ppt self introduction template:Don’t know how to introduce yourself? These 3 universal formulas will help people remember you in 1 minute-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Don’t know how to introduce yourself? These 3 universal formulas will help people remember you in 1 minute

Hello everyone, my name is Ma Chengzhi. At work, I am a speech coach with 100+ training experiences. I am good at helping newcomers who have never spoken before to get on the stage with hundreds of people and give a explosive performance in 3 weeks. speech.

During the training process, I helped 1,000 students learn how to introduce themselves beautifully.

You may be wondering, do you need to learn how to introduce yourself? Isn't it just telling the other party your name and occupation?

Not to mention,Self-introduction is really not just a simple name + occupation, but a value link to yourself to the outside world.

After all, when meeting customers, you need to introduce your business, during interviews, you need to show your strengths, and when socializing, you need to reflect your value.

Think about it, do you often encounter these problems in the process of self-introduction?

When communicating with clients in the workplace, the other party loses interest after the first sentence, and it is always impossible to effectively attract the other party.

During a job interview, I wanted to talk too much, but I always felt that my advantages were not fully demonstrated within the allotted time.

When I joined the community, I didn’t know how to greet everyone other than emoticons. I just added a few friends who are engaged in micro-business.

Today I have summarized these questions into 3 general formulas to help you easily deal with various situations!

Show value in the workplace

If you are about to attend an important dinner, a business forum, or an offline training, how should we introduce ourselves at this time?

Is it to strengthen the name and make up a jingle for your own name?

My name is Ma Chengzhi, the horse on the horse, the Cheng on the horse, the wisdom on the retard, when combined together, I will become the retarder immediately.

Or introduce your hometown to find relatives?

My home is in the Northeast, on the Songhua River. When everyone travels to my home, all their food, clothing, housing and transportation are mine.

Or talk about your hobbies and interests to get closer?

I like singing. Friends, you can call me for karaoke next time.

It seemed okay, but I always felt that it was inappropriate to introduce myself like this on an important occasion.

Because the important thing about self-introduction in the workplace is not that your name is remembered, but that your value is remembered.

Share a formula to help you better demonstrate your value:

Who I am + the value I have + how I can help you.

Let me introduce myself first:

Hello, I am Ma Chengzhi, a speech coach who can give you results. (who I am)

He is good at helping a novice who has never given a speech to get on a stage with hundreds of people and give a speech that explodes in 3 weeks. (what is the value)

If you want to stand out from the crowd, come to me and I will definitely be able to help you through my speech. (How can it help you)

You see, this self-introduction is actually less than 30 seconds, but it completely contains three elements.

First of all, who I am? What stands out about who I am is not my name, but the main characteristics and labels of myself. In the self-introduction just now, the word "speech" appeared 4 times. This is my key message.

Secondly, I said that I could use 3 weeks to help a novice with no speaking experience get on a stage with 100 people and give a speech that would blow up the scene.

In the process of self-introduction, who you are is often not that important, but the value you can bring behind it is important. Only after others recognize your value, your name will have meaning.

Finally, I said if you want to stand out from the crowd, you can come to me and I will definitely be able to help you with my speech. This step is critical. It is not about selling a product to the other party, but about providing some kind of help.

People instinctively resist sales pitches, but they don’t resist help from others.

So we need to think about what help and value our career can provide to others.

Only those who provide value to the world can be remembered by the world.

Who am I + the value I have + how helpful I am to you? This formula will definitely make more people remember your value.

This is how to match experience during the interview

It is said that 2020 is the most difficult employment season in history. It is really difficult to find a job now.

How would you introduce yourself during an interview? I once interviewed a classmate who was applying for a new media operation position.

He introduced himself this way:

I come from xx University, an English major. I am the monitor of the class. I have participated in dozens of volunteer activities. I have experience as a teaching assistant in the xx training institution. I love new media very much. Although I have never been exposed to it before, please believe me. I must study hard.

This classmate has good grades in school, a fulfilling extracurricular life, and has had several internship experiences, but I still can't give him an offer.

why? He made the most easily overlooked mistake:

The position he was interviewing for was new media operations, but this job was not in line with his own experience and did not possess the core competencies of the position.

During the recruitment period, HR has to interview hundreds of job applicants. They are more concerned about whether your abilities match the position than whether your past experience is good enough.

Therefore, here is the second formula recommended to help you better demonstrate your workplace value:

Basic information + relevant experience + closing acknowledgments.

After briefly introducing your basic information, you should focus on the job responsibilities and job requirements of the company you are applying for, and focus on your relevant experience that matches them.

Take the content position of a certain company as an example:

From the job requirements, we can analyze the job keywords: learning ability, self-motivation, stress resistance, writing skills, English ability, and operational ability.

After finding the keywords, recall your past experiences to prove your compatibility with the position. We can say this:

Self-taught xx skills during college and achieved xx results; served as editor of the school public account, pushing 1 original article every week, with a total reading volume of xx; during the internship, participated in the implementation and operation of new projects in the company, working more than 300 hours in a single month, and has strong Operational ability and stress resistance; pass English CET6...

Tell your experience in the form of capabilities according to the company's job requirements.

The interviewer does not choose the best person, but the most suitable person. We don’t necessarily have to talk about our most beautiful experiences, but we must talk about the most matching experiences.

In addition, after every speech, it is best to add "The above is my answer to question XX" to remind the interviewer that he has finished his answer.

After the entire interview, no matter what happens in the end, remember to express your gratitude to the interviewer. Although it is difficult for us to find a job, it is not easy for them to run a business.

Basic information + relevant experience + closing acknowledgments, this formula may not be like in the TV series, where you can get an offer in one sentence and get financing in 5 minutes, but it is better than helping you to fully present yourself!

Only by reducing mistakes can we achieve success.

Create links in the community like this

Through the two self-introductions in the workplace and in interviews, you may think that I am pretty good at presenting myself.

But actually, there have been embarrassing scenes like this in my list:

In the past, I also signed up for many social groups and added many friends, but most of the friends never spoke to me again after being added.

I have been thinking: How to build more valuable links in WeChat groups?

Let me ask you a question:

After entering the WeChat group, how should we respond better to the warm welcome?

Of the 1,000 trainees I trained, more than 500 chose to send emojis. Is this okay?

Maybe it works, but it always seems like something is missing.

The difficulty in self-introduction in social groups is: if you say too little, there will be a lack of highlights and you will not be able to attract everyone’s attention; if you say too much, you will be afraid that people will just slide by and not want to see it.

After thinking about it, I came up with a formula to help us build more effective links:

Name occupation + value label + expected gain.

When introducing ourselves, we can introduce ourselves in terms of our name, occupation, coordinates, labels, resources we can provide, links we hope to obtain, etc.

Usually I will send another red envelope. Compared with a plain message, the sound of the red envelope can attract everyone's attention.

Look, this effect is much better than emoticons.

If you usually do this, congratulations, you must be a social master.

Finally, it should be noted that our self-introduction, just like our resume, must be constantly iterated and optimized.

Name occupation + value label + expected gain. This formula will definitely help you build more effective links in your community.

After all, links on the Internet are links of value, not links of friends.

Final words

During the training, I asked what is the key to introducing yourself?

Some say it is language, some say it is expression, and some say it is content. In my opinion, these are all techniques.

The key to self-introduction is actually: after being fully prepared, become a better version of yourself.

Prepare a self-introduction for an interview. If others use 5 minutes, you will put more thought into it and the content will be more complete. If you use 30 minutes, you will naturally have a greater chance of standing out.

But preparing a life self-introduction may take decades of accumulation.

I heard the self-introductions of some great people, such as the top ten designers in the country, the CEO of xx company, how many students they have trained, what awards they have won...

We always lament that if we also have these titles, we don’t have to worry about not introducing ourselves brilliantly.

But we have to know that one minute on stage, ten years off stage, stories of overnight fame often happen after One Thousand and One Nights.

So I say,The essence of self-introduction is that we can constantly polish our strengths and become better selves in boring training.

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