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Rice Husk Featured Chart Techniques Rice Husk Chart Techniques Sankey Diagram

  • Image and text skills

Master dynamic charts in one minute: Sankey charts,Learn to show data flow


Sankey diagram is used to describe one set of values ​​to another set Chart of the flow of values

At the same time, it can be displayed to the endHow much "flowed"


Inside the Sankey diagram,Different lines represent different traffic diversion situations

The width of the line represents the size of the data represented by this branch

No matter how the data flows, From the beginning to the end, the total value of the Sankey diagram remains the same,Adhere to data"energy conservation"


Sankey diagrams are often used to visualize energy or capital transfers ,Help us determine the various parts of traffic

Approximate proportion of the total,As visualization becomes more and more widely used ,The use of Sankey diagrams has also been expanded to various fields


In the editing scene,After we insert the Sankey chart, edit the chart, span>You can also freely adjust the style, color, etc.. In this way, the Sankey diagram will be

Production completed.


Dynamic charts also come with interactive effects,Come and experience it!

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/dao-ke-jing-xuan-tu-biao-ji-qiao-dao-ke-tu-biao-ji-qiao-sang-ji-tu.html

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