College student resume:Hit the hot search! Is a college student’s resume worth only one yuan?-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Hit the hot search! Is a college student’s resume worth only one yuan?


Who is selling the “resume” of online job seekers?

Guo, who had just graduated from college, was eager to find a job and submitted his resume to several companies online. After that, he received frequent calls from strangers /i> and text messages provide some inexplicable positions.

A reporter's investigation found that at present, the online resume sales market is very active and has formed a "one-stop" industry.

Criminals gain access to job seekers' resumes through various means by entering online job search platforms as formal companies. The products sold by sellers range from software and accounts obtained from resumes to resumes.

Screenshot source: China Youth Daily, September 20, Page 06

Complete "resume collection" industry chain

The reporter purchased 100 resumes from a well-known job search website from an online vendor. His job search intentions include art director, lawyer, translator, sewing,Taobao Customer service and many other industries.

The reporter randomly selected 10 resumes and verified the information. At least three of the job seekers have been harassed by messages to varying degrees.

The reporter's investigation found thatthere are first-hand resumes and second-hand resumes. First-hand resumes are those that have never been sold, while second-hand resumes are those that have been sold more than once. One seller Zhang Lei (pseudonym) said that first-hand resumes usually have a higher "conversion rate" and job seekerstelephone numberIt is easier to get through, and friend requests from QQ or WeChat are also easier to pass.

According to a reporter's investigation, the price of first-hand resumes on well-known job search websites is 1.8 to 2.5 yuan each, and the price of second-hand resumes is between 0.8 and 1.5 yuan. Other job search websites cost 0.6 to 1 yuan per article.

Zhang Lei introduced that the data provides the job seeker’s name, mobile phone number, age, and gender information and is sent directly to the buyer’s email address. When asked whether the information can be updated in real time, Zhang Lei repeatedly promised“The resumes on the same day are stably updated more than 5,000 times a day, and the quality is excellent.”

The extracted resumes are all real information and updated in real time.

In addition to resume trading,sub-accounts and auxiliary software for corporate VIP accounts are sold online. Currently, the most important way to obtain resumes is to publish recruitment information through corporate accounts, wait for job seekers to submit resumes, and then extract the resumes for sale or direct use.

Zhao Feng (pseudonym), an insider, revealed that on some well-known job search websites, only certified corporate accounts have the right to download resumes. Certified companies need to prepare a business license and an account that has not been certified by the website, which is called a "white account" in jargon. Generally speaking, one business license can authenticate 3 to 5 white numbers.

The reporter's investigation found that there is software specifically for selling white accounts on the Internet, which can help buyers register white accounts in batches, and the price is more than 100 yuan per month. In addition, business licenses can also be purchased in bulk.

In theory, the more job postings you send out, the more resumes you receive. Zhao Feng said: "Whether you can attract job seekers depends on your speaking skills."There is also a "posting machine" software specifically sold online, priced at 300 to 400 yuan per month. There is also software that can refresh posts so that they rank higher. Finally, according to the platform service, use the "resume extractor" to extract the resume information of the job seeker in text form.

As soon as the "resume collection" industry chain was exposed, the topic #1 yuan can buy a resume# quickly became a hot search on Weibo:

Many netizens said that they had experienced the leakage of resume information:

Regarding how to curb leakage, netizens expressed their opinions:

But more netizens called for: Protect private information without delay!

Law professor: Platform parties should take responsibility

Online resume selling is an illegal act that steals citizens’ personal information. Professor Zhang Peng from the Civil and Commercial Law Teaching and Research Section of Wang Jian Law School of Suzhou University pointed out that the sale and purchase of resumes involves many aspects of infringement issues. The actions of resume software developers and resume purchasers have constituted joint infringement.

Zhang Peng also said: "Platforms should bear certain obligations of data security and strict review." During the process of website design, website construction and maintenance, platforms are obliged to ensure the security of user information. If user information is leaked but the platform does nothing, it will bear indirect liability.

According to Article 253-1 of the Criminal Law: “Whoever violates relevant state regulations by selling or providing citizens’ personal information to others, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention, and shall also or solely be fined; in special circumstances In serious cases, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years, and shall also be fined. Anyone who violates relevant national regulations by selling or providing personal information of citizens obtained in the process of performing duties or providing services to others shall be severely punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. Punishment. Anyone who steals or illegally obtains citizens’ personal information through other methods shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1.”

Have you ever experienced a privacy breach?

Source: China Youth Daily (ID: zqbcyol Reporter: Li Chao Organizer: Chen Yinshan)

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