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Find and reference functions How to use the OFFSET function

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Using the specified reference as the frame of reference, obtain a new reference through the given offset. The reference returned can be a cell or a range of cells. and can be specified

The number of rows or columns to return.

Reference as the reference area of ​​the offset reference system. Reference must be a reference to a cell or a connected range of cells;

Otherwise, function OFFSET returns the #VALUE! error value.

Rows The number of rows offset above (bottom) relative to the upper-left corner cell of the offset reference system. If you use 5 as parameter ROWS, then the target index

UseareaThe upper-left cell of the field is 5 rows below reference.

The number of lines can be positive (below the starting reference) or negative (above the starting reference).

Cols The number of columns offset to the left (right) relative to the upper-left cell of the offset reference system. If 5 is used as parameter Cols, it indicates the target reference area

FieldThe cell in the upper left corner is 5 columns to the right of reference.

The number of columns can be positive (representing to the right of the starting reference) or negative (representing to the left of the starting reference).

Height Height, that is, the number of rows in the reference area to be returned. Height must be positive.

Width width, that is, the number of columns in the reference area to be returned. Width must be positive.


If the row and column offset exceeds the edge of the worksheet, the function OFFSET returns the error value #REF!.

If height or width is omitted, it is assumed that its height or width is the same as reference.

The OFFSET function does not actually move any cells or change the selection, it just returns a reference. Function OFFSET can be used for any need

Function that takes a reference as a parameter. For example, the formula SUM(OFFSET(C2,1,2,3,1)) will calculate 3 rows 1 row below and 2 columns to the right of cell C2

The total value of the range in 1 column.

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