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Use AE to make simple stroke font animation

First open the AE software, you need to create a new composition. Enter the required text in the composition, preferably a sans-serif font with the same thickness for each stroke, and center-aligned. Right-click the text and click "Create Shape from Text". Press ctrl+d to copy 5 text outlines (copy as many letters as there are), and create pre-composites respectively.

Each text layer only retains the current letter (for example, the layer where S is located, delete several letters of HANA, and only keep S). Using the Pen Tool, click on the "Tool Create Mask" option and start drawing paths on the letters. After drawing, select Stroke in Effect-Generate. color matching. You can choose your favorite color card from the Internet, for example, at http://www.colorhunt.co/, find a color scheme you like, and throw the screenshot into AE , draw with the mouse at any time. Adjust the brush hardness of the stroke to 100%, adjust the brush size to be similar to the stroke thickness of the text, the painting style to display the original image, and the K frame for the "end" option. Fine-tune the pen path until the stroke completely fits the text, select Fill in Effect-Generate, and absorb the color you found. If there are 6 colors, copy 6 layers, absorb the colors respectively, and stagger the time axis backwards one by one to form an animation. Play the animation and you will find that the color of the previous layer will show through the edges of the letters. Select the 6 layers of the letter and press the T key to bring up the opacity option, and set the opacity K frame from 100% to 0% to eliminate such noise. Enter "end" (English version is end) in the search bar of the layer panel, and the end command keyframes of all layers will appear. Select all keyframes, right-click the keyframe, and select "Easy", and you can also open the chart Editor, manually adjust the keyframe curve to make the animation smooth. The same is done for other letters. After everything is done, add a solid color background and output it as a PNG, and save it as a GIF in PS~<( ̄︶ ̄)>

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A little more AE basic key frame guide animation knowledge

Let's talk about the style differences between keyframes, and focus on showing all animations of different styles, using only two keyframes to complete

Topics covered: linear keyframes, easing keyframes, Seibel keyframes, spatial keyframes, freeze frame keyframes, graph editors, custom animations,

Simply talk about the keyframes in AE

1. The most basic diamond keyframe, the most common keyframe.

2. Easing in and out of key frames can make the animation movement smooth, and it can be realized by pressing the F9 key.

3. Arrow-shaped keyframes are similar to the previous keyframes, just to achieve a smooth section of the animation, including in-point smooth keyframes and out-point smooth keyframes. It is realized by ctrl+shift+F9.

4. The circular key frame is also a smooth key frame, which makes the animation curve smooth and controllable. The method of realization is to press and hold the ctrl key and click the key frame.

5. Square key frame, this kind of key frame is quite special, it is a key frame for rigid change, it is commonly used in text transformation animation, you can change multiple text sources in one text layer to achieve the effect without multiple layers To make different text transformation effects, put a key frame on the source text option of the text layer, which is the key frame.

Both are stop keyframes. Can be toggled on right-click to keep keyframes from getting.

1. It is the state after the curve keyframe is converted into a stop keyframe.

2. It is the state when ordinary linear keyframes are converted to stop keyframes, which stops the animation during the period.

(hold interpolation, there is no transition between keyframes. With hold interpolation, the first keyframe keeps its value until the next keyframe, which suddenly changes.)< /span>

Tips: If you don't know what the current frame is, select the current frame and press cmd+option+k to display the current frame status

Sometimes being hazy is a treat, isn't it?

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