cad font installation:Dingdian Mold CNC training recommendation-CAD font replacement method-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Dingdian Mold CNC training recommendation-CAD font replacement method

1. Simple method one: If there is such a font, add it directly to the fonts folder in the autocad installation directory;

Simple method two: If there is no such font, after opening the file, click Format, select the text style, replace all the fonts in the drawing with your own font, and save it. The prompt will not appear again when you open it next time. 2. It is not possible to solve the problem by going online and downloading more fonts. Because if you use a less common font, it will be more convenient to read the pictures by yourself. But it is possible to send your drawings to other people, which is also troublesome.

It's best to find a common font to replace the uncommon font.

3. Use CAD font substitution method skillfully

Use the CAD font replacement method skillfully... You will never need to resort to CAD fonts again...

We often encounter this situation: when opening someone else's picture, the font of the original file cannot be found. What should I do?

When opening someone else's picture, I have to constantly replace font files that I don't have. How can I fix it once and for all?

Here’s a great way to introduce it to you! Bring it and share it with everyone! ! !

Answer: There are two ways,

1: Copy the font to be replaced to the name of the font to be replaced. For example, if you open a picture and it is prompted that the jd font cannot be found, and you want to replace it with hztxt.shx, then you can make a copy of hztxt.shx and name it For jd.shx, it can be solved. However, the disadvantage of this method is obvious, it takes up too much disk space. It is best to use the following method.

Two: Create the acad.fmp file in the autocad r14/support directory. If this file originally exists, open it directly. This is an ASCII file. Enter "jd;hztxt". If there are other fonts to replace, you can start a new line. For example, "jh;hztxt", save and exit. In the future, if the picture you open contains fonts such as jd and jh that are not in your machine, you will no longer be asked to find fonts to replace them.

Of course, some friends may not be using r14, and the default directory is not there.

So, let me tell you a method below: How to find the acad.fmp file in my CAD?

On the Start menu (Windows), click All Programs (or Programs) Autodesk AutoCAD 2005 AutoCAD 2005. (That is, open the CAD program.)

On the Tools menu, click Options.

In the Options dialog box, click the File tab.

On the File tab, click the plus sign (+) to the left of Text Editor, Dictionary, and Font File Names.

Click the plus sign (+) to the left of Font Map File.

Under Font Map Files, click the pathname to view the location of the font map file. Look, my directory is under the Application Data directory on the C drive.

4. When using AutoCAD, font problems will trouble many people. Here's what I do: store fonts that are not included in the built-in fonts in a separate folder. If prompted to find fonts, search for them in this folder. Because apart from the built-in fonts, there are not many commonly used fonts, so it is easier to find them in a separate folder. Moreover, this method can also solve the problem of font loss after reinstalling the system. It's just a little troublesome. If you want it simple, in the Tools-Options dialog box, on the File tab, turn on "Support file search paths" and add your own file to store the fonts. However, the only disadvantage of this method is that if there is no required font in the folder, a long drop-down list will appear when searching manually.

5. Method 1: Click format - text style. In addition to the standard style, there will be 3-5 font styles. Change all font styles to: font name: TXT.shx, choose large font, choose HZTXT.SHX or HZFS.SHX for large font (I prefer to use this font), change all font height to 0, font width Change the proportion to 0.8 (or not change it).

Method 2: In addition, you can also change the Format - Text Style (Change) font name (gbenor.shx) and font style (gbcbig.shx) in the CAD toolbar, so that the garbled question mark will become Song Dynasty, which can basically be seen.

6. Tips on setting up ACAD fonts

In the process of converting ACAD drawings, problems such as font mismatch and garbled characters often occur. Now I will share the solutions to some problems.

1. When ACAD low-version files, such as R13 (and below) DWG files, are opened with R14 (and above), even if the Chinese font file is correctly selected, Chinese characters will still appear garbled. The reason is that R14 (and above) R14 and above) and R13 (and below R13) use different code pages. Solution: You can go to the AutoDesk company homepage to download the code page conversion tool wnewcp tool for conversion. If the original image is in Simplified Chinese, you can choose to convert it to GB2312 or ANSI936.

2. When writing in a block, such as writing in the title bar, some content is too long and causes the text to go out of bounds. In versions before acad2000, the text attributes in the block cannot be adjusted (that is, the block in the block cannot be adjusted), and the only option is to explode. method to adjust the text properties. Solution: Upgrade to acad2002, whose blocks can change the properties of the next layer of blocks.

3. When numbers and text are input together, the heights vary. Generally speaking, the height of numbers is slightly larger than the height of text. Solution: I usually use the style command to specify the numbers using the GBENOR font (ACAD comes with it, the font height is shorter than other fonts), and the text using the HZTXT font (if there is no HZTXT font, you can choose another font instead based on your feeling).

4. When opening CAD drawings from other companies, it was prompted that a certain font in the drawing was not available, but after replacing it with other fonts, garbled characters appeared. Solution: Create a new document and insert the CAD drawing as a block. The garbled characters will disappear (but the font will be different from the original drawing. If you need 100% accuracy, you need the other party to pass a matching font).

5. Use Pro/Drawing in the Chinese version of PROE to create a good engineering drawing. When you convert it to DWG and open it with AutoCAD, no matter how you set the Chinese font in ACAD, explode it (because the text is converted from PROE DWG is all tiles), and the Chinese fonts in PROE cannot be displayed normally. Solution: Don't convert directly to DWG format when converting, first convert to DXF format (so that the text will not become a block in ACAD), and then use AutoCAD to open the DXF file. At this time, the font style of the ACAD file is pure For English characters, use the style command to change the font style. Use BIG FONT, select a more suitable Chinese font, and then apply it. You will find that all the Chinese characters that PROE won the bid are restored. After testing by netizens, the SYFS.SHX font is almost the same as the PROE font.

6. The drawings have solid characters, and hollow characters will appear when printing. Solution: Change the parameter value of ACAD parameter TEXTFILL from 0 to 1

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