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Graduation Thesis Formatting Course How to Add Footnotes to Documents

  • Picture and text skills

When writing a paper, we often use footnotes and endnotes. How to distinguish between the two? A footnote is a supplementary explanation of specific text, usually at the bottom of the page, and is a comment on a certain content. Endnotes are also supplementary explanations of specific text, but usually at the end of the text, used for the source of the quotation.


So how to add footnotes to a document?

Step 1: Position the cursor where you want to insert the footnote, and then click the "Dialog Launcher" button under the "References" tab.


Step 2: In the "Footnotes and Endnotes" dialog box, there are three areas: position, format, and application changes.

Take adding footnotes as an example. The default location of footnotesis at the bottom of the pageThat's it, you can also change it to below the text, select the serial number style of 1 in the numbering format, if you need to insert it For blank footnotes, just select blank in CustomizeMark, and There are a variety of symbols to choose from, and then set the starting number and numbering method. In this example, they are the default. Applying changes also defaults to the entire document.


Step 3: Click the "Insert" button. At this time, the footnote icon has appeared in the upper right corner of the specific text, and a content comment area has also been added at the bottom of the page. Select the footnote. , right-click the mouse and select Convert to Endnotes in the pop-up menu bar to convert footnotes into endnotes with one click.


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