:Use Photoshop to teach you how to make a 3D metal text effect-empirical point of view免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Use Photoshop to teach you how to make a 3D metal text effect

Sorry, being a text mod, I can't directly browse the internet or download files. But I can give you some general guidelines to make 3D metallic lettering. To make 3D metal fonts, you need to prepare the following materials: 1. Font: choose a suitable font

Materials to prepare

1. Font: Anton

2. Materials

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1CMMBE0fCbmMU51ONcmGeHA

Extraction code: xcjh

Step 1. Open PS, create a new 850*500 canvas, and then find a metal texture material from the Internet and paste it into the background. These two materials, green onion, are also ready for you. After downloading, click Install, and the material will be directly installed in PS. .

2. To make a dark background to highlight the font, you need to add a black layer with 50% opacity.

Blending Mode: Normal

Color: #000000

Opacity: 50%

3. Enter the text GOLD, select the font Anton, and click Center Alignment and Vertical Alignment on the menu bar. Duplicate the GOLD text layer and name it "GOLD A" for the top layer and "GOLD B" for the bottom layer. Because these two layers will be used when doing 3D effects later.

Font size: 230px

Word spacing: - 20

Color: #ffffff

4. To add an effect to the GOLD A layer, choose Layer Style > Pattern Overlay, click on the pattern box, and select Pattern02 from the list. This texture will serve as the base for the metal effect.

5. To create a shiny look, choose Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss and use the following values.

Style: inner bevel

Technology: Smooth

Depth: 675%

Direction: Up

Size: 190px

soften: 0 px

Light source angle: 90º

Light source height: 30º

Now we will add the previously installed "CustomContours.shc" file. Click the Gloss Contour dropdown icon and select the contour named "CustomContour01"

Now we can proceed:

Highlight Mode: Linear Dodge (Add)

Display color: #ebe89b

Opacity: 30%

Shadow Mode: Color Dodge

Shadow Color: #655f54

Opacity: 40%

6. Choose Layer Style > Inner Shadow and use the settings shown below to lighten the edges.

Blending Mode: Vivid Light

Opacity: 50%

Color: #ffffff

Angle: 90º

Distance: 1 px

Blocking: 0%

Size: 0 p x

Noise: 0%

7. Choose Layer Style > Inner Glow, and use the settings shown below to emphasize the brightened edges.

Blending Mode: Color Dodge

Opacity: 20%

Noise: 0%

Color: #ffffff

Method: Soft

Margins: Check

Blocking: 0%

Size: 3px

Now we will add the previously installed "CustomContours.shc" file. Click the Contour dropdown icon and select the contour named "CustomContour02".

Now we can proceed:

Range: 50%

Jitter: 0%

8. Now we will emphasize the highlights to give more realism to the metallic effect. Choose Layer Style > Glossy and use the settings shown below.

Blending Mode: Color Dodge

Color: #fffae6

Opacity: 20%

Angle 90º

Distance: 150px

Size: 230px

Now we will add the previously installed "CustomContours.shc" file. Click the Contour dropdown icon and select the contour named "CustomContour03".

9. Create a Gradient Overlay that will give a softer golden effect. Open the Layer Style again and modify the Gradient Overlay settings to the following values.

Blending Mode: Darken

Opacity: 100%

Style: Linear

Angle 90º

Scale: 100%

Click Gradient Bar and create a gradient with the following settings:

Tip: To create a new point in the gradient, you must click below the gradient bar. Click on each color stop to modify the position and color.

First Stop Color: #8e6617

Top position: 0%

Second station color: #876b2c

Second station position: 25%

The third stop color: #997a35

The third station: 45%

The fourth stop color: #e0b545

The fourth station: 67%

The fifth station color: #947632

Fifth station: 83%

Sixth station color: #886218

Sixth station position: 53%

10. In order to make the metal texture more realistic, you need to continue to add layer masking, select Layer Style > Color Overlay and set the following values.

Blending Mode: Hue

Color: #fff0c9

Opacity: 100%

11. In order to make the metal look thick, another layer needs to be styled. Select the GOLD B layer and use Control-T to adjust the width of the font.

12. Add the same pattern to match the texture and color of the two text layers, go to Layer Style > Pattern Overlay, click on the pattern box and select Pattern02 from the list, this texture will be used as 3D basis of the effect.

Now set the following values:

Blending Mode: Normal

Opacity: 100%

13. Now we will create a gradient overlay that will give a depth 3D effect. Open the Layer Style again and modify the Gradient Overlay settings to the following values:

Blending Mode: Overlay

Opacity: 100%

Style: Linear

Angle 90º

Click Gradient Bar and create a gradient with the following settings:

Remember: To create a new point in the gradient, you must click under the gradient bar. Click on each color stop to modify the position and color.

First Stop Color: #1a1b1e

Top position: 0%

Second station color: #525458

Second station position: 15%

The third stop color: #83878c

The third station: 31%

Fourth station color: #eff0ee

The fourth station: 41%

The fifth stop color: #ffffff

Fifth station: 46%

Sixth station color: #797d82

Sixth station position: 53%

Second station color: #5d6063

Second station position: 59%

The third stop color: #4e5057

The third station: 65%

The fourth stop color: #3c3e45

The fourth station: 72%

The fifth station color: #4e5057

Fifth station: 82%

Sixth station color: #1a1b1e

Sixth station position: 100%

14. Select Layer Style>Color Overlay and set the following values.

Blending Mode: Hard Light

Color: #443a1d

Opacity: 100%

15. We're going to add some "rusty shadows" to the bottom text layer, go to Layer Style > Inner Shadow.

Use the previously installed "CustomContours.shc" file. Click the Contour dropdown icon and select the contour named "CustomContour04".

Complete the inner shadow using the values ​​shown below:

Blending Mode: Soft Light

Color: #000000

Opacity: 2 0%

Angle: -41º

Distance: 28 px

Blocking: 100%

Size: 0px

16 Add some shadows to separate the text from the background, layer style > Outer Glow and use the values ​​shown below.

Blending Mode: Darken

Opacity: 80%

Variation: 20%

Color: #000000

Method: soft

Spread: 0%

Size: 30%

Outline: default

Range: 50%

Jitter: 0%

17. This is the last step! We'll add some sharp shadows for a rich lighting look. Choose Layer Style > Drop Shadow and use the values ​​shown in the image below.

Blending Mode: Normal

Color: #010101

Opacity: 20%

Angle: 90º

Distance: 20px

Expansion: 100px

Size: 5px

The final effect is as follows:

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/Use%20Photoshop%20to%20teach%20you%20how%20to%20make%20a%203D%20metal%20text%20effect.html

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