:WPS defense assistant quickly creates defense slides-WPS skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

WPS defense assistant quickly creates defense slides

  • Picture and text skills

WPS's defense assistant function can quickly and customizedly generate graduation defense presentation templates based on major, style, and outline structure.

The following shows you how to use this function.


▪Click Features-More-Resource Center-Defense Assistant in the menu bar above.

At this time, in the "Defense Assistant" on the sidebar, you can quickly select a theme template according to your profession and style.

For example, if you choose the "Law" major, the style is "Business" style.


▪At this point we can see that WPS intelligence selects and recommends presentation slides that meet the requirements for us.

You can then quickly insert presentation slides corresponding to the content direction according to the theme, abstract, structure, introduction, ideas, practices, results and summary of the defense.


Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/WPS-da-bian-zhu-shou-kuai-su-zhi-zuo-da-bian-huan-deng-pian.html

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