:Common error pop-ups and solutions How to solve the rename worksheet error-Table skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Common error pop-ups and solutions How to solve the rename worksheet error

  • Image and text skills

When naming the worksheet in the table, such an error prompt pop-up window will appear. What is the reason?



1. The input name is invalid

When renaming a worksheet, when an empty name is entered, an invalid name error pop-up window will be displayed.


When renaming a worksheet, if the first character entered and the last character is a single quote, an invalid name error pop-up window will be displayed.


When renaming a worksheet, if you enter colons, question marks, forward and back slashes, left and right square brackets, and asterisks, an invalid name error pop-up window will be displayed.


When renaming a worksheet, if the characters entered exceed 31 characters, an invalid name error pop-up window will also be displayed.


2. Rename the name

When renaming a worksheet, if the named worksheet has the same name as an existing worksheet, a duplicate naming prompt window will be displayed.

If you encounter this situation, just change the non-duplicate name.


If you cannot find a worksheet with the same name, you may have set the worksheet to be hidden.


Unhide it and you will know which worksheet has a duplicate name.


When renaming the worksheet, we can avoid these wrong naming methods and the name can be successful.

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