:Common mail merge application skills How to use mail merge to create test papers-Writing skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Common mail merge application skills How to use mail merge to create test papers

  • Picture and text skills

When the teacher comes up with a multiple-choice test paper, he can quickly create the test paper through the mail merge function, How to do this?


▪First prepare a set of data source tables for the test paper content. The table includes question numbers, titles, and options. When ready, save the table in XLS format, and then open the WPS document .


▪Step 1: Click the "Mail" button under the "Reference" tab, select Open Data Source and import the test paper content data source table in XLS format into the document.


▪Step 2: Click "Insert Merge Field"-"Question Number"-"Title", insert an English "period" between the question number and the title, and then wrap the line below Insert the four options in sequence.


▪Step 3: Frame the text, make simple layout adjustments to the font line spacing, etc., and then "Insert NEXT field" below the option. Please note that when inserting the NEXT field Make sure View Consolidated Data is turned off, otherwise you won't be able to see the NEXT field code.


▪Step 4: Copy and paste the formatted domain name until it fills up the page. At this time, click "Merge into new document", and finally correct the formatting deviations Just make adjustments to some of the questions.


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