:WPS rice husk function rice husk lesson preparation-WPS skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

WPS rice husk function rice husk lesson preparation

  • Picture and text skills

In daily lesson preparation work, whether you need to collect a lot of information, WPS's "rice husk lesson preparation" function has accumulated 5 million+ test papers, lesson plans, real questions and other resources, fragmented content Collect and easily obtain knowledge points and questions.



■First open WPS Office, click the "App" button in the lower left corner of the homepage, search for "Rice Husk Lesson Preparation" in the "Application Center" interface, and click to open "Rice Husk Lesson Preparation" Function, "Rice Husk Lesson Preparation" provides you with courseware, lesson plans, tutorial plans, test papers, question banks, etc. for a variety of subjects. We can choose subjects, teaching materials, textbooks, and search for exam questions and materials in the search box above.


If we want to create a slideshow courseware for the junior high school Chinese subject - Zhu Ziqing's prose "Back View", first Select "Junior High School Chinese" and search for "Back View" in the search box. At this time, all documents related to "Back View" will be displayed. Select "Courseware" to display the relevant slide courseware of "Back View", select and open all We can browse the current slide content by selecting the required courseware slides.



If you want to quickly convert "Back View" 》Copy and paste the slides in the courseware into your own courseware. You can click the "Collect" button in the lower left corner of the slide to collect the slides into the collection collector. We can use the "Rice Husk Lesson Preparation" function , collect courseware, lesson plans, and topics, so how do you paste the slides in the collection collector into your own courseware?

In the "Navigation Bar" on the right, click the "Rice Husk Collection" button. Here you can view the courseware slides collected through "Rice Husk Lesson Preparation". Just click it. Quickly paste into your own courseware.



In addition, the "rice husk collection" that goes with lesson preparation can also help us, Quickly copy and paste content into your own documents.

Take this document as an example. If we want to copy multiple sentences of highlighted text and images, it is very troublesome to copy one sentence and then switch documents to paste. At this time, we can use "Rice Husk Collection" Function. Copy the content while browsing the text. Finally, go back to your document and click the "Navigation Bar" on the right - "Rice Husk Collection" button. The "Rice Husk Collection" function will help us collect it. Collect copied multiple paragraphs of text and quickly paste them into the document with a click.



In the "Settings" in the upper left corner of "Rice Husk Collection", we can set the collection content. If you only collect the content copied in WPS Office, you can also set the contents of all clipboards, including browsers and other content. If you want to clear all collected content, you can click "Clear" in "Local Storage Data".



Come and use the "Rice Husk Lesson Preparation" function to start a new writing and checking creative experience Bar!

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/WPS-dao-ke-gong-neng-dao-ke-bei-ke.html

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