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What font should I start with when practicing pen calligraphy? Here are suggestions!

Portable, convenient and quick. If you want to practice pen calligraphy, here are some font suggestions for beginners: 1. Regular script: Regular script is a relatively standardized font, suitable for beginners. Its stroke structure is clear and highly st

Many friends communicated with us in private. I usually have too little time, and I need to prepare brushes, ink, paper and inkstones to practice calligraphy. Compared with office workers and fast-paced people, it seems a bit extravagant. You can practice pen calligraphy anytime, anywhere, practice when you have time, and stop when you have something to do. I always hope that we can recommend some copybooks and practice methods of hard pen calligraphy.

If one wants to practice calligraphy, of course one cannot do without copybooks. Copybook is the silent teacher for beginners. Beginners should pay special attention to the choice of copybooks, because the quality of copybooks will have a great impact on beginners' practice and future development. Especially for beginners, using brush copybooks to learn pen characters is definitely getting twice the result with half the effort. But calligraphy brush stickers are not easy for beginners. Below we recommend a few well-known contemporary pen characters for your reference!

Just to be clear in advance, we are talking about pen calligraphy.

First, choose the font first

Whether it is a soft pen or a hard pen, there are five styles: regular script, running script, cursive script, official script, and seal script. Modern writing is mostly based on regular script and running script. There are two main principles in choosing a pen to practice calligraphy:

1. Choose your favorite template. If you like it, you will have the enthusiasm to practice it, which will bring smooth progress to beginners;

2. Choose an excellent template recognized by experts. It is true that some low-quality copybooks are popular in the society at present, which is an inevitable phenomenon in the commodity society. If beginners choose randomly, they may go astray, not only wasting time and energy, but also may be contaminated with some bad habits. Therefore, you must be careful when choosing a copybook.

Second, the choice of copybook font

For beginners, should they practice regular script first, running script first, or official script and cursive script first?

For this question, I think: primary school students should practice regular script first; junior middle school students can practice Xingkai; middle school seniors or college students, or teenagers with a certain foundation of regular script can practice Xingshu.

Special attention is that for those with messy fonts, they should discard all their own fonts, practice regular script first, and then practice cursive script. With the foundation of regular script, other fonts will be easy, don't practice cursive script and seal script first.

First of all, let’s take a look at the picture, friends, let’s take a seat, let’s analyze your character from the speed of writing and recommend the fonts for you to practice calligraphy.

1. People who write fast

This kind of person is like a wild horse, unrestrained, free, unrestrained, unrestrained, definitely can't write regular script and official script, running script and cursive script are the most suitable for you. But if you want to control your temper, you can practice regular script secretly at home. What you practice is not the characters, but the heart.

2. People who write slowly

Personality is relatively introverted, warm and moist, in fact, official script is the most suitable for you, but official script is used too little now, let’s practice regular script, stroke by stroke, square and square, just like being a human being, dignified, step by step, and develop steadily .

3. People who write neither fast nor slow

You are a moderate, ha ha. If you want to be fast, you can go fast, if you want to be slow, you can slow down. You have strong self-control and adaptability. Xingkai 4 must be your common font. Use words to train your mind and make things happen with your heart.

Actually, it all depends on your preference. Like this matter, as long as it does not hinder others, it is worthy of respect. Go after it as boldly as possible.

Another picture, this time I won’t explain it, see if I’m right, ha ha!

Second, re-election of idols (word stickers)

Three small selection methods:

1. Find your favorite font visually, that is, a role model for learning. You can only choose one. If there are too many fonts, it will be messy for beginners.

2. Compare the characters written by yourself from the font, and find the most similar one, which is the object you want to copy.

3. If you don't have any, it's easy. Find an idol you admire the most. I don't need to talk about the power of idols. It's an old saying. If you want to become someone, you must first pretend to be that person.

Note: No one is perfect, we are not critics, and we don’t need to stand at the height of literature, we just like beautiful words, take the essence, and cultivate ourselves is our goal.

【Regular script】

1. First place: Tian Yingzhang

Ms. Tian was born in Oukai, has a deep family background, decades of skill, can be called a contemporary masterpiece. The written words seem to be printed, and they have formed their own unique style. Its characteristics are: simple, clear, practical and fast, which can greatly facilitate calligraphy learners to quickly improve their writing skills in a relatively short period of time.

Tian Yingzhang's regular script

Second place: Lu Zhongnan

From the very beginning, I wanted to learn from Lu Zhongnan, but after much deliberation, I think Tian Yingzhang is more suitable. It's not about the level of calligraphy, it's that my calligraphy style is very close to Tian Yingzhang's. Teacher Lu's handwriting is elegant and incorporates elements such as color and style. It is relatively rich and full of color, and the writing is very authentic.

Lu Zhongnan regular script

Third place: Gu Zhongan

Compared with Lu Zhongnan's, Mr. Gu's handwriting seems to be more feminine. It may be that the horizontal strokes are more curved than Lu Zhongnan's, and the overall appearance is round. The same goes for running script, which is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, rigorous and unassuming. It depends on what you like, I think it's a bit restrictive.

Gu Zhongan's regular script

Fourth Place: Ding Yongkang

Teacher Ding's handwriting is very masculine, the structure is like cast steel, and the strokes are exquisite. I personally like it very much. And his inscribed running script is so beautiful that the heart beats faster, it's unbearable!

Ding Yongkang regular script

[Run Script]

First place: Tian Yingzhang

Mr. Tian mainly has the foundation of European style. His running script incorporates the brushwork of Erwang, Zhao Mengfu, and Prince Cheng. It is upright and elegant, magnificent and beautiful! The style is very positive, very plump and sparse. I learned his calligraphy, but I recommend you to have your own style when you reach 80% of the practice. Cursive script not only writes words, but also mood and character.

Tian Yingzhang running script

Second place: Qian Peiyun

Ms. Qian's running script has the trinity style of "show, strength, and smoothness", which is smooth and joyful; many people start to learn hard-tipped pen calligraphy by copying Mr. Qian's fonts. His characters are thin and long, suitable for friends who write thin and thin characters.

Qian Peiyun running script

Third place: Gu Zhongan

Teacher Gu's handwriting is also full of traditional skills and the atmosphere of the times. His running script is smooth and unrestrained, but it is vigorous and elegant, and it also has the charm of brush calligraphy. His solid foundation and years of hard work have made his calligraphy popular among readers, and I personally think it is relatively easy to learn.

Gu Zhongan's running script

Fourth place: Sima Yan

Recommended for entry-level enthusiasts. Its characteristics are concise and clear, without muddy water, less cursive strokes in running script, and solid basic skills. Sima Yan's handwriting is very popular, and the one that suits most people is the best.

Sima Yan's running script

Fifth place: Wu Yusheng

Ms. Wu's running script is chic, smooth and convenient, free and easy, beautiful and durable, although it is not easy to get started, but if you really work hard, the effect is great, and the writing is very comfortable.

Wu Yusheng running script

Sixth place: Shen Honggen

Mr. Shen's handwriting is very vigorous and sinister, soft and full of bones. It has the legacy of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the foundation of Mi Fu, and the free and easy style of Huang Tingjian, but it is not recommended for beginners. The characters are supported by a deep cursive foundation.

Shen Honggen running script

Seventh Place: Zhang Xiu

Finally, I recommend a female master. Her character is strength in the beauty, charm in the beauty, and simplicity in the beauty. Both regular script and Xingkai are available, and the style is very high, which is very suitable for girls as a template for temporary writing.

Zhang Xiukaishu

Zhang Xiu's running script

The above recommendations and evaluations only represent personal analysis and sharing from the perspective of glyphs and preferences. Of course, there are many others. In the future, friends can recommend to study and discuss together when practicing calligraphy. Thank you!

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