Han Ding Jian New Art Style:Be more sincere and less gimmicks. Handing is going to cancel the free distribution festival. How many years has it been since Chuangwei Distribution Festival has free shipping?-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Be more sincere and less gimmicks. Handing is going to cancel the free distribution festival. How many years has it been since Chuangwei Distribution Festival has free shipping?

On June 8, Handing posted an article on its official account called "Handing's free distribution policy to be cancelled?" "Article.

Did Handing really cancel its free distribution method? In the article, Handing described that since its free knot distribution service was launched in 2014, more than 4 million knots have been distributed. Taking the fourth generation of Handing No. 1 as an example, the cost of one section of a 3.6m pole is at least ten yuan, and 3.6m/ The cost of a 7.2m5 section exceeded more than 20. The article says: In the future, a pole may cost dozens of dollars.

What I want to say is that it’s okay if you want to do gimmicks with Handing, but it’s not good if you want to deceive fishing friends. Aren’t we all well aware of the cost of poles? The matching sections are usually 1-2 sections. There are even many fishing friends who buy two products because of the fittings. What's more, although Handing's accessories are free, they still charge 10 yuan for shipping. Some fishing friends said directly: Handing doesn’t really think that it is a high-quality fisherman.

There are factories in the fishing tackle industry that have long calculated their profits. The shipping fee is 10 yuan minus the shipping fee of 2-2.5 yuan. The cost of the first two sections is 3-5 yuan. Plus packaging and the like, there is still a 3-5 yuan product. The profit is just an increase in premium without the Handing brand. According to Handing's own data, more than 4 million knots are allocated. Even if only 3 million knots are poles, it is a profit of more than 10 million.

When it comes to the after-sales and parts-free section of fishing gear companies, you still have to look at Chuangwei. Chuangwei really has no choice in after-sales. Free shipping and free distribution have been implemented for many years, and this is a pure loss. Even the welfare rods sent out by a certain platform Chuangwei in 2021 do not have sales certificates, and they can be matched by contacting customer service. It’s really amazing and not easy to do this. In terms of after-sales service, Chuangwei surpasses other domestic fishing gear manufacturers.

It seems that some stores in Handing are cheating customers now. Not only the price of fishing rods has skyrocketed, but they are also making a fuss about the fishing rod distribution section?

It is estimated that Handing will really start with distribution and after-sales service in the future.

There are two possibilities. One is that Handing really cancels the free fittings and adopts a hunger marketing model. For popular rods, it creates a gimmick similar to Huashi Longsi, which has a small number of new releases and difficult fittings.

The other is that Handing's free shipping and distribution festival is to create momentum and create a marketing situation that is concealed. You must know that fishermen are all honest people, so it is quite annoying to be so confused.

If you want to cancel the postage distribution festival, fishing friends will also thank you. If you don’t want to cancel the free distribution festival and plan to earn more distribution fees, just say so. Chuangwei next door has been offering free shipping and free distribution for many years, but they didn't say anything. If the price of carbon fiber materials increases in 2022, and the cost increases, won't this fee still be waived?

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Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/duo-xie-shi-cheng-shao-dian-xue-tou-han-ding-yao-qu-xiao-mian-fei-pei-jie-chuang-wei-pei-jie-mian-yun-fei-dou-duo-shao-nian-le.html

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