:VLOOKUP function matches data from two tables in seconds-Table skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

VLOOKUP function matches data from two tables in seconds

  • Image and text skills

The data source and query table are not on the same worksheet. Are you still copying and pasting one by one?

Use the Vlookup function to match data from two different tables in seconds!


■In the query results table, position the cursor at C3 cell, click the Insert Function button, and find "vlookup"; span>


"Lookup value" is the product to be queried item, enter "B3";

"Data table" is the data source area, Switch to the queried table , selectB2:E13 area;

"Column data" refers to which column the target column is in the entire framed area, and "order quantity" is in column 2. Fill in 2;

"Matching conditions"is divided into exact search0 and Fuzzy search 1, precise search is required here, enter 0;


At this time, you can quickly match the data of the two tables~

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/VLOOKUP-han-shu-miao-su-pei-liang-biao-shu-ju.html

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