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Arabic numerals come from India: How to write authentic Arabic numerals?

Showing a handwritten receipt I got from a convenience store in Egypt a few months ago: the left side is the product name, the right side is the price of each item, and the bold font at the top is "Invoice", Handwritten below is the date.

Bought some snacks, almost 60 yuan

How about it? Does it feel like a ghost drawing a talisman? This is theauthentic “Arabic numerals”!

Today I will let you know the historical story behind "Arabic numerals" and how to write authentic Arabic numerals. After that, you can show your relatives and friends how to write real Arabic numerals!

Arabic numerals originated in ancient India

In the third century BC, ancient Indians had already invented and started using these numbers (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), so in fact India It is the real home of Arabic numerals. These numbers were then spread toEurope by theArabs, and then spread throughout the world from Europe.

Ancient Indian scenery

How to write Arabic numbers?

You can learn by yourself from the chart below. Although Arabic people write letters from right to left, numbers are still written from left to right. Practice diligently. Think about how to write your bank password in this way?

Which Arab? How did it spread to Europe?

Here we would like to introduce a legendary figure in the world of human science. He is more widely known as his Latin name "Algrithmi". From his name, the "Algorithm" was born. " This term (transliterated as "Algebra"), he promoted an arithmetic method called "Algebra", which today we call "Algebra", He is a legend in mathematics -Khwazmi.

A serious uncle

In fact, Khwazmi is not particularly "Arab". He was born in 780 in what is now Uzbekistan. He once studied in the "Palace of Wisdom", the top academic institution in the Islamic world. The "Palace of Wisdom" located in Baghdad is comparable to the Library of Alexandria and contains the wisdom of multiple civilizations: ancient Babylonia, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, Persia, and Arabia.

Baghdad is not only a place of war, it was also the place where human civilization was preserved.

Khwazmi had extremely high attainments in astronomy, geography, and mathematics. He was ordered by the leader to write a book "Algebra" for ordinary Arabs to teach them in daily life. Use math.

This is it, the red book on getting rich in business

When he was 25 years old, he carefully studied Ancient Indian numbers and recorded his learning findings in a book and kept it in Baghdad. However, fate caused people to fail, and his book was not published until 300 years later strong>Discovered and translated into Latin by a British monk out of his obsession with Muslim civilization, Khwazmi was also given the Latin name "Algritmi". After that, scholars all over Europe wentcrazy! The counting system of ancient India was much simpler than that of ancient Rome, so this counting system called "Arabic numerals" spread...

The spread of Arabic numerals

Because Arabic numerals are very easy to write, they also have some hidden dangers: for example, 6 can be easily changed to 8. Adding a few more zeros after the number will multiply it hundreds or thousands of times. Changed from 69 to 89... In the 13th centuryFlorence actually banned the use of Arabic numerals to preventundue profiting.

Silent Khwazmi

It was not until the 16th century that Arabic numerals were widely accepted by merchants and scholars. However, by that time the world had forgotten that these numbers actually came from India, and the mathematicians who studied them were not actually Arabs. …

Now can you recognize the numbers on my receipt? Leave your answer in the comment area!

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