first font:A college student's cuneiform font has become popular on the Internet. Each stroke is horizontal and vertical. The teacher wants to give 0 points after reading it.-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

A college student's cuneiform font has become popular on the Internet. Each stroke is horizontal and vertical. The teacher wants to give 0 points after reading it.

Text/Xiang Cheng Talks about Education

Do you know what cuneiform font is? Do you know what cuneiform font looks like?

Cuneiform was first created by the ancient Sumerians and is a type of hieroglyphics. Liberal arts students generally know better, while science students basically know nothing. It is a compound word derived from the Latin words wedge and shape.

With the evolution of history, this kind of writing has been used from the beginning until around the first year of AD. After that, it was lost. It was not until the 19th century that it was gradually deciphered. It is also an ancient writing and a civilization in ancient my country.

Originally, this font was rarely known to the public, and only people engaged in historical research would know about it. However, recently, cuneiform writing by college students suddenly became popular on the Internet, which also brought cuneiform into the public eye and became well-known.

Cuneiform characters are okay to read individually, but when many characters are put together, there is no bend in each stroke, they are all straight. The teacher was confused after reading it, and even wanted to give 0 points after reading it. , although it is very innovative, it is not so new to the teachers who read the article.

What impact does the quality of students' handwriting have?

First, good words make people feel happy

When it comes to the quality of handwriting, the impact is really not small. First of all, whether a person's handwriting is good-looking or not will directly affect the person who reads it. Good handwriting will make people feel good.Illegible handwriting will make people feel good. I'm boredand have no mood to continue watching, or even the desire to watch.

If you are a student taking the high school entrance examination or college entrance examination, you must be even more careful. Whether it is the high school entrance examination or the college entrance examination, there will be a composition, and the score is not small. Neat handwriting will get extra points. It is also called paper score, and can also be understood as impression score.

Illegible handwriting will deduct impression points from even the best composition. You must know how important it is to get one point in the high school entrance examination. One more point can overwhelm a thousand people. Therefore, handwriting is important.

Second, words are like the person they are

A person's character and conduct can be seen from his handwriting. For example, people with neat handwriting generally pay more attention to rules when doing things, that is, one code must be followed by another code. People with illegible handwriting, sometimes big and sometimes small, are generally outgoing and informal.

People with small handwriting tend to be introverted and have a little family spirit. People with big handwriting are generally extroverted, outgoing, informal, generous, and not fussy...

Third, increase many opportunities

If you are good at writing, sometimes there will be many unexpected opportunities, and you may not believe it. But, in fact, it is.

When I was in college, a classmate who was very good at writing was found out by the teacher by chance. So whenever there was anything related to writing, I would come to this classmate.

The teacher was very familiar with the leader of a unit at that time, and it was by chance that the leader found out about it, so he recruited the student to work in the unit before graduation, and the boss thought highly of him.

Now, that classmate has reached the position of vice president. This is a real case that happened around us. At the time, we didn't believe it. Just because of his good handwriting, he got a job opportunity.

In fact, writing well is also a talent for students. There is nothing wrong with having another talent. It can help you increase your employment opportunities in no time.

When is the best time for students to practice calligraphy?

If you want to know when is the best time for students to practice calligraphy, it is definitely the better when they are young. Many problems can be corrected in time. When students grow up, many habits are formed and it will be difficult to change them.

Generally, children are between 5 and 8 years old. This is the best time to start practicing calligraphy to fundamentally solve the problem. For adults, who need to study and work, there is not so much time.

If you want to practice calligraphy, you can prepare a copybook and practice slowly, focusing on persistence.

Given time, there will definitely be progress. It should be noted thatit is not recommended to practice calligraphy when you first start practicing calligraphy. Brush calligraphy is a soft pen, and you have not yet mastered hard-pen calligraphy, let alone soft-brush calligraphy.

Is it necessary to practice calligraphy?

Many people hold different opinions on whether it is necessary for students to practice calligraphy. They think it is not necessary as long as they can write. And now many college students' handwriting is not very good.

The reason is that I haven't paid attention to calligraphy since I was a child, and I haven't paid attention to writing standards. What's more, the electronics industry is so developed. Everyone uses computers or mobile phones for work and life, and few people can write.

However, just because there is no need to write does not mean that writing is not important. Do a small experiment, put down your mobile phone, computer and other electronic products, and suddenly ask you a very familiar word. You may not be able to write it. This is forgetting the word after picking up the pen.

Even if you need to type every day, occasionally a very simple and familiar word appears in front of you, and you will not recognize it. This is why I don’t write often.


There are often jokes like this on the Internet, for example, the rejuvenation of a master is pronounced as fried rice. Although it is a funny joke to pronounce "Feeling at home" as a woman's treasure, it also reflects that we should pay attention to practicing calligraphy, especially students.

Do you think it is necessary for students to practice calligraphy from an early age? Do you have any good methods for practicing calligraphy? Welcome to leave a comment below.

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