Border town ppt:A brief summary of "Border Town"-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

A brief summary of "Border Town"

Located in the ancient border town of western Hunan, Shen Congwen once settled his thoughts here, adding a touch of joy and sadness to this small town with his pen and ink.

It is a colorful and distinct story. I only know this story because of the excerpts I read between lessons. I have never read this novel in detail. When pictures of Xiangxi scenery appeared on the slide. I was suddenly intoxicated by this scene. And who is there in this scene? is the…. The innocent Cuicui, the kind grandfather, and the two Shunshun brothers...

How the story begins. There is always the beauty of a small scene. It makes people more beautiful. "Border Town" is different from other novels. Border town, simple folk customs. It was a beautiful dream buried in Shen Congwen's heart. Just facing the utilitarian and secular city, I sighed helplessly and finally chose to return to the dream of the past. The pure love between people in the story. Grandpa's love for Cuicui, Cuicui's love for her old brother Tansong when they first fell in love, and the brotherly love between Tianbao and Tansong, they all loved her deeply.

I don’t know how Mr. Congwen came up with the idea. But the ending was very unexpected. To sum up, since Tianbao and Tansong both loved greenery, grandpa let them have a fair boat race. Tianbao thought that he was too confused and something happened accidentally, and this happy event turned into a tragic event. Tansong had no choice but to hide his feelings for Cuicui. This made Grandpa Cuicui anxious, hurt her feelings, fell seriously ill, and passed away soon after. By this time the two elders had also left. Only Cuicui is left alone, waiting helplessly...

The beautiful scenery of western Hunan leaves such a love behind. The tragedy is really sad. And when you read it carefully. It also reads a kind of reserved, melancholy, and moist heart.

The story of "Border Town" continues for a long time. People who come among the mountains and rivers. Pieces of soft love are coiled in my heart.

Oh, this border town in western Hunan has endless scenery and people.

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