:"WPS Contract Management Premium Course: Guide to Efficient Uploading of Contract Documents"-WPS skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

"WPS Contract Management Premium Course: Guide to Efficient Uploading of Contract Documents"

Okay, the following is the rewritten content, retaining the HTML and image address information in the original text: ---### Contract Management System Document Upload Tutorial#### How to upload contract documents- **Upload document method** : You can upload contract documents to the system by clicking the upload button or adding attachments. #### View and edit contract documents - **Browse files**: In the "Documents" section, you can browse all contract documents. - **File Preview and Editing**: Click the icon in the upper right corner of the file to preview the file. If necessary, you can download the file to your local computer for editing. #### Print contract documents - **Print operation**: If you need to print contract documents, you can enter the contract page and click the menu bar in the upper left corner and select the print option. #### Problem consultation and help - **Customer Service Support**: If you encounter any problems, you can scan the QR code to join the contract management customer service group to get professional help and support. ---The following are links to pictures and video resources in the original text for reference: - **Video tutorial link**: [Contract management system usage tutorial video](https://font2020.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs. com/wps/videos/e594a76a068ca0c64476d6e2ab6ae518-min.mp4)- **Method Image**:![Method.png](https://font2020.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/wps/images/0d91795edc000ab021bee695df6295e6.png )- **Operation demonstration GIF**:![Recording_2022_02_24_15_54_23_614.gif](https://font2020.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/wps/images/197b5bd31b3ed80c941724aa912552b7.gif)- **Document browsing and editing GIF**:![Recording_2022_02_24_15_55_03_252.gif](https://font2020.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/wps/images/df09712379e2cca6011f76964a08249c.gif)- **Print operation GIF**:![Recording_ 2022_02_24_15_55_42_452.gif](https://font2020.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/wps/images/647aed5ea96df442fa3d638fa18feaab.gif)- **Customer service group scan code picture**:![xiezuo20220614-100149.p ng](https ://font2020.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/wps/images/867e257ac21ba127b64652672311a7c6.png)---Please note that the links in the above content need to be used in the corresponding HTML tags to ensure that multimedia resources can be displayed correctly .

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/WPS-he-tong-guan-li-jing-pin-ke-he-tong-wen-dang-gao-xiao-shang-chuan-zhi-nan.html

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