birthday ppt:Wouldn't you still be old-fashioned at employee birthday parties? That would be too rustic!-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Wouldn't you still be old-fashioned at employee birthday parties? That would be too rustic!

How will employees celebrate their birthdays?

Setting up the venue→entering the venue→blessing→cutting the cake→singing→distributing gifts→taking a group photo...

I am tired of hearing such a process.

Instead of racking your brains to think of different birthday party plans every month, it is better to directly decide on the theme of the birthday party for one year——Zodiac birthday party!

Event Time

Divided according to the birthdays of different constellations.

For example, if the birth date of Leo is from July 23rd to August 22nd, then the Leo theme birthday party can be set on a date from the end of July to mid-August.

Event Location

Company meeting room, lobby or restaurant.

Birthday benefits

All employees of this constellation can get a beautiful and thoughtful gift prepared by the company;

You can also get prizes through game activities;

All the birthday stars taste the company-made birthday cake together.

Activity process

1. Make activity posters and confirm the list of birthday employees.

2. With Leo as the theme, select employees' birthday gifts, arrange the site with Leo theme, and confirm the items and food needed for the event;

If the budget is limited, the on-site layout can be simplified, using decorative ribbons, PPT and other forms to highlight the constellation theme.

At the same time, in terms of food appearance and gift packaging, Leo-themed elements are highlighted, such as lion dolls, Leo-themed crystal balls, etc.

3. Confirm the activity process (including lines, interactive games, etc.), and make an activity PPT.

4. Customized theme birthday cake.

5. Waiting for everyone to enter (play birthday slideshow, background music "Happy Birthday")

6. The host opens; (best wishes)

7. Message from guests or leaders;

8. Game link

(1) Fight hard

Group PK, prepare a tray for each group, and the person in charge announces the items that need to be found one by one, such as socks, leaves, lipstick, and the group that collects the most specified items within the limited time wins. There is a reward for the winner;

(2) Alarm clock bomb

The alarm clock is set on the mobile phone, and the previous partner asks questions to the next partner and passes the mobile phone on. Finally, when the alarm clock rings, the partner holding the "bomb" needs to be punished or perform a show;

(3) How much are we

Everyone needs to draw lots. There are two denominations of paper lottery: 1 yuan and 5 cents. In each round, the host will say a value, and everyone will combine according to the value they have drawn; Those who quickly combine and successfully correspond to the values ​​can enter the next round, and the losers are eliminated.

9. Sing birthday songs, make birthday wishes, and share birthday cakes;

10. Shouxing employees receive birthday gifts;

11. All took group photos to record beautiful moments~

Rewards and penalties

1. Reward category: it can be a gift, or various redeemable "consumer coupons"

The gift for the game winner at the birthday party is recommended to be based on gifts related to the birthday theme, such as constellations, and various "consumer coupons" can be varied in content, such as " One free afternoon tea", "A cup of coffee that is necessary for migrant workers", "Lunch break extra time coupon: extend the lunch break by 15 minutes", etc.

2. Penalties

You can prepare a lottery box, write many different punishment items in advance, fold them into paper tickets and put them in the box. For example, sing a song, drink someone else's drink, eat a mouthful of mustard, etc.

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