The emperor's new clothes ppt:Let your imagination run wild and let your children learn Lesson 19 of the seventh grade volume, "The Emperor's New Clothes"-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Let your imagination run wild and let your children learn Lesson 19 of the seventh grade volume, "The Emperor's New Clothes"


"The Emperor's New Clothes" is a fairy tale with a strong sense of reality in Lesson 19 of Volume 1 of Chinese Language for Grades 7 compiled by the Ministry of Education. The author uses extreme exaggeration and imagination to create an unusual world, and satirizes current affairs through ridiculous characters, absurd plots and humorous language. Seventh grade students are more interested in fairy tales, especially the twists and turns of fictional storylines and bizarre and exaggerated imaginations. In primary school, students have learned classic fairy tales such as "The Ugly Duckling". It is not difficult to understand the content of fairy tales, but the profound truths contained in fairy tales and the magical fantasy color of fairy tales should be difficult for children to learn and understand.


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There are three learning objectives for this unit:

① Learn to read quickly based on the silent reading in the previous units, and be able to outline key sentences.

② Mobilize your own life experience and experience, use association and imagination, grasp the author's ideas, and understand the text in depth.

③Learn to use association and imagination in composition.


Read the text quickly and gain overall perception.

First, guide children to read silently quickly, pay attention to outlining key sentences, learn to annotate, and summarize events in concise language.

Example: The emperor loves new clothes → → → →

Second, after grasping the content of the text and clarifying the writing ideas, allow the children to briefly retell the plot of the story in their own words.

Note: Many teaching aids summarize the plot of the text as: the emperor was deceived, the liar cheated, the common people spread the deception, and the children exposed the deception. Although such generalizations are fine, carrying other people's things will cause children to lose their ability to read generalizations. Therefore, we must guide children to learn to summarize on their own.


Focus on the description and summarize the center.

The seventh-grade children are interested in this fairy tale largely because of the ridiculous and silly characters, the absurd and tortuous plot, and the bizarre and exaggerated imagination. It is difficult to let children understand and summarize the core of the text. Therefore, it needs to be well designed and guided.

The text is relatively long, so it is necessary to read it in a short way. The story is relatively simple, but its implications are profound, so it needs to be written in a simple and interesting way. They should be linked together and extended step by step to lead the children to understand the depth of the text.

First, design a main question:

Does The Emperor's New Clothes Really Exist? Have the emperor, ministers and common people seen the new clothes woven by the liar? But why did they all admit that they saw the new clothes and praise them so much? [Answer with sentences from the text]

This question can be initially answered by asking the children to use the key sentence they sketched out, "And the clothes sewn out have a strange characteristic: anyone who is incompetent or hopelessly stupid cannot see the clothes." First understand the shallow meaning of the text.

Second, focus on description and hit with a heavy hammer.

Long articles should be studied in short and skillful ways.

We need to find a starting point and a breakthrough point. For example, you can lead children to carefully study the words describing ministers.



Many years ago, there was an emperor who spent all his money in order to dress beautifully. He cared neither for his army nor for going to the theater or riding in a carriage to the park unless it was to show off his new clothes. He had to change his clothes every hour of the day. When people mention him, they always say: "The emperor is in the dressing room."

"Those are ideal clothes!" the emperor thought to himself. "By wearing such clothes, I can tell who are incompetent in my kingdom; I can tell who are smart and who are fools. Yes." , I want them to weave such cloth for me immediately." So he paid a lot of money to these two swindlers so that they could start working immediately.

"I would like to know how the clothes are woven," the emperor thought. However, it does feel unnatural to think that anyone who is stupid or incompetent cannot see this cloth. He believed that he had nothing to fear, but he still thought it would be more appropriate to send someone first to see how the work was progressing. The whole town had heard of the miraculous powers of the fabric, and everyone was eager to take the opportunity to test how stupid, or stupid, their neighbors really were.

"I will send my honest old minister to the weaver," thought the emperor. "He can best tell what the cloth looks like, because he is very sensible and is more qualified than anyone else in his job."

Honest Minister:

"May God have mercy on me!" the old minister thought, opening his eyes very wide, "I didn't see anything!" But he did not dare to say this.

The two swindlers asked him to come closer, and pointed at the two empty looms and asked him if the patterns and colors were beautiful. The poor old minister's eyes opened wider and wider, but he still couldn't see anything, because there was nothing.

"My God!" he thought, "Am I stupid? I never doubted myself. No one must ever know that. Am I incompetent? No! I must never let anyone know that I am. No fabric visible.”

"Hey, don't you have any objection at all?" said a liar who was weaving.

"Oh, it's so beautiful! It's so beautiful!" the old minister said, looking carefully through his glasses, "What a beautiful pattern! What a beautiful color! Yes, I will report to the emperor that I am very interested in this cloth. satisfy."

"Well, we're very happy to hear that," the two liars said in unison. So they described the colors and rare patterns, adding some nouns. The old minister listened carefully so that he could recite it when he returned to the emperor. In fact he did.

First, read aloud by role.

Let the children perceive the characters and think about the meaning of the article while reading aloud.

Second, try to make some comments.


Many years ago, there was an emperor who spent all his money in order to dress beautifully. He cared neither for his army nor for going to the theater or riding in a carriage to the park unless it was to show off his new clothes. He had to change his clothes every hour of the day. When people mention him, they always say: "The emperor is in the dressing room."

[Commentary] Love of clothes becomes an obsession and is shameless.

Third, study one:

If you don't see the new clothes, you are stupid and incompetent. Use one word to describe the old minister's face.

(Example: Telling lies with your eyes open)

Why are old ministers afraid that others will know that they are incompetent or stupid? Why tell lies with your eyes open?

Children can be guided to explore the above issues in depth to gain a further understanding of the text.

Fourth, exploration two:

Are the emperors and other honest ministers as well as the people mentally different from the old minister?

Why did that kid dare to tell the truth?

If a child dares to tell the truth, why don't all adults dare?

Among the characters in the text, who is the liar? Why?

Guide children to continue exploring and reach higher levels.

Fifth, exploration three:

Let’s talk about what enlightenment the text has given us?

Guide children to explore and summarize from different angles.

Let the children understand that the author vividly wrote about all kinds of ridiculous and ridiculous behaviors of the emperor, ministers, attachés, and liars, directly satirizing the remaining feudal rulers of all sizes in Europe at that time, and pointed directly at their stupidity and ignorance. , vanity and corruption.

In addition, children can also be guided to generalize from different angles, such as: being smart is worse than being smart, too much greed can make some people lose their way, etc.


Expand your imagination and expand.

First, expand the association.

Think about it, are there any similar phenomena in social life, and talk about your own views on it.

Second, expand your imagination.

You can combine it with after-school exercise 4 to ask the children to think about what they would have done if they had been at the parade at that time. Use your imagination and write a paragraph.

As a family, everyone is welcome to give us advice.

December 5, 2019

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