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Word Tips | Word Handwriting Fonts

There are a few tools and tricks we can use to make handwritten fonts in Word to make documents look more interesting and personal. Here are some simple steps: 1. Open the Word document and select the part that needs to add handwriting. 2. Select the "Ins

Today I would like to share with you a very interesting Word trick, which is less practical, but it is good to discover something new after work.

1. How to make handwritten fonts

Handwriting every time at work When it comes to materials,I don’t know what mood everyone is in;
If there is a set of fonts written by myself,< span >Cooperate with a ruthless writing robot
Isn't it! You can realize industrialized copying operations! ! ! Liberate hands and liberate labor force! ! !
So, how to make your own handwritten fonts?
First of all, you need to know some knowledge points:
Chinese characters are encoded in GBK, and there are corresponding characters in Unicode;< /span>
The fonts installed in the computer are usually ttf fonts.

So how to display the text in the Word document in a similar handwritten font form below?
It's very simple, usehandwriting font plugin and handwriting font! Thenselect the font you want in the font bar of the Word document. We can write our own fonts through the website of the corresponding handwriting font library, and then apply them to Word documents.
When you type "bang" with the keyboard, the computer calls its code "B0F4" and finds the shape corresponding to the default font (such as Arial). This shape can be imagined as a photo.

The principle of self-made fonts is to tell the computer that the encoding calls another set of my own pictures. For example, the font I have written for the Chinese character "stick" is like this:

Next, you need to write tens of thousands of Chinese characters by yourself

There is no way to be lazy

But the rest of the photo scanning work can be lazy

Here you can use a website of a handwritten font


This website has a detailed description of fonts

And the download of fonts of various versions

We only need to download the corresponding template in pdf format

Just have a good time transcribing

Follow the instructions on the website to generate your own fonts

Here I will share with you some handwritten fonts and plug-ins, please get them at the end of the article.
The display results are as follows:

Second, how to make the printed font look like handwritten?

How to make the printed font look more like handwriting? In computer documents, even if you use your own handwriting to replace the system font, the effect still looks neat and the text is too regular. The most important thing is ! Consecutive identical words, for example, "hahaha", the three consecutive words are exactly the same, which will make people feel strange;
At the same time, in the document The gaps displayed in the .

Small knowledge points

Let me talk about why the words in the document look regular, It is because each word is like a typeface, one font and one square, whether it is handwritten or system font, it looks very regular;

processing ideas
If you want to make a messy effect, adjust in 4 aspects;
  1. The front and rear spacing of the font (character spacing);
  2. The upper and lower spacing (line spacing);
  3. The upper and lower spacing (line spacing);
  4. Font size (font size);
  5. The width of the font Make adjustments (character scaling)
Basically adjust in two places in the document; one is a paragraph, one It is Character spacing, that is, these two places; (If you want to adjust a little more messy, you can also adjust the position of the characters. For the sake of the overall typesetting effect, the position of the characters will not be adjusted for the time being. Manual adjustment) .

IfI want Word text to look more realistic
It is necessary to increase the entropy of the text. To speak human words is to make it look messy. You can directly use the following lines of VB code
After changing the Word font, directly in the Development tool-Visual Basic finds the corresponding file and inserts the module input code, as follows, making the font more realistic

Attach the VBA code here:
  • li>
Sub font modification()' font modification macroDim R_Character As RangeDim FontSize(5)< span class='code-snippet_outer'>' The font size fluctuates between 5 values, which can be rewrittenFontSize(1) = ' 12'FontSize(2) = '12.5'FontSize(3) = '11.5'FontSize(4) = '12' FontSize(5) = '12'Dim FontName(3)'The font name fluctuates between three fonts, only one is used hereFontName(1) = 'Damienfont'FontName(2) = 'Damienfont' FontName(3) = 'Damienfont'Dim ParagraphSpace(5)'The line spacing is evenly distributed in a certain value below, which can be rewrittenParagraphSpace (1) = '12'ParagraphSpace(2) = '11'ParagraphSpace(3) = '11'ParagraphSpace(4) = '13'ParagraphSpace(5) = '12'' If you don't understand the principle, It is not recommended to modify the following codeFor Each R_Character In ActiveDocument.Characters VBA.Randomize R_Character.Font.Name = FontName(Int(VBA.Rnd * 3) + 1) R_Character.Font.Size = FontSize(Int(VBA.Rnd * 5) + 1) R_Character.Font.Position = Int(VBA.Rnd * 3) + 1 R_Character.Font.Spacing = 0NextApplication.ScreenUpdating = True For Each Cur_Paragraph In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs Cur_Paragraph .LineSpacing = ParagraphSpace(Int(VBA.Rnd * 5) + 1)Next< span class='code-snippet_outer'> Application.ScreenUpdating = TrueEnd Sub
< /section>
Handwriting font plug-in and font download:

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/16EPkabNougTC- owfUVgRTQ

Extraction code: qbek

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