:Table error value series courses Error value #DIV/0! Common error causes and solutions-Table skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Table error value series courses Error value #DIV/0! Common error causes and solutions

  • Image and text skills

In the process of table calculation, sometimes #DIV/0! Error value.

Itis represented in< /span>Division operation, The calculation caused by the denominator being 0Error.

This issue will explain it to you #DIV/ 0! The reason for the error value, and Fixing error value method.


▪Take this form as an example.

We can see that the numerator is1, the denominator is 0, and the calculation result of A3/B3 shows an error value#DIV/0!

This is a calculation error caused by the denominator being0 in the division operation of the table.


▪In this case,Yes< /span>UseIF function to determine the existence of the denominator.

For example, enter the formula =IF(B3,A3/B3,0) in cell C3 to calculate the error The result returns a value of 0.

Similarly, you can also customize the return message, such as "contains 0 value", "needs modification", " span>Calculation error" etc.



In addition, erroneous values ​​are also prone to occur when calculating average values#DIV/0!

▪Taking this transcript as an example, we want to find the average score of students with a score below 60. In C4Enter the formula in the cell=AVERAGEIF(B4:B10,<60)

This formula means using theAVERAGEIF function to calculate B4:B10The average value of the cells that meet the condition "<60" in the cell range.

Press Enter to confirm and you can seeC4 Cell appears #DIV /0!Wrong value, this is because There are no cells in this area that meet the condition"<60", that is, 0 cells meet this condition.

When the denominator is0 when calculating the average, a calculation error will occur and the result will be#DIV/0!


Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/biao-ge-cuo-wu-zhi-xi-lie-ke-cheng-cuo-wu-zhi-DIV-chang-jian-chu-cuo-yuan-yin-yu-jie-jue-fang-fa.html

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