:"Zeng Xiang font library" is online, what do you think of this font?-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

"Zeng Xiang font library" is online, what do you think of this font?

As an artificial intelligence, I cannot "see" the font, but I can evaluate and recommend this font according to the introduction published by Hanyi Font. It can be seen from the introduction that the design concept of Hanyi Zengxiang Zen Font is "Do whate



Hanyi font library announced
Hanyi Zengxiang’s Chan Fun is online
In the online poster
This is how this font is introduced
Do as you please
The law is in your heart< /span>
Simple, cheerful, innocent, natural

When I moved to the living room, sometimes I moved into the sun room, relaxing music, burning incense and drinking tea, chatting; In the words of a writer friend, "Looking at the flowers while drunk" is an interesting thing: waiting for the shy beauty to show its beauty bit by bit in the long-awaited. When it is not open, the purple buds are like Xiaojiabiyu; when it is open, it has a magnificence that other flowers cannot match. The white petals stretch out a little bit, like a beauty stretching her waist. , extremely wild, and the posture of closing Xie is also strong and unusual, like a fuchsia, without reducing the posture. Zong Biao, Wang Han and his wife sang in harmony with each other, each leading the future. For three consecutive years, they stayed for three to five hours at a time, observed meticulously, and shared with us the wonderful time when the epiphyllum bloomed. "Jiangnan Vegetables and Trees. Epiphany" talked about this joy. Photographer Ye Xiaoguang made a picture album for taking photos of epiphyllum; Lu Xiake and Taiyue students sang poetry and poetry: the typhoon brings coolness in the small summer, and the peace of mind is gradually blooming, beautiful and beautiful. People go to leisure, you and me.

Appreciating epiphyllum can make people clear and peaceful. If the earth is compared with the universe, the earth is just "a grain of sand in the Pacific Ocean". Although epiphyllum refers to Fanghua and vigorously, it is also beautiful in an instant and eternal in an instant! For human beings, in a hundred years, there are only more than 36,500 days. In the long river of history, it is really not easy to have Hongni Xueclaw. There is a pair of couplets that say it interestingly: If you don't put aside the suffering you will eventually have, everyone will become famous if they can control it. Horizontal batch: Let go of life. If you can't get rid of it, it's bitter, if you can hold it down, it's a name, and if you can't get rid of it, it's a herringbone. How is life? I appreciate epiphyllum. There is a famous saying in "A Brief History of Human Beings": "The slogan of the new century, happiness comes from the heart".

When there is a lot of honey,

Every year when the flowers bloom, I invite friends to my house to enjoy them together. Flower appreciation is only for those who know flowers. Sometimes we are in the open air, sometimes we move into the living room, sometimes we move into the sun room, relaxing music, burning incense and drinking tea, chatting; In the words of a writer friend, "Looking at the flowers while drunk" is an interesting thing: waiting for the shy beauty to show its beauty bit by bit in the long-awaited. When it is not open, the purple buds are like Xiaojiabiyu; when it is open, it has a magnificence that other flowers cannot match. The white petals stretch out a little bit, like a beauty stretching her waist. , extremely wild, and the posture of closing Xie is also strong and unusual, like a fuchsia, without reducing the posture. Zong Biao, Wang Han and his wife sang in harmony with each other, each leading the future. For three consecutive years, they stayed for three to five hours at a time, observed meticulously, and shared with us the wonderful time when the epiphyllum bloomed. "Jiangnan Vegetables and Trees. Epiphany" talked about this joy. Photographer Ye Xiaoguang made a picture album for taking photos of epiphyllum; Lu Xiake and Taiyue students sang poetry and poetry: the typhoon brings coolness in the small summer, and the peace of mind is gradually blooming, beautiful and beautiful. People go to leisure, you and me.

Appreciating epiphyllum can make people clear and peaceful. If the earth is compared with the universe, the earth is just "a grain of sand in the Pacific Ocean". Although epiphyllum refers to Fanghua and vigorously, it is also beautiful in an instant and eternal in an instant! For human beings, in a hundred years, there are only more than 36,500 days. In the long river of history, it is really not easy to have Hongni Xueclaw. There is a pair of couplets that say it interestingly: If you don't put aside the suffering you will eventually have, everyone will become famous if they can control it. Horizontal batch: Let go of life. If you can't get rid of it, it's bitter, if you can hold it down, it's a name, and if you can't get rid of it, it's a herringbone. How is life? I appreciate epiphyllum. There is a famous saying in "A Brief History of Human Beings": "The slogan of the new century, happiness comes from the heart".

Seeing that the five aggregates are empty, overcome all hardships. Relic, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and the same is true of thinking and knowing. Sarira is the empty phase of all dharmas, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing. That is why there is no color in the air, no thoughts, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, colorless sound, fragrance, vision, even unconsciousness, ignorance, and even death without old age. . There is no suffering to destroy the way, no wisdom and no gain. For nothing. Bodhisattva, according to Prajna Paramita, there is no hindrance to the heart. There is no hindrance, no terror, far away from reversing dreams, and finally Nirvana. The Buddhas of the third age, according to Prajna Paramita,Ayandro Sanchao Bodhi. It is known that Prajna Paramita is a great deity mantra, a great Ming mantra, an infinite mantra, and an infinite mantra, which can get rid of all suffering and is true and true. So sayPrajna ParamitaThat is to say, cursing: uncovering and uncovering, Boluo reveals, Boluo reveals, Bodhisattva. Viewing the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva for a long time, if you practice the deep Prajna Paramita for a long time, you will see that all the five aggregates are empty, and you will endure all hardships. Relic, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and the same is true of thinking and knowing. Relics are the empty phases of all dharmas, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing

Let's learn more about it
Han Yi Zeng Xiangchan Fun
1. Font
Introduction to Hanyi
This font of Zeng Xiang Zen Fun
"Written like a child" but not
really means "written like a child"
The font is naive Rustic
Big ingenuity as clumsy as clumsy, including but not exposed

When I moved to the living room, sometimes I moved into the sun room, relaxing music, burning incense and drinking tea, chatting; In the words of a writer friend, "Looking at the flowers while drunk" is an interesting thing: waiting for the shy beauty to show its beauty bit by bit in the long-awaited. When it is not open, the purple buds are like Xiaojiabiyu; when it is open, it has a magnificence that other flowers cannot match. The white petals stretch out a little bit, like a beauty stretching her waist. , extremely wild, and the posture of closing Xie is also strong and unusual, like a fuchsia, without reducing the posture. Zong Biao, Wang Han and his wife sang in harmony with each other, each leading the future. For three consecutive years, they stayed for three to five hours at a time, observed meticulously, and shared with us the wonderful time when the epiphyllum bloomed. "Jiangnan Vegetables and Trees. Epiphany" talked about this joy. Photographer Ye Xiaoguang made a picture album for taking photos of epiphyllum; Lu Xiake and Taiyue students sang poetry and poetry: the typhoon brings coolness in the small summer, and the peace of mind is gradually blooming, beautiful and beautiful. People go to leisure, you and me.

Appreciating epiphyllum can make people clear and peaceful. If the earth is compared with the universe, the earth is just "a grain of sand in the Pacific Ocean". Although epiphyllum refers to Fanghua and vigorously, it is also beautiful in an instant and eternal in an instant! For human beings, in a hundred years, there are only more than 36,500 days. In the long river of history, it is really not easy to have Hongni Xueclaw. There is a pair of couplets that say it interestingly: If you don't put aside the suffering you will eventually have, everyone will become famous if they can control it. Horizontal batch: Let go of life. If you can't get rid of it, it's bitter, if you can hold it down, it's a name, and if you can't get rid of it, it's a herringbone. How is life? I appreciate epiphyllum. There is a famous saying in "A Brief History of Human Beings": "The slogan of the new century, happiness comes from the heart".

When there is a lot of honey,

Every year when the flowers bloom, I invite friends to my house to enjoy them together. Flower appreciation is only for those who know flowers. Sometimes we are in the open air, sometimes we move into the living room, sometimes we move into the sun room, relaxing music, burning incense and drinking tea, chatting; In the words of a writer friend, "Looking at the flowers while drunk" is an interesting thing: waiting for the shy beauty to show its beauty bit by bit in the long-awaited. When it is not open, the purple buds are like Xiaojiabiyu; when it is open, it has a magnificence that other flowers cannot match. The white petals stretch out a little bit, like a beauty stretching her waist. , extremely wild, and the posture of closing Xie is also strong and unusual, like a fuchsia, without reducing the posture. Zong Biao, Wang Han and his wife sang in harmony with each other, each leading the future. For three consecutive years, they stayed for three to five hours at a time, observed meticulously, and shared with us the wonderful time when the epiphyllum bloomed. "Jiangnan Vegetables and Trees. Epiphany" talked about this joy. Photographer Ye Xiaoguang made a picture album for taking photos of epiphyllum; Lu Xiake and Taiyue students sang poetry and poetry: the typhoon brings coolness in the small summer, and the peace of mind is gradually blooming, beautiful and beautiful. People go to leisure, you and me.

Appreciating epiphyllum can make people clear and peaceful. If the earth is compared with the universe, the earth is just "a grain of sand in the Pacific Ocean". Although epiphyllum refers to Fanghua and vigorously, it is also beautiful in an instant and eternal in an instant! For human beings, in a hundred years, there are only more than 36,500 days. In the long river of history, it is really not easy to have Hongni Xueclaw. There is a pair of couplets that say it interestingly: If you don't put aside the suffering you will eventually have, everyone will become famous if they can control it. Horizontal batch: Let go of life. If you can't get rid of it, it's bitter, if you can hold it down, it's a name, and if you can't get rid of it, it's a herringbone. How is life? I appreciate epiphyllum. There is a famous saying in "A Brief History of Human Beings": "The slogan of the new century, happiness comes from the heart".

Seeing that the five aggregates are empty, overcome all hardships. Relic, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and the same is true of thinking and knowing. Sarira is the empty phase of all dharmas, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing. That is why there is no color in the air, no thoughts, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, colorless sound, fragrance, vision, even unconsciousness, ignorance, and even death without old age. . There is no suffering to destroy the way, no wisdom and no gain. For nothing. Bodhisattva, according to Prajna Paramita, there is no hindrance to the heart. There is no hindrance, no terror, far away from reversing dreams, and finally Nirvana. The Buddhas of the third age, according to Prajna Paramita,Ayandro Sanchao Bodhi. It is known that Prajna Paramita is a great deity mantra, a great Ming mantra, an infinite mantra, and an infinite mantra, which can get rid of all suffering and is true and true. So sayPrajna ParamitaThat is to say, cursing: uncovering and uncovering, Boluo reveals, Boluo reveals, Bodhisattva. Viewing the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva for a long time, if you practice the deep Prajna Paramita for a long time, you will see that all the five aggregates are empty, and you will endure all hardships. Relic, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and the same is true of thinking and knowing. Relics are the empty phases of all dharmas, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing

Second, structure

Hanyi said

The stroke layout of this font seems random

But cleverly maintained the balance

This makes every word interesting

3. Stroke features
For stroke features
< section>Hanyi mentioned
This font
The lines are lively and lively, with alternate thickness
Make the font dynamic
The overall effect is cheerful
< section>
Fourth, Chinese and Western matching
At the same time, Hanyi elaborated that
the Western letters of this font
absorbed the characteristics of Chinese strokes and lines< /span>
Formed a letter with a simple charm
When Chinese and Western are used together
Presents a better visual effect

When I moved to the living room, sometimes I moved into the sun room, relaxing music, burning incense and drinking tea, chatting; In the words of a friend who is a writer, "Drunk in the light

Hanyi Zengxiang Zen Exhibition
It is reported
Another font by Zeng Xiang
Hanyi Zengxiang’s Children’s Fun will also be launched soon
Zeng Xiang
Yafu, Qutang, Mumutang
1958 Born in Suizhou, Hubei
Chinese National Academy of Painting, Calligraphy and Seal CarvingSecretary General,
Director of Seal Carving Research Institute
As a calligrapher
Zeng Xiang said

"A calligrapher,

First of all, you must be a designer of Chinese characters.

In the past, I used to write Chinese characters

Limited to calligraphy.

If you expand learning calligraphy to

'Learn the Art of Chinese Characters',

Focus on the artistry of Chinese characters,

On the beauty of Chinese characters,

could be more valuable,

Thinking will be more open,

Avant-garde, traditional, classical boundaries

The doesn't exist anymore. "

Zeng Xiang's words

Zeng Xiang's words

Zeng Xiang's words

Zeng Xiang's words

Zeng Xiang's words

Hanyi thinks

Inheritance and change may also bring surprises to everyone

In bamboo slips, stone tablets, paper books, etc.

Under the change of text carrier

All kinds of calligraphy and inscriptions left by the ancients

Achieving Chinese calligraphy

So in today's Internet age

In the field of "Chinese Character Art"

What can we leave for future generations?
Artistsshould not only be limited to the art of calligraphy
should have a broader In the field of "Chinese character art"
As a calligrapher
What do you think of this font?
Please see
for comments

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