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"Introduction to Dynamic Charts: A Guide to Visual Art and Production of PPT Reports"

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Making dynamic charts in Excel can avoid chart stacking and improve the interactive experience. There are two common approaches to dynamic charts: ① Slicer + perspective chart; ② Control + ordinary chart. Among them, method 1 is simple and quick, and method 2 is flexible and flexible. When making analysis templates, it is recommended to give priority to method ② to achieve more flexible and business-oriented display needs. For example, use a combo box control + a chart to solve the problem of displaying 20 stores. This is a practical and cool method. .

If such a dynamic chart is demonstrated in PPT, a more perfect effect can be displayed in the meeting. The dynamic perspective chart made by the slicer cannot be demonstrated in PPT, but the dynamic chart made by the control can be realized. Here is an overview of the implementation steps:

1. Create a dynamic chart in Excel, and record the user's selection results in cell Q2 of the dashboard worksheet.

2. Embed the chart area in the Excel file into PPT.

3. Insert a combo box control in PPT.

4. Use VBA code to read the selection list from Excel and assign it to the drop-down box.

5. Write VBA code in PPT to realize the interaction of dynamic charts.

6. When saving the PPT file, choose to save it as .pptm with macros.

7. When updating data, the embedded objects in the PPT should be updated.

After skilled operation, the dynamic chart demonstration from Excel to PPT can be completed within 1 minute.

Finally, attach a VBA code example of a dynamic chart that can be used in PPT.

 DimShAsPrivate>SetSh=Me.Shapes( 1).OLEFormat.>Object.ActiveSheetListRng=> >Sh.Range("B2:B21")'←←Within double quotation marks, fill in the data source area of ​​the controlWithComboBox1Fori=1ToUBound(ListRng).AddItemListRng( i,1)Nexti:EndWithMe.ComboBox1.Text="Please select"< /code>ComboBox1.ListRows=>UBound(ListRng):EndSubPrivateSubComboBox1_Click()'''''''' ''''''', fill in the cell linked to the control''''''''''< span>'''''''''' ''''↓↓↓↓↓↓''''' '''''''''''           Sh.Range("Q2")>=ComboBox1. ListIndex+1:EndSubPrivateSubComboBox1_LostFocus() Set Sh = Nothing: ComboBox1.Clear: End Sub

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