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Explanation of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Priceless Information Sharing)

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Conditions (1)

In this issue, we will introduce to you the innovation fund project, also referred to as the innovation and entrepreneurship competition. It is mainly a free financial subsidy for the research and development expenses of core technology products of start-up enterprises.

If you like the article, I suggest you save it, like it and watch it again so you don’t get confused. Next, I will explain the hard indicators to you in a simple and easy-to-understand manner:

First of all, companies generally have intellectual property rights if they do not have intellectual property disputes. If there is no intellectual property rights, unless the company has a very good background and a strong team. The company's revenue in the previous year cannot exceed 30 million, the total number of employees cannot exceed 3,00, and the number of scientific and technological R&D personnel cannot be less than 10%, subject to social security. The previous R&D expenses must meet 500,000, and the declaration Enterprises must enter the database through small and medium-sized technology enterprises, and the same enterprise cannot obtain innovation funds for more than three projects. If an enterprise has applied five times and approved the project twice, it can still apply. The company had no major safety and quality accidents or serious violations of law or breach of trust in the previous year, so this is not a problem for an average company.

The significance of participating in the Innovation Fund (2)

Many companies do not understand the significance of participating in the innovation fund. They only know that there are free financial subsidies. In fact, this is very one-sided. In fact, there are benefits in various aspects. It is not easy to create. You are welcome to like and follow it, so you don’t get confused.

After the first enterprise establishes a project, it will receive free subsidies from government funds, ranging from 200,000 to 400,000. The district level will give 100,000, the municipal level will give 100,000 plus the district level supporting 100,000, which is 200,000. , the maximum national competition project is about 400,000.

The second enterprise comprehensive service provides national competition guidance, policy training, scientific and technological financial services, professional technical services, and enterprise capability improvement services after the municipal project is established.

The third is to provide enterprises with accurate business plan ppt speeches to persuade investors, connect financing and loan services, and provide multi-dimensional online training for core personnel of enterprises.

Fourthly, it can enhance the company's brand image and provide certain publicity and promotion, thereby achieving industry influence. It can also increase access to government personnel and enable government authorities to understand the company, which provides a basis for subsequent projects. Declaration of creating beneficial value, etc.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (3)

First of all, let’s understand the competition process and industry fields. It is a step-by-step screening process, blind evaluation by experts in each industry field, and the principle of selecting the best. If you have any, please ask the coaching agency to discuss it. Don't listen to what relationship exists and the package passes. The main thing is whether the company's core competitive products can become an emerging industry and have real reliability. Creation is not easy, welcome to repost, like and follow, don’t be confused, give roses to others, and the fragrance will linger in your hands. Let’s look at the industry first. Most companies mainly engaged in research and development can apply. Except for some catering, real estate and trade industries, most companies can apply if they meet the conditions. According to the pass rate over the years, it is around 13-14%. . The approval of this project is still relatively low. According to my personal experience, I focus on the direction of biomedical integrated circuit artificial intelligence. These three major sectors are also enterprises that Shanghai takes the lead in supporting. In the past two years, when the epidemic has been severe, it has also focused on enterprises in this area.

Next, I will explain in detail the materials that need to be prepared. Recent group photos of the core team, product pictures, product requirements, corporate business license, corporate biennial, financial statements and the most recent month's financial statements include a balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow. A summary of the company's R&D expenses for the previous year, accounting vouchers for 100% of the completed investment in technological innovation, and auxiliary accounts for R&D expenses. Other supporting materials that the enterprise can provide, such as intellectual property honor certificates, business plans, approval certificates issued by national monopoly control and product-related authorities in special industries. Mainly focus on the above core materials to focus on writing. This is the explanation for everyone in this issue. Thank you for watching. Welcome to leave a message for discussion!

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