the bankruptcy was pushed to the forefront of public opinion.

Especially Fang Zheng, who is known as "the best school enterprise",

Because the debt is as high as 300 billion

And apply to the court for bankruptcy reorganization.

Founder Group was founded in 1986.

The "Chinese character information processing and laser phototypesetting system" invented by Wang Xuan,

It laid the foundation of the company.

Founder, one of the top 500 companies in China,

It owns six listed companies.

Due to rumors of bankruptcy,

Everyone has some questions,

Does Founder Font charge a fee?

Is the font contest still happening?

Fortunately, there is a Founder insider in the font group where the editor works.

He solved everyone’s doubts——

Question 1

Has Founder Group gone bankrupt?

The insider said,

Founder Group is currently undergoing judicial reorganization.

Not bankruptcy.

Here I would like to share with you the difference between bankruptcy and bankruptcy——

Closure means that an enterprise has lost its production and operation capabilities. Bankruptcy is considered insolvent, and the company has certain production and operation capabilities. Both are countermeasures taken when the business cannot continue, but bankruptcy can apply for bankruptcy protection, which will cause little damage to the company's property, while bankruptcy means that the company closes the company itself but fails to pay off the debts it owes.

Do you understand now?

The Bank of Beijing is currently reorganizing Fangzheng Group.

Maybe we will get out of trouble soon.

Question 2

Does Founder Font still charge?

Founder Group is the parent company of Founder Font.

are two independent legal entities,

The group's bankruptcy has no impact on Font Company.

Founder Font Library is still operating normally.

Authorization and purchase of fonts continue as usual.

Did you notice?

Although Founder Group and Founder Font are parent and subsidiary companies,

But their LOGOs are different.

We once introduced the visual image of Founder Font Company.

Question 3

Is the Founder Font Contest still held?

Some designers worry that

I worked hard to design the entries for the Founder Award,

Will it be ruined by bankruptcy?

This professional said,

The competition continues as usual.

After careful consideration, the organizing committee

Decide on the deadline for submission of entries

Extended to March 20, 2020.

Question 4

What are the new trends in Founder Font?

In order to help designers in anti-epidemic propaganda,

Founder Font Library has opened more than a thousand Chinese fonts.

Free for anti-epidemic propaganda,

Until the epidemic is over.

how to use free fonts,

See another tweet from today.

In addition, Founder also produced a series of anti-epidemic posters.

Hope is expressed through fonts,

Come on Wuhan, come on China!

We simultaneously pushed out this batch of anti-epidemic posters today.

Please move to the background to read.

at last,

Let me remind you again,

The 10th "Founder Award" Font Design Competition

The deadline has been extended to March 20, 2020.


Pictures taken from the Internet

Copyright belongs to the original author

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