futura font:Why are fashion brands so popular? Fonts such as Helvetica and Futura are actually the passwords to wealth in the fashion circle.-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Why are fashion brands so popular? Fonts such as Helvetica and Futura are actually the passwords to wealth in the fashion circle.

Reposted from the public account: Design in Taiwan

In recent years, the trend The market is very keen to incorporate"graphic design"The content in the field is applied to clothing and shoes. The most noticeable thing should be the fonts on the products.

The most fashionable brand in the world Will be co-brandedOFF-WHITE It can be said that it is a brand that applies fonts and typography to the extreme. Every pair of shoes it co-brands with NIKE is inseparable from the rows at the heel. "Soul Letters".

With the blessing of these "letters", a pair of NIKE priced at 699 yuan may become a priceless treasure.

Of course, regardless of the marketing level, we can attribute these to——The power of fonts.

Fonts follow the trend They will continue to change, as will the public's perception of fonts.

No matter the trend in recent years Brands or luxury goods are taking the retro route, So it is not difficult to find examples in these creationsHELVETICA font or FUTURA font.

Choose a suitable one Fonts are as tricky as designing a LOGO, because sometimes the brand's LOGO is just the fonts, and even if there is a pattern, the fonts will appear along with the pattern.

Word Style is the first place to convey information to the public. Brand image is reliable or chaotic, Tasteful or boring, you can convey emotion and power through fonts, which are also your own labels.

A brand decides the choice A certain font has expressed the brand's positioning and is an important indicator for shaping the brand image today.

( Let’s start with the familiar luxury brands, and end with font applications in the fashion brand field)

| All caps sans serif



This national sans serif movement began RICCARDO TISCI takes office BURBERRY Later, with graphic designer PETER SAVILLE Jointly update the brand’s LOGO, which has been used for more than 100 years, and replace it with a sans-serif font.

PETER SAVILLE, which was famous in the 1980s, has collaborated with TATE MODERN and YOHJI YAMAMOTO.

RAF SIMONS RAF SIMONS Legend SeriesCALVIN KLEIN 205W39NYC’s LOGO is a work designed by him.

This new era of sans-serif movement is based on the desire to modernize the brand, and the logo will have the same effect as all designs, so all redundant design elements will be removed.

CÉLINE, RIMOWA, BALENCIAGA and SAINT LAURENT and other brands have also become very similar.

Another reason is that these sans-serifs look clearer on mobile phone and computer screens, which is very useful for everyoneGeneration Z is more natural font.

|Neutral and "ruthless" span>


HELVETICA can be said to be a good partner that graphic designers will never forget, and it is also a "unmistakable" font.

The birth of HELVETICA can be traced back to the emergence of BAUHAUS in Europe in the early 20th century. Movement, industrial style and pragmatism aesthetics have deeply influenced European architecture, art and even Font design.

HELVETICA, which has no unnecessary edges and corners, is square and unpretentious, came into being. It is full of contemporary atmosphere and is highly praised by designers and enterprises.

Many corporate brands we are familiar withPANASONIC, MUJI, COMME DES GARÇONS and othersare all users of this font.

|"Trendy brand representative"


Left: The movie "A Clockwork Orange" Right: Created by the designer of the movie "The Shining", using FUTURA font

FUTURA font, also born during the BAUHAUS movement, >By font designerPAUL RENNER Take geometric shapes as The foundation, as futuristic as the name, was popularly used in science fiction movies in the 1980s.

Later, the FUTURA font became well-known to people in the fashion industry because many street fashion brands used FUTURA, the most famous one beingSUPREME .

The iconic red background and white LOGO uses the FUTURA font, and the very prominent font represents SUPREME's rebellious spirit of not following the crowd.

NIKE is also the "spokesperson" of FUTURA. Brand LOGO, advertisements and product descriptions all use the FUTURA font.

According to rumors, NIKE also uses FUTURA internally.

Japanese fashion godfatherFujiwara Hiroshi, With his group of fashion friendsKANYE WEST (Kanye),PHARRELL WILLIAMS Others are also fans of FUTURA.

Insert the HELVETICA font here,KANYE WEST< /span>Also a fan of HELVETICA.

His album "The Life of Pablo" used a large area of ​​HELVETICA (Kanye's love is well known.)

Back to FUTURA, fans also include Nakamura Century'sVISVIM,Although the fine font is used, you can still see that it is The FUTURA font is used.

|Symbolizing rebellion

< span style="letter-spacing: 1px;">GOTHIC SCRIPT

This part needs to be mentioned againKANYE WEST (Kanye)< /span>.

GOTHIC SCRIPT that appeared as early as the 12th centuryGOTHIC SCRIPT, was an artistic handwriting font commonly used in religious scriptures at the time. In recent years, many street fashion brands have adopted rebellious styles. , is also a user of GOTHIC SCRIPT.

Before KANYE WEST formed an alliance with BALENCIAGA, the last concert "THE LIFE OF PABLO"The clothing launched, the lyrics printed on it are all made of GOTHIC SCRIPT font.

Simply put,"It's just a layout on the clothing" .

And because the strokes of GOTHIC SCRIPT are similar to graffiti, manyRAPPER < /span>Everyone loves to bring this font to In records and other visual designs,Represents the fusion of their faith and rebellion.

It is not difficult to find the application of GOTHIC SCRIPT in high fashion.

EarlierDIOR< span style="color: #3E3E3E; --tt-darkmode-color: #A3A3A3;"> Creative director JOHN GALLIANO used the GOTHIC SCRIPT font as the title in the classic news newspaper series of the 2000 autumn and winter series.

VIVIENNE WESTWOOD, who also promotes PUNK cultureVIVIENNE WESTWOOD, also uses GOTHIC SCRIPT as a personal brand LOGO design.

Trendy brand VETEMENTS also uses a large number of GOTHIC SCRIPT fonts for printing in clothing designs.

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Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/chao-pai-ping-shen-me-huo-Helvetica-Futura-deng-zi-xing-jing-shi-chao-liu-quan-de-zhi-fu-mi-ma.html

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