:Common mail merge application tips How to use mail merge to create letters in batches-Writing skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Common mail merge application tips How to use mail merge to create letters in batches

  • Picture and text skills

In daily work, you will encounter the situation of sending letters to a large number of customers. The templates are the same but the names and corresponding information are different. What should you do if you want to complete it quickly?


▪First prepare a data source form, the form suffix must be in XLS format, otherwise an error message box will appear, as shown in the video, and then prepare a letter in the WPS document Letter template. Step 1: Click the "Mail" button under the "Reference" tab, choose to open the data source, and import the prepared data source into the document.


Step 2: Click "Insert Merge Field" in sequence-"name", etc. are matched to the corresponding text position.


▪Step 3: Click "View Merged Data" to check whether the content is incorrect, and then merge it into a new document.


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