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Graduation thesis: (3) Writing steps and formatting

1. Writing steps

The graduation thesis is the last step for candidates of undergraduate majors in the self-study examination of higher education to complete their undergraduate studies. It is a summative independent assignment for the candidates, with the purpose of summarizing the achievements of the major and cultivating the ability to comprehensively apply the knowledge learned to solve practical problems. From a stylistic point of view, it is also a meaningful essay that conducts scientific research and exploration on practical or theoretical issues in a certain professional field. Completing the writing of a graduation thesis can be divided into two steps, namely selecting a topic and researching the topic.

The first is to choose a topic. Topic selection is the key to the success or failure of essay writing. Because topic selection is the first step in writing a graduation thesis, it is actually about determining "what to write", that is, determining the direction of scientific research. If "what to write" is not clear, "how to write" will be impossible to discuss.

The Ministry of Education’s Self-study Examination Office’s approach and requirements for graduation thesis topic selection are: “In order to encourage the combination of theory and work practice, candidates can propose a thesis topic based on the work they are engaged in in their unit or themselves, and submit it to the examining school for review and approval. It can also be established by The main examination school announces the thesis topic, which is chosen by the candidates. The overall requirements for the graduation thesis should be consistent with those of ordinary full-time institutions of higher learning, and the candidates' ability to comprehensively apply professional knowledge should be tested through thesis writing and defense assessment." However, regardless of whether candidates choose topics at will or choose topics among designated topics announced by the examination institution, they must insist on choosing practical topics with scientific value, practical significance. Choosing a good topic is half the success of your graduation thesis.

First, we must insist on choosing topics that have scientific value and practical significance. The purpose of scientific research is to better understand the world and transform the world, so as to promote the continuous progress and development of society. Therefore, the topic selection of the graduation thesis must be closely integrated with the needs of the construction of socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization, with the starting point and goal of promoting the development of scientific undertakings and solving practical problems. The topic selection must be in line with the correct direction of scientific research, be novel, innovative, have theoretical value and practical guiding significance or promotion. A meaningless research, even if a lot of energy is spent and no matter how perfect the expression, is There will be no value whatsoever. Specifically, candidates can choose topics from the following three aspects. First of all, we must choose topics from practical shortcomings and learn professional knowledge. We should not just stay in books and theory, but also work hard to integrate theory with practice and use the professional knowledge we have mastered to find and solve work practices. urgent issues to be resolved. Secondly, we should choose topics from the gaps and marginal areas of scientific research.

There is still a lot of virgin land that has not been cultivated, and there are many defects and gaps that need to be filled. Candidates should have unique vision and advanced consciousness to think, discover, and research. Finally, the topic should be selected by looking for the shortcomings and errors of previous studies. Among the research topics that have been proposed by previous people, many of them have preliminary research results, but with the continuous development of society, they still need to be enriched and enriched. Integration and development, this supplementary or corrective research topic, also has scientific value and practical guidance significance.

Second, you must choose practical topics based on your own abilities. The writing of graduation thesis is a kind of creative labor, which not only requires the candidate's personal opinions and opinions, but also requires certain objective conditions. Since the individual subjective and objective conditions of the candidates are different, when selecting the topic, they should also choose the topic based on their own strengths, interests and objective conditions. Specifically, candidates can comprehensively consider the following three aspects. First, there must be sufficient sources of information. "It's hard to make a meal without rice." In the absence of information, it is difficult to write a high-quality paper. Choosing a topic with rich sources of information is very helpful for in-depth research and development of the topic. Secondly, you must have a strong interest in research. Choosing topics that interest you can stimulate your enthusiasm for research, mobilize your initiative and enthusiasm, and be able to complete it with a positive attitude of concentration, care, perseverance and patience. Finally, you must be able to combine and develop your own business expertise. Every candidate has his or her own business expertise, regardless of his or her level of ability or job position. Choose topics that can be combined with your own work and develop your own business expertise. The research on the successful completion of the topic Very beneficial.

2. Typesetting format

Part One: Cover

Cover: The cover is the face of a paper, so it should be concise and clear. The cover should state graduation thesis in "Song Ti No. 2" font. Below the name are the paper title, author, college, major, student number, class, and instructor. The font is "Song Ti Small 2", the format is centered, underlined, and the fonts are all black (the same below).

Title: The title should be concise, clear, and general, and should not exceed 20 words (different institutions may have different requirements). Thesis for this junior college generally does not require a separate title page, while thesis for master's and doctoral degrees generally requires a separate title page to display information such as the institution, instructor, and defense time. The English part generally needs to use Times New Roman font.

Part 2: Copyright Statement

Copyright statement: Generally speaking, master's and doctoral graduate thesis must include a copyright statement in front of the text and form a separate page. Some undergraduate thesis also have this item. The font is Song font size 4.

Part 3; Abstract and Keywords

Abstract: It must have a high degree of generalization, concise and clear language, and the Chinese abstract should be about 100-200 words (different institutions may have different requirements). The font is Song Dynasty size 3 and needs to be bolded. The main text of the abstract is in Song font size 4.

Keywords: Select 3 to 5 words from the title or text of the paper (different institutions may have different requirements) that best express the main content as keywords. Keywords need to be separated by semicolons or commas. Keywords must be written in a small 4-size Song style bold font and need to be written at the top. The text of the keywords must be written in a Song style small 4-size bold font.

Part 4; Table of Contents

Table of contents: Write the table of contents and indicate the page numbers. The main text contains first-level and second-level headings (lower-level headings can also be marked according to the actual situation), references, appendices, acknowledgments, etc. The word "Table of Contents" should be in Song style size 3 bold font and needs to be centered. The first-level and second-level titles in the directory should be in Song font size 4 and do not need to be bolded. They are generally generated by a computer.

Part 5; Main part

Text: The number of words for a junior college graduation thesis should generally be more than 5,000 words. A bachelor's degree thesis should generally be more than 8,000 words long. A master's thesis may be more than 30,000 words long (different institutions may have different requirements).

Graduation thesis text: consists of three parts: introduction, main thesis, and conclusion.

① The preface (introduction) is the beginning of the paper. It mainly explains the purpose of writing the paper, its practical significance, understanding of the research problem, and puts forward the central argument of the paper. The preface should be written concisely and to the point, not too long.

②This thesis is the main body of the graduation thesis, including research content and methods, experimental materials, experimental results and analysis (discussion), etc. In this part, you should use various aspects of research methods and experimental results to analyze problems, demonstrate opinions, and try to reflect your own scientific research capabilities and academic level.

③The conclusion is the final part of the graduation thesis and the concluding remarks surrounding this thesis. The basic point is to summarize the full text and deepen the meaning of the question.

(1) Titles and text at all levels

The first-level title should be in Song font size 3, with two spaces and bold.

Second-level titles should be in Song font size 4, leave two characters blank, and be bold.

Level 3 and 4 titles should be in Song font size 4, leave two characters blank, and be bold.

The main text should be in Song font size 4, and the line spacing should be 1.5 times the line spacing.

(2) Charts in the text

Figures and tables in the text must be numbered, and the titles and descriptions of figures and tables should be in Song style size 5 font.

Part 6; Notes

Note: During the writing process of the paper, some issues need to be elaborated and explained outside the main text.

The annotation title should be in Song font size 4 and centered.

Use ①, ②, ③, etc. for annotation serial numbers. Song Ti No. 5

When the annotation is a book, the format is: author, book title, publisher, publication date, edition, and page number.

The annotation refers to the issue date and format; author, article title, journal name, journal number, and page number.

Part 7; Acknowledgments

Acknowledgments: Briefly describe your experience in writing your graduation thesis, and express your gratitude to the instructor and relevant personnel who assisted in completing the thesis.

The title of acknowledgments should be in bold size 3, Song style, and should be centered. Use size 4 font for content, no bolding

Part 8; References

References: At the end of the graduation thesis, all monographs, papers and other materials referenced in the thesis should be listed. The listed references can be arranged in the order of reference or citation in the text, or in alphabetical order (in the text, use Corresponding Harvard-style reference annotations without serial numbers).

For reference content (Song style, size 5; for English, use Times New Roman font)

1. Monographs, collections of papers, reports, and dissertations:

[Serial number] Author (top 3), document name, location of publishing house: publishing house, year of publication, start page-end page.

2. Journal articles:

[Serial number] Author (top 3), paper name, journal title, year of publication, volume (issue): start page - end page

3. Electronic documents

[Serial number] Author (top 3), electronic document name, electronic document source or address, date of publication or update.

Part 9: Appendix

Appendix: Some content that is not suitable to be placed in the main text but has reference value can be included in the appendix. Sometimes a personal introduction is often attached to the article. The format is the same as the main text

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