hand hygiene ppt:The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical College launched a series of activities on World Hand Hygiene Day-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical College launched a series of activities on World Hand Hygiene Day

Event site. Photo courtesy of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical College

May 5, 2023 is the 15th World Hand Hygiene Day. The theme of this year’s event is “Accelerate Action Together to Save Lives—Clean Your Hands.” On May 5, the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical College was in the outpatient building The theme event of World Hand Hygiene Day was held recently, aiming to enhance the awareness of infection control among all hospital personnel, strengthen hand hygiene compliance, standardize the implementation of hand hygiene, continue to do a good job in infection control in the hospital, and promote the high-quality development of infection control work.

Strengthen hand hygiene awareness and do a good job in infection prevention and control

During the event, the medical staff of the hospital's infection control department demonstrated the correct handwashing operations for patients and their families in the outpatient clinic building, and led the patients to wash their hands correctly, so that the patients and their families could understand and master the relevant aspects of hand hygiene in a pleasant atmosphere. Knowledge.

Residents and medical staff signed their names on the commitment wall together. Photo courtesy of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical College

Signing on the hand hygiene commitment wall and conducting a hand hygiene themed flash mob dance... At the scene, the hospital's infection control department carried out a variety of activities to popularize hand hygiene knowledge and also distributed hand hygiene promotional materials, hoping to improve everyone's hand hygiene skills. Hygiene awareness helps develop healthy living habits.

Wu Liang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical College, said at the event that hand hygiene culture is an important part of hospital culture, hand hygiene is an important part of hospital infection control, and correct implementation of hand hygiene is an effective way to control the spread of pathogens and reduce hospital infections. The most basic, simplest, most economical and effective means of incidence rate. Hand hygiene runs through all diagnosis and treatment activities and is the cornerstone, main line and bottom line of infection control measures. Standardizing the practice of hand hygiene requires the joint efforts and cooperation of every medical staff, patient and family member. Infection control involves all aspects, and hand hygiene is very important. I hope that through hand hygiene activities, everyone will pay more attention to hand hygiene, do a good job in hand hygiene, be a disseminator and promoter of hand hygiene, perform hand hygiene correctly and standardly, and continue to do a good job Infection prevention and control work to further improve medical quality and ensure the safety of doctors and patients.

Medical staff demonstrated hand washing procedures on site. Photo by Liu Linjie

Why should we pay attention to hand hygiene? In this regard, Ma Xiaoling, deputy section chief and chief nurse of the hospital's infection control department, answered: "In daily work and life, our hands will continue to come into contact with items contaminated by bacteria and viruses. If we do not perform hand hygiene promptly and correctly, we will use contaminated If your hands touch the surface of objects, some bacteria and viruses will be transmitted to others through contact. Pathogens on your hands can also enter the human body and cause infection through their hands touching the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, and nasal cavities."

Good hand hygiene is very important, so how to do good hand hygiene in daily life? Ma Xiaoling suggested that hand hygiene should be performed in time after returning from going out, and hand hygiene should be performed before performing operations that require hygiene. "You can wash your hands with soap and running water at home. When there are no hand washing facilities when going out, you can use Rub your hands with quick-drying hand sanitizer to disinfect your hands.”

Health science popularization comes to campus to protect young people with “hands”

Medical staff led children to demonstrate correct handwashing procedures. Photo by Liu Linjie

In addition to carrying out World Hand Hygiene Day themed activities in the outpatient building of the hospital, members of the Party Branch of Hospital Sensitivity and Nursing, the Party Branch of Stomatology, the Party Branch of Community and General Medicine, and the Party Branch of Pediatrics and Ambulatory Surgery Center also visited Coral Primary School. , held a joint theme party day activity "Carry out in-depth thematic education and health science popularization into campus to 'hand' protect young people".

Medical staff are on hand to answer children’s health questions. Photo courtesy of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical College

At the event site, medical staff provided various health knowledge to the children. Through vivid PPT teaching, hand hygiene, oral health, etc. were explained in detail, giving the children an interesting health education class. Finally, the children also raised many health questions, which were carefully answered by the medical staff.

It is reported that in order to strengthen the awareness of infection control among medical staff, improve their ability to control infection, and promote the high-quality development of infection control work, on the afternoon of April 25, the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical College organized a comprehensive training on infection control knowledge for all staff in the hospital and After the assessment, the 2023 hand hygiene theme activity was officially launched. (Liu Linjie)

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